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Ergun Software for Boilers

Working Environment

"Ergun for Boilers" software takes advantage of the Ergun working envirnment for data processing, results files management and results digrams copy and export.

The Ergun Software uses the latest data processing technology and computer science tools. The program is designed to minimize the time needed for a design study. The Data preparation sheet is composed of a simple "click and type" grid where units, notation and descriptions are presented.

 Results Presentation and management

Results obtained after each step of calculation are always presented in graphes and diagrams for a better understanding of the system. These results are also available in simple text files ready to be pasted into a word processor.


Ergun working environment provides the possibility of copying and pasting figures ans diagrams from any form into any other Windows(c) application.



Ergun Work Environment


The Data Files are clearlt presented including all the necessary data for a complete project.


Example of Results presentation in simple text format. "Copy & "Paste" functionality is always available to export results.


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