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Modeling, Design and Expert Analysis of Fluidized Bed Systems
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Ergun Software for Bubbling Beds

Cyclone design

The design of cyclones has long time been considered as a "pragmatic art" that does not required a scientific knowledge of their complex hydrodynamic behaviour. This has been the basis of a number of "empirical" methods that always produced results far from the practice reality.

There are diverse approaches of cyclone modeling and design:

1. The "Time of flight" concept is based on the residence time of a particle in the cyclone. If this time is enough long for the particle to touch the wall it will be captured, otherwise the particle may leave the cyclone via the vortex finder. This method is mainly developed by Zenz and al.

2. The "Equilibrium Orbit" model has been initially developed by Barth and al. and recently improved by Muschelknaut and co-workers.

3. Some other models based on the relation between the pressure drop and the "cut size" in the cyclone (Rietema's model in example).

Also, a number of correlations and methods are proposed in the scientific literature to estimate the pressure drop through the cyclone.

Ergun software provides divers possibilities for the modeling of cyclones. The "Virtual Expert" checks out systematically the reliability of the results obtained. The results obtained are presented in practical diagrams with all details in full text files with "Copy to clip board" functionality.




Ergun Design Technology

Simplified scheme of particle caption in a cyclone (Time of Flight Model)

example of results diagram as presented in "Cyclones" module


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