KM, Agents, E-learning

2004 References

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  • Cognitive Agents
  • Knowledge Management

  • Multi-Agent Systems

    Enembreck F., Barthès, J-P. A. 2004. MAIS – Un système multi-agents pour la recherche d’information sur web. Document Numérique, VOL 8/3 - 2004 - pp.83-106
    Desnoix G., Barthès, J-P. A. 2004. A Software Workshop for Cooperative Design Using Software Components. Proc. CSCWD04, Xiamen, RPC. Mai.
    Enembreck F., Thouvenin I., Abel M-H., Barthès J-P.A. 2004. An Ontology-Based Multi-Agent Environment to Improve Collaborative Design. Proc. COOP’04. 6th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative  Systems,
    Enembreck F., Barthès J-P.A., Avila B.C. 2004. Personalizing Information Retrieval with Multi-Agent Systems, In Eighth International Workshop CIA 2004 on Cooperative Information Agents, 2004, Erfurt, Germany. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series LNCS 3191. Berlin: Kluwer Publishers, 2004. p.77 - 91
    Enembreck F., Barthès J-P.A., Braulio C. A. 2004. Dialog with a Personnal Assistant In: XVII Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence - SBIA'04, 2004, São Luís. Advances in Artificial intelligence - SBIA'04. LNAI 3171, Springer-Verlag, 2004. p.204 - 213.
    Paraiso E., Barthès J-P.A. 2004. Une interface conversationnelle pour les agents assistants appliqués à des activités professionnelles, in IHM 04 - Conference sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, (Namur, Belgique, 2004), ACM Press, 243-246.
    Paraiso E., Barthès J-P.A., Tacla C.A. 2004. A Speech Architecture for Personal Assistants in a Knowledge Management Context, in ECAI 2004 - 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (Valencia, Espagne, 2004), IOS Press, 971-972.
    Tacla CA, Barthès J-PA. 2004. A Multi-Agent Architecture for Evolving Memories. AMKM 2003: agent-mediated knowledge management: Stanford CA, 24-26 March 2003, revised and invited papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2926, 388-404. Springer, Berlin.

    Knowledge Management

    Tacla CA, Barthès J-PA. 2004. A Multi-Agent Architecture for Evolving Memories. AMKM 2003: agent-mediated knowledge management: Stanford CA, 24-26 March 2003, revised and invited papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2926, 388-404. Springer, Berlin.
    Last modified 18/3/05