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Analysis of French and European Market
in the field of Programming Support (Software) for Quality Management

Référence bibliographique à rappeler pour tout usage :
Analysis of French and European Market in the field of Programming Support (Software) for Quality Management, Natalia Chevchenko,
Projet d'Intégration, Mastère Spécialisé Normalisation, Qualité, Certification, Essai (NQCE), UTC, 2006-2007,
URL : https://www.utc.fr/mastermq ; Université de Technologie de Compiègne

Partout dans le monde, les entreprises à la recherche du maintien ou de l’amélioration de leur compétitivité, visent l’excellence de leurs résultats. Ce fait, conduit à la nécessité d’utiliser des logiciels de management de la qualité, notamment ceux qui permettent la maîtrise et l’amélioration des processus, facilitant l’acceptation des standards et l’application des procédures et assurant que les problèmes sont identifiés et pris en compte. Cependant, il ne s’agit pas uniquement d’un problème relatif à l’usage des logiciels. Les développeurs de logiciels pour la qualité doivent répondre aux finalités visées par les utilisateurs et satisfaire leurs exigences. Ce rapport présente la situation actuelle en France et en Europe avec ses faiblesses et ses bénéfices.

Mots clés:
qualité, logiciels, développeurs de logiciels de management de la qualité, utilisateurs de logiciels de management de la qualité, aide à la décision.


In order to gain and keep the competitive edge, lean businesses around the world by relying on the most comprehensive and effective results, there is a necessity for applying the Quality Management Softwares, whose involve the software for Process - monitoring and improving the process, making sure that any agreed-upon standards and procedures are followed, and ensuring that problems are found and dealt with. But it is not only the question of the software users. The quality software developers should answer to the customer purposes; have to satisfy to their requirements. This report presents the nowdays quality management software situation in France and in Europe with its weaknesses and benefits.

Key words: quality management, softwares, quality management software developers, quality management software users, decision making scheme.


I would like to thank Mr Jean-Pierre CALISTE, tutor and manager of this Project, and Mr Gilbert Farges for the possibility and challenge to work on this interesting and worth subject. And I am very appreciate for their helpful input, patience and time during this work. Also I would like to be grateful to all who responded to my call for assistance to European Organization for Quality (EOQ). The experience and knowledge of the people working with the same questions and coming from Austria, Germany, Italy, Norway, United States are very useful for me.


  1. Introduction
  2. What is “Quality Management Software” and “Software” in general terms
  3. Analysis of existing situation
  4. Advantages of using QM Software
  5. Disadvantages of using QM Software
  6. Evaluating compliance system
  7. Determining the best QM Software supplier
  8. Conclusion
  9. Project planning
  10. Bibliography

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The software industry has positive shift in number of companies putting quality assurance and management as a top priority. Organizations are beginning to realize that proper techniques not only reduce costs, but also provide a competitive edge in the marketplace.
This report is aimed to clear up the existing situation of European market of quality management (QM) software and especially in France. It presents the analysis results of number of QM software, and their compliances with users requirements.

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2. What is "Quality management Software" and "Software" in general terms

Software is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system (hardware). This includes application software such as a word processor, which enables a user to perform a task, and system software such as an operating system, which enables other software to run properly, by interfacing with hardware and with other software.

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Thus, the Application software is a defined subclass of computersoftware that employs the capabilities of a computer directly to a task that the user wishes to perform.
This should be contrasted with system software which is involved in integrating a computer's various capabilities, but typically does not directly apply them in the performance of tasks that benefit the user.
The term application refers to both the application software and its implementation.

The QM Software involves the entire software development PROCESS - monitoring and improving the process, making sure that any agreed-upon standards and procedures are followed, and ensuring that problems are found and dealt with. It is oriented to 'prevention'.

The existing Quality Software types could be devoted to the following quality activities:

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And the developed quality software is implemented in the following areas:

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Example of software application of “Lean & Mean Business Systems solution” is presented at the following figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1

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Figure 2

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3. Analysis of existing situation

The presented below quality software developing companies, working the French market, were observed:

1.    2io Conseil www.2ioconseil.fr
2.    Qualigram www.qualigram.com
3.    PROACTEAM www.proacteam.com
4.    ISIWARE-Group ISILOG www.isiware.fr
5.    QUALIOS www.qualios.com
6.    JII www.jii.fr
7.    QUALIMS www.qualims.com
8.    SecureXLS SAS www.securexls.com
9.    ENNOV www.ennov.com
10.    IGRAFX www.igrafx.de
11.    QUAL’NET www.qualnet.fr
12.    AVANTEAM www.avanteam.fr
13.    AVISTA www.avista.com
14.    RVR Systems www.rvrsystem.com
15.    SKILL SOFTWARE www.skillsoftware.com
16.    BOEHME&WEIHS www.boehm-weihs.fr
17.    SIVECO www.siveco.com
18.    Scoqi www.Scoqi.com
19.    StatGraphics www.statgraphics.com
20.    Minitab www.minitab.com
21.    Knowledge Based Systems www.kbsi.com
22.    Quasar Solutions www.quasar-solutions.fr

The presented information describes the now days situation in France. It’s possible to see that market is largely covered by national (French) developers companies. At the same time in the others European countries the situation seems more different. The analysis of European software market lets make the conclusion that the American software developers predominate.

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4. Advantages of using QM Software

The overview of software company activities allows showing a numerous of evident advantages by quality software implementation, among them are:

Reduced Administration Costs
General reduction of administrative time and overhead leading increases efficiency and hence lower costs. Eliminating the 'paper trail' of manual systems reduces the amount of supplies required to maintain the documents i.e. less paper, copying, mailing etc…

More Efficient Operations
Distributing paper copies of documents is not only costly, it is also slow. Circulating papers around a company can take days and within that delay different people could be working with different versions, and view the oldest version of an approved document. It helps to avoid costly mistakes. 
Greater responsiveness makes it easy to introduce new employees to the system and makes them productive earlier. And quality software enables to schedule audits easily and quickly.

Accessibility from anywhere at any time
It is allow to be accessed by all identified users from anywhere in the world at any time
Low deployment costs means that the documentation, and audits can be accessed by any entire organization (include partners, suppliers and sub-contractors in your workflow without the need for complex installation).

Very Cost Effectiveness
To access it by the Internet and no client installation required, give rather low cost of  deployment.

Ensures Compliance
It is ensure that company staff follow accepted work-flow and procedures and it is ensure a consistent approach throughout the organization. This demonstrates competency and ensures that new procedures are quickly integrated into the process.
It lets to build-up a sound history of dealing with customer issues and with audits results, to establish a demonstrable level of expertise and generate strong customer confidence in business processes.

The following Ishikawa diagram (Figure 3) presents these all discussed aspects of the advantages of using quality management software.

Figure 3: Advantages of using QM Software

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5. Disadvantages of using QM Software

It is also necessary to point out the existing disadvantages by using QM software such as:

Miscommunication or No communication
As to specifics of what an application should or shouldn't do (the application's requirements).

Software complexity
The complexity of current software applications can be difficult to comprehend for anyone without experience in modern-day software development. Multi-tiered applications, client-server and distributed applications, data communications, enormous relational databases, and sheer size of applications have all contributed to the exponential growth in software/system complexity.

Programming errors
Programmers, like anyone else, can make mistakes. And these mistakes are often difficult to identify
Changing requirements (whether documented or undocumented)
The end-user may not understand the effects of changes, or may understand and request them anyway - redesign, rescheduling of engineers, effects on other projects, work already completed that may have to be redone or thrown out, hardware requirements that may be affected, etc. If there are many minor changes or any major changes, known and unknown dependencies among parts of the project are likely to interact and cause problems, and the complexity of coordinating changes may result in errors. In this case, management must understand the resulting risks.

Time pressures
Scheduling of software projects is difficult at best, often requiring a lot of guesswork. When deadlines loom and the crunch comes, mistakes will be made.

Poorly documented code
It is tough to maintain and modify code that is badly written or poorly documented; the result is bugs. In many organizations management provides no incentive for programmers to document their code or write clear, understandable, maintainable code.

Software development tools
Visual tools, class libraries, compilers, scripting tools, etc. often introduce their own bugs or are poorly documented, resulting in added bugs.

The following Ishikawa diagram (Figure 4) presents these all discussed aspects of the disadvantages of using quality management software.

Figure 4: Disadvantages of using QM Software

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6. Evaluating compliance system

There are sound, objective criteria of organization can be used to evaluate and select the right software solution. The companies seek solutions to optimize the returns they originally expected from their compliance and quality management systems. Software should be determined by the users of the product in a specific business situation. Different business characteristics require different types of software products, not only to do different things, but also to cater to how different people want to carry out their tasks. This can be subjective and cannot be determined only on the basis of quantative metrics.

Following are essential features in any final compliance solution which should be opened:

Capable content
Is the solution's technical content complete and accurate in addressing relevant quality and compliance requirements? Does it do so in a logical manner consistent with accepted industry "good quality" practices?
For the end user, there's a huge difference, between a quality solution developed by software professionals and a software solution developed by quality professionals. This factor is equally important in ensuring that solution providers understand and react to future changes in compliance standards in a reasonable and timely manner. To be sure, ask for the backgrounds of their subject-matter experts.

Collaborative real-time data
Characteristics in the solution should be as current as possible. The system should provide e-mail-based messaging that gives users both appropriate information and specific, relevant directions for action. Data access and entry capabilities should be expected from anywhere in the world at any time. All time-sensitive activities, such as pending document approvals, corrective action, requests and customer complaints, should have configurable alerts, alarms and escalation that work within user company's messaging system.

Ease of use and deployment
Installing, configuring and deploying the solution should not be an excessively time-consuming project. Indeed, every business system requires planning, forethought and preparation before implementation.

Environmental administration
Managing the system in the company's information technology environment includes considering network topology, security, messaging, bandwidth, data storage, backup, and disaster recovery. There could also be hidden, project costs had not be considered, such as new or additional servers, upgrading client machines or other non quality system issues. The solution provider should furnish information and work with company user, IT group on these issues in advance of the purchase.
Application administration
This includes planning the user community and incorporating the new system's functionality into existing workflow and quality processes. It should be able to define user nomenclature, glossary of terms and template layout within the system. Time scales, security access, roles and responsibilities should be established and maintained without any special programming or computer skills. The software's user interface should be intuitive and easy to master and to navigate.

Global organizations should be able to leverage resources and production capacity by working collaboratively within the system on documents, shared-suppliers data, customer information, design engineering and quality-planning data. Various sites and business units should be able to call upon anyone in the enterprise, regardless of physical location, to participate in a document or process workflow. Escalation time frames and responsible parties should be logical and configurable across the enterprise. System security should control data access and manage workflow participation within large groups of people in a sustainable manner. Time stamps, where useful, should reflect the date and time in a format that supports participation across various formats and time zones.

Integration and compatibility
The selected system should work seamlessly with other applications, such as the Microsoft Office suite, various graphics and flowcharting tools, common enterprise resource planning programs and relational systems.

Executive summaries and reporting
The package should facilitate extracting and managing data, including graphs, charts and drill-down reporting. The reports should be user-defined and configurable.

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7. Determining the best software supplier

There are many products and systems there to choose from, most of which operate on different platforms and address various compliance standards. Selecting and implementing a software system requires communication and service. It is very important that the users of quality software are comfortable with the application and with the supplier; much of internal success will depend on both of them. In the long run, taking the time to research the right system for uses organization will pay off with more than just cost savings.

When users begin looking for a solution, the following should be done:

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8. Conclusion

The carried out analysis shows that there are a high number of software makers and suppliers for this market in France and at European level. At the same time there is no any labeling neither for software developers, nor for quality software itself (for example, French Movement for Quality (MFQ) in the end of 1990’s tried unsuccessfully to establish model for software labeling). It is possible to outline software market as an “open market”, where “every user” claims various functionalities for the purposes indicated above.

There is no authority or database which verifies or classifies information about software developers. But procuring an application is not the solution - unless there is a Management system solution to configure the selected application with. For this purpose quite some effort is required to make the organization and its users satisfied in the end. But the greatest problem is how to arrange, describe and select information in a database with a very large number of products.

As the issue of this problem solving is to follow to the experience of American Society for Quality (ASQ) and to establish the model of Certified Software Quality Engineer, who understands software quality development and implementation, software inspection, testing, verification and validation and who implements software development and maintenance processes and methods to satisfy the user’s requirements.

As a final conclusion it is possible to suggest relying on “Decision Making Scheme” where each software user defines the priorities by itself and according to the gotten results makes the right decision on what Quality Management Software and which QM software developer is preferable.

The following figure 5 shows the repartition of the analyzed software companies according to the application area and the classification of the Quality Management Software (the number, shown in the cells, corresponds to those one which are listed previously, see the list of software developers).

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Figure 5: "Decision Making Scheme"

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Project Planning

This project is elaborated by using planning chart  - “Gantt diagram” (Figure 6). The project results are achieved by determining working period (30 October, 2006 – 22 January, 2007) and dividing it into several time phases according to the developing tasks and subtasks.  
The project is developed on the basis of studying and analysis of the documentation of the QM software developing companies, technical literature and on basis of searching the information on Internet.

Figure 6: "Gantt Diagram"

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  • ISO/IEC 15504-1:2004, Information technology -- Process assessment -- Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary
  • ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003, Information technology -- Process assessment -- Part 2: Performing an assessment
  • ISO/IEC 15504-3:2004, Information technology -- Process assessment -- Part 3: Guidance on performing an assessment
  • ISO/IEC 15504-4:2004, Information technology -- Process assessment -- Part 4: Guidance on use for process improvement and process capability determination
  • ISO/IEC 15504-5:2006, Information technology -- Process Assessment -- Part 5: An exemplar Process Assessment Model
  • ISO/IEC 12207:1995, Information technology -- Software life cycle processes
  • ISO/IEC 12207:1995/Amd 1:2002
  • ISO/IEC 12207:1995/Amd 2:2004
  • The Quality Improvement Glossary, Donald L. Siebels, 370 pages. ISBN 087389619X. 6 x 9 Softcover. 2004
  • Fundamental Concepts for the Software Quality Engineer, Daughtrey, Taz, 288 pages. ISBN 978-0-87389-521-7 . 7 x 10 Hardcover. 2002.
  • A Study of User Requirements for COTS: Computer Off-the-Shelf Software Solutions, Al A'ali, Mansoor A.; Al-Mahmood, Seema A.; Al-Zobaidie, Ala; Software Quality Professional, Vol. 9, No. 1, DECEMBER 2006, pp. 32-39 plus appendices
  • Design and Analysis of Software Experiments, Griffin, Thomas F. III; Ang, David C.; Lucy-Bouler, Thomas; Davidson, Nancy; Gehling, Robert; Software Quality Professional, Vol. 9, No. 1, DECEMBER 2006, pp. 14-20
  • Software Quality: From Legacy Codes to Web-based Enterprise Applications, Preussner, Armin; Paternostro, Christopher4; Software Quality Professional, Vol. 8, No. 3, JUNE 2006, pp. 4-11
  • Achieving 100% Compliance of Policies and Procedures, Page, Stephen, CSQE, 359 pages. ISBN 1929065-49-3. Softcover. 2000
  • ISO 9001:2000: Achieving Compliance and Continuous Improvement in Software Development Companies, Vivek (Vic) Nanda, 288 pages. ISBN 0873895940. 6 x 9 Hardcover. 2003.
  • Data Quality in the Information Age, Redman, Thomas C. 303 pages. ISBN 0890068836 . 9 x 6 Hardcover. 1997.
  • Websites of QM Software developing companies.

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