Si vous arrivez directement sur cette page, sachez que ce travail est un rapport d'étudiants et doit être pris comme tel. Il peut donc comporter des imperfections ou des imprécisions que le lecteur doit admettre et donc supporter. Il a été réalisé pendant la période de formation et constitue avant-tout un travail de compilation bibliographique, d'initiation et d'analyse sur des thématiques associées aux concepts, méthodes, outils et expériences sur les démarches qualité dans les organisations. Nous ne faisons aucun usage commercial et la duplication est libre. Si, malgré nos précautions, vous avez des raisons de contester ce droit d'usage, merci de nous en faire part, nous nous efforcerons d'y apporter une réponse rapide. L'objectif de la présentation sur le Web est de permettre l'accès à l'information et d'augmenter ainsi les échanges professionnels. En cas d'usage du document, n'oubliez pas de le citer comme source bibliographique. Bonne lecture...

Référence bibliographique à rappeler pour tout usage :
KAPKIN Pedro, Stage professionnel de fin d'études, MASTER Management de la Qualité (MQ-M2), UTC, 2011-2012, https://www.utc.fr/master-qualite, puis "Travaux" "Qualité-Management", réf n°229


Visant à atteindre l'excellence dans toutes les fonctions caractérisant Faurecia, le ASQ responsable avec  lequel ce travail a été fait, a commencé à suivre le processus d’approbation d’un groupe de pièces appelés Carry-over ; ces pièces sont utilisées dans différents projets dont il est responsable. Ces projets requirent des composants 100% approuvés.

  Aprèsune période d’exécution et avant l’achèvement des résultats escomptés, le processus de suivi s’est arrêté et personne n’a pu continuer à suivre les actions en cours pour réussir l’approbation de ces références, ce qui a causé une incertitude sur la qualité des nouveaux projets utilisant des pièces Carry-over.  

Ce projet explique la manière dans laquelle le suivi a été recommencé à partir de l’étude de l’impact du problème, passant à travers la mise à jour de la base de données et son suivi. Différentes stratégies ont été mise en place pour améliorer l’obtention de l’information, son enregistrement et son management pour finalement proposer une idée pour la pérennisation de l’utilisation de la base de données et les outils développés.

Mots clés : Faurecia, Carry over, Approbation, Référence, Suivi,


Aiming to attain the excellence in every function characterizing Faurecia, the ASQ responsible along with whom this work was carried out, started to follow the approval process for a group of parts called Carry-over; these pieces are used in the different projects he is responsible of. These project require pieces to be 100% approved.

After a period of execution and before achieving the expected results, the follow up process stopped being done leaving the pieces’ approval process to have no one in charge of the different actions leading to their terminus, which caused uncertainty on the quality presented on the mentioned pieces.

This work explains the way the mentioned follow up was re-started. From the study of the problem’s impact, passing through the database up date and latter operation which lead to different strategies to improve the information gathering, storing and management to finally propose an idea for the project’s sustainability.

Key words : Faurecia, Carry over, Approval, Reference, Follow up, 


Con el objetivo de alcanzar la excelencia en todas las funciones que caracteriza a Faurecia, el ASQ responsable junto a quien fue llevado a cabo este trabajo, comenzó a hacer seguimiento del proceso de aprobación de un grupo de partes llamadas Carry-over; estas piezas son utilizadas en diferentes proyectos de los cuales él se responsable. Estos proyectos requieren un 100% de componentes aprobados.

Luego de un periodo de ejecución y antes de alcanzar los resultados esperados, el proceso de seguimiento fue interrumpido, dejando el proceso de aprobación si alguien encargado de seguir las acciones que lo llevarían a su buen termino, lo cual causó incertidumbre en la calidad presente en las piezas mencionadas.

Este trabajo explica la manera en la que el mencionado seguimiento fue retomado. A partir del estudio del impacto del problema, pasando por la actualización de la base de datos y posterior operación que llevó a diferentes estrategias para el mejoramiento de la consecución de la información, su almacenamiento y su administración para finalmente proponer una idea para perennizar la utilización del proyecto.

Palabras clave: Faurecia, Carry-over, Aprobación, Referencia, Seguimiento,

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As a foreign student I would like to thank Faurecia for giving me the opportunity to carry out my master’s internship period at their Caligny site in Lower-Normandy, France and for deploying to my entire disposition a series of tools and assistance not only to fulfil a requirement to complete the Masters in Quality Management at the Compiegne University of Technology but also for my personal and professional growth.
I would sincerely like to thank the following people for being always willing to help during the development of this project and also during all my internship period:

The ASQ and internship supervisor Ludovic Navarro for his wise guidance and his challenges leading always to discover by myself the answers I looked for.

All the persons concerned of all the functions mentioned in this work for daring to change their ways of doing their job.

To professor Gilbert Farges and Jean-Pierre Caliste, professor and also UTC internship adviser for the valuable knowledge imparted during the theoretical part of the formation and the assistance during the project execution and internship period.

To mi family in Colombia for giving me all the emotional support needed when facing a big challenge like the pursuit of a master’s degree abroad.


1. Context   
1.1 Faurecia group presentation   
1.1.1 The four modules of the group’s activity   
1.1.2 The key figures   
1.1.3 Presentation of Faurecia Flers   
1.1.4 Products made in Flers   
1.2 The Project background   
1.2.1 Ordinary project’s execution workflow   
1.2.2 Reference’s approval workflow   
1.2.3 ASQ function presentation and activities       
1.2.4 Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)   
1.2.5 The Part Submission Warrant (PSW)   
1.2.6 The Carry-over follow up methodology at the moment of the project’s re-start   
2. Problem and action plan   
2.1 The problem   
2.2 Objectives, action plan and project planning   
2.2.1 Objectives      
2.2.2 Project planning   
3. Methodology   
4. Risk analysis   
5. Project’s execution   
5.1 Exploration of the problem   
5.2 Check-Act stage   
5.3 Plan-Do stage   

5.3.1 The identification of functions and function’s needs and responsibility allocation   
5.3.2 The standardized BOM form   
5.3.3 The individual reference action plan spreadsheet   
5.3.4 The action plan folder  
6. Results   
6.1 Indicator’s Results achievement and conservation   
6.2 Comparison with problem’s analysis
7. The Carry-over part follow up procedure proposal   
8. The project’s sustainability (The usage of the Carry-over part follow up file after the intervention) 
8.1 The PSW follow up methodology applied into other projects (Plan)   
8.2 The project’s activities allocation (Do)   
8.3 The project’s activities execution follow up (Check)   
8.4 The project’s execution assessment (Act)



Image 1: Faurecia in the world
Image 2: The different components
Image 3: Interior panel
Image 4: Door panels
Image 5: The acoustic module
Image 6: The bumpers
Image 7: The exhaust system
Image 8: 2010 revenues by business group
Image 9: Faurecia’s clients
Image 10: Faurecia Caligny site under construction
Image 11: Components produced in Caligny
Image 12: Carry-over follow up database
Image 13:Carry-over follow up indicators
Image 14: Convergence Breakthrough for carry-over parts project planning
Image 15: Standarized Bill Of Materials form
Image 16: Individual reference action plan spread sheet
Image 17: Action plan folder
Image 18: Approval information file


Graph 1: Indicators’ behavior before project’s re-start
Graph 2:  Indicator’s status at project’s restart
Graph 3: PSWs’ approval status before project’s execution
Graph 4: Afected projects before project’s execution
Graph 5: References with deffined action plan before project’s execution
Graph 6: Indicator’s behaviour at project’s Check-Act stage
Graph 7: Indicator’s status at project’s turn in date
Graph 8: PSWs’ approval status after project’s execution
Graph 9: Afected projects after project’s execution
Graph 10: References with deffined action plan after project’s execution


Diagram 1: The project’s contexts
Diagram 2: Approval process’ standard workflow
Diagram 3: PDCA methodology adjustment
Diagram 4: Project’s risk analysis
Diagram 5: Function’s related to the Carry-over follow up file


Table 1: Program Manufacturing Leader (PML) – Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram
Table 2: SQA (Caligny, Grojec and Walbrzych) – Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram
Table 3: Design office – Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram
Table 4: Program buyer – Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram
Table 5: Project’s pilot (ASQ internship student) - Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram


Annexe 1: The Carry-over part follow up procedure proposed

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The FAURECIA group is a leading automotive supplier occupying the second place at European scale and the eighth place in the world. Present in 28 countries, the group has 60000 employees and has a turnover of more than 12.7 million Euros. Today the group supplies pieces for all automobile constructors.

Faurecia Caligny is composed of a research center gathering the activities of conception, simulation and phisical validation of components for automobile seats. This research center focuses on new product/material and fabrication process having as the main objective the security on automobile seats, their operation performance and the weight reduction on their component. This research center works hand by hand with the Caligny plant which in 2010 gathered three production plans present in Flers, France and produces the tree types of mechanisms for seats; slides, recliners and pumping devices.

All these three products have different presentations depending on the kind of seat and vehicle they are going to be used with. Since there is a viriety of components not made by Faurecia, there is a numerous amount of bought parts whose quality has to be managed. This activity is what gives place to this project which consist in the restart and latter improvement of the follow up done to the approval process of the mentioned part's quality files belonging to project the concerned project products. Such activity stopped due to the responsible's increase of efforts on the treatment of new demanded parts.

This project starts with the update of the database containing the information on parts' approval to move then to propose different strategies to enable an accurate and easy follow up of the part's approval process.

Finally, in order to guarantee sustainability to the follow up strategy, a procedure is proposed in order to adapt it to any project in the enterprise.

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1. Context  
1.1 Faurecia group presentation 

Faurecia, a specialist in the engineering and production of automotive solutions, holds global leadership status in each of its core businesses: Automotive Seating, Emissions Control Technologies, Interior Systems and Automotive Exteriors. Its customer portfolio features practically every automaker around the world, including manufacturers in emerging economies, such as the Indian, Chinese and Korean markets.

Renowned for its highly efficient program management system, Faurecia provides customers with a service through its network of 270 production sites in 33 countries. Driven by the same automotive passion, its 84,000 employees embrace the group's business culture, based on such shared values as commitment, transparency, continuous improvement, team player and entrepreneurship.

Faurecia is the world's sixth largest and the Europe's third largest automotive supplier. 

                                                                Faurecia in the world
                                                                                                                                           Image 1: Faurecia in the world [1]

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1.1.1 The four modules of the group’s activity  




                                                   The main components:
                             - The structure and mechanisms compose the SMPG division
                                               The mechanisms:    - Slides
                                                                              - Mechanisms
                                                                              - Associated products
                             - Foam padding
                             - The covers
                             - The structure


              Image 2: The different components [1]

The interior vehicle:
                                                                    The dashboard:                                                      The door panels:                                                The acoustic module:

                                            Dashboard                     Doorpanel                  Interior
                                                          Image 3: Interior panel [1]                                            Image 4: Door panels [1]                                 Image 5: The acoustic module [1]

                                                                                                                    Bumpers:                                                 The exhaust systems:

                                                                                               Bumper            Exhaust
                                                                                                     Image 6: The bumpers [1]                              Image 7: The exhaust system [1]

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1.1.2 The key figures

                                                                                                                              Image 8: 2010 revenues by business group [1]

Image 9: Faurecia’s clients [1]


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1.1.3 Presentation of Faurecia Flers


1946    Creation of Mécanique Générale et Outillage, enterprise created at Passais La Conception (Orne) by brothers Auguste et Maurice COUSIN (Transfer to Bois de Flers site on September 1952) - Workforce : 8 people

1960    Specialization on automobile mechanisms – Workforce : 80 people

    Second site in Flers : La Butte aux Loups – Workforce : 858 people

    Third site in Flers : La Blanchardière

1990    Creation of BERTRAND FAURE due to a consolidation of enterprises and foreign subsidiaries. COUSIN enterprise is named pilot site for mechanisms activity.

1993    Creation of BERTRAND FAURE FRANCE in November

1995    BERTRAND FAURE FRANCE (which Flers is part) becomes BERTRAND FAURE EQUIPEMENT S.A.

1999    The merger of ECIA society by BERTRAND FAURE was approved by both companies on the first of June 1999. After this operation, FAURECIA will be the group name and will constitute the head company. FAURECIA is :

2001    On October 25th 2000 FAURECIA announces the acquisition of the automobile activities belonging to Allibert, which takes its consolidated sales up to 8 billion Euros.

2008    Grouping of the three Flers plants to create a pole called “Mécapolis” (See picture here under)

        Faurecia Flers
Image 10: Faurecia Caligny site under construction [1]

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1.1.4 Products made in Flers 

                                                                                                                       Image 11:
Components produced in Caligny [1]


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1.2 The Project background   

1.2.1 Ordinary project’s execution workflow

To start the introduction to the project’s environment, the following diagram illustrates in a general way the different actions from the moment a client’s order is received until it goes out to production line.

                                                                                                                                        Diagram 1: The project’s contexts [7]

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1.2.2 Reference’s approval workflow   

In order to illustrate a PSW approval’s process, a standard workflow showing the general steps followed is shown in diagram 2. This diagram is a zoom in of the functions that are carried out between the two functions in the circle on diagram 1.

                                                                                Approval workflow
                                                                                                                        Diagram 2: Approval process’ standard workflow [7]

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1.2.3 ASQ function presentation and activities

Composing the quality responsibility of the purchasing department three functions are fournd:

•    ASQ (Advanced Supplier Quality)
•    SQA (Supplier Quality Assurance)
•    SQ&D (Supplier Quality and Development)

From these three functions, the only one described will be the AQS since it is the one that carried out this project.

This is the function in charge of surveilling the quality of the different purchased parts before they are made. This is carried out through a close work with the supplier by assuring the compliance he can offer to demanded requeriments through his production process and the guidance and assistance during part's fabrication.

The following are some of the functions carried out by the ASQ function:

           •    Deploy APQP related to the Development phase of Purchased Parts.
           •    Define the Risk and suppliers to be followed.
           •    Insure that suppliers sourced respect Mandatory rules and Audit criteria.
           •    Get Feasibility Commitment sign off for sourcing and for change implementation.
           •    Define Supplier Development plan with objectives, risk assessment, critical suppliers, critical parts, key milestones, deliverables, R@R and PPAP planning, resources & supports needs.
           •    Participate at Design Review Meeting and ECR Meeting.
           •    Train the suppliers and make sure that the defined standards are properly applied (APQP elements),
           •    Follow the APQP progress with status report.

           •    Manage the Process Qualification at Supplier (Control Plan & Quality Basics implementation).
           •    Get from suppliers their control record (i.e: raw material certification…) for all parts.

•    Responsible for PPAP construction and New parts Approval during Development phase.
•    Coordinate with SQA Production Trial Runs on New parts during Development phase.
•    Ensure that 100% of S/R parts will be validated at GR3.

•    Ensure that all documentations are updated.
•    100% of S/R characteristics secured.
•    Ensure that Incoming Inspection instructions integrate control means according supplier’s Control Plan.

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1.2.4 Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)    

This is a set of of documents certifying that aspects as; required quality, material, process requirements, dimentional capability and production capacity are controlled by the supplier.
These are some of the documents contained in the PPAP:

•    Designed records as drawings
•    Process FMEA
•    Process control plan
•    Production process flow
•    Material compliance
•    Part submission warrant

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1.2.5 The Part Submission Warrant (PSW)    

Document ceritying that all of the documents presented by the supplier in the PPAP meet the enterprice's requirements.
The three possible states given to this document by the ASQ after its examination can be:

•    Approved: For a reference whose production characteristics have been validated by the ASQ as according to FAURECIA’s requirements.
•    Rejected: When some of the presented documentation contained in the PPAP do not demonstrate the production characteristics as in accordance with FAURECIA’s requirements.
•    Other: Expresses a state of temporary approval that permits the fabrication and delivery of parts by the time that some corrections are made on the production process in order to achieve full compliancy. This is known as a fabrication on deviation.

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1.2.6 The Carry-over follow up methodology   

In order to store the information about every reference composing the products used in the project concerned, the following database is used.

                                                                                                                        Image 12: Carry-over follow up database [7]

The information contained in this database is explained below:

In order to watch the amount of references approved the following indicators are claculated and plotted.

                                                                                                                                Image 13:Carry-over follow up indicators [7]

These indicators are calculated this way:

Their behavior can be observed thanks to the following graph:

                                  Indicator's graph
                                                                                                              Graph 1: Indicators’ behavior before project’s re-start [7]

2. Problem and action plan

2.1 The problem 

Generally speaking problems causing a reference's non-approval status are:

•    Unsuccessful tool set up leading the supplier to quality unconformities.
•    Impossibility to achieve demanded statistical control parameters.
•    Tardiness on documentation’s update required due to drawing changes.
•    Disagreements between design office and supplier concerning one or many specifications; dimensions, essays or engineering specifications as tolerances, hardness values or surface finishes.

The follow up disregar for the non-approved references bring the following problems:

•    Lack of capacity to assure quality for products.
•    Incapacity to guarantee long-term product compliancy due to production process stability.
•    Product’s quality deterioration through time.
•    Client’s rejection of product.
•    Quality problems in final product.

At the momento of the project's restart, the following difficulties are found:

•    PSWs or Part Submission Warrant though they were signed as fully approved and they were already held by their responsibles, they had not been asked for by the concerned ASQ nor had they been sent to him so they appeared as not approved in the Carry-over follow up file.
•    The different actions carried out and in course intended to reach PSWs approval were not documented so no historical information concerning this activities and enabling its follow up was kept. 
•    Due to the missing coordination among the different functions related to the information regarding the different references’ approval process, there were difficulties to complete the data contained in the Carry-over follow up file, so the actions depending on it took longer to be executed or in the worst case were not.

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2.2 Objectives, action plan and project planning   

2.2.1 Objectives    

•    To manage the information concerning the PPAP approval of non-approved references in order to follow and guide the actions taken on this subject until their approval.
•    To set and accomplish the goal for the number of approved references for the two indicators in use and to give continuity to this accomplishment by creating tools to facilitate the projects control.
•    To determine the responsibilities concerning the Carry-over follow up file of all the functions related to the project carried out so they can deliver and receive what is strictly necessary.
•    To create a proposition of a procedure to guide the application of the Carry-over follow up methodology into any project concerning Carry-over pieces in order to perpetuate the projects achievements with the available means.


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2.2.2 Project planning 

                                                          Project's planning
                                                                                     Image 14:
Convergence Breakthrough for carry-over parts project planning [7]

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3. Methodology   

This project will be carried out in the two following stages:

The Check-Act stage in which the database will be updated by the recovery of all the needed information from the concerned actors.

The Plan-Do stage in which due to the acquired familiarity with the projects environment ideas of improvement will appear and will be developped to be applied for a later analysis of their usefulness.

This two-stage strategy is a application of the PDCA or Denim's wheel and can be graphically explained as follows.


                          Diagram 3: PDCA methodology adjustment [7]

This strategy starts from its inner part with the project’s development strategy of the Check-Act – Plan-Do order: Them it moves to the classic Deming wheel starting from the Check phase; because what was executed in the mentioned inner cycle has to be tested, then in the Act phase, with the Acquired experience, actions to improve are introduced. In this phase, the collection of information concerning improvement ideas’ performance is gathered in order to later refine such improvements in the Plan phase and this way to restart the cycle with the application of the refined improvements in the phase Do.

To define de information needs of every one of the functions demanding the information gathered by the project, a 5Ws (Who, What, Where, When, Why?) model will be set up for every interaction between the project and the different such functions. This model allows to narrow down to the specific all that has to be delivered and received from every one of the mentioned functions and it will contribute to clarify the concerned actors’ roles.

Once all innovations have been applied, a comparison of the initial situation with the one achieved by the project's application will be done, intending to define the project's achievements in order to support its application into another projects. After this, a procedure for the reference's follow up will be created aiming to support the follow up future adoption different projects.

Finally, the ideas bringing sutainability to the follo up but not developped in this project will be discussed.

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4. Risk analysis   

                                    Risk analysis
                                                                                                                               Diagram 4:
Project’s risk analysis [7]

For this project the actions Responsible’s contact, Action set up and Action follow up were considered to bring the strongest risks to the project’s execution, see diagram 2, besides, these actions are the ones the project’s pilot is responsible of so its careful execution has to be guaranteed.

For the evaluation of the actions taken to prevent the risk, they are graded as difficult to carry out with a red smiley face and those considered as easy to do it are identified with a green smiley face.

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5. Project’s execution    

5.1 Exploration of the problem

              graph t=0
                                                                                                                                     Graph 2:  Indicator’s status at project’s restart [7]

As it can be seen on the above graph, the indicator’s status evidence that the approval situation found at the moment of the project’s restart did not meet the objectives set for them, which demonstrates the lack of attention paid to this activity.
         Graph 3: PSWs’ approval status before project’s execution [7]

This graph shows the differently affected PSWs in terms of percentage of the total number of references managed by program Light. As it can be seen, 35% of the references to which the affected PSWs belong to risk generating difficulties due to its non-approved status.
       Graph 4: Afected projects before project’s execution [7]

Regarding the upper analysis more profoundly it can be seen that references having a non-approved PSW are present in 62% of the projects considered in program Light.                                                                                                      
State of action plans  Graph 5: References with deffined action plan before project’s execution [7]

Graph 6 illustrates in terms of percentage over the total amount of references the ones; approved (65%), having no action plan leading to their PPAP approval (23%) and those having an action plan in course regarding their PPAP approval (12%).

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5.2 Check-Act stage   

At the moment of the project’s re-start, the first step to the update of the file was to ask every one of the persons in charge of every non approved reference about the state of their approval. For this, the study of the different activities concerned by the reference’s approval had to be done in order to learn who to contact for demanding this information.

Through the mentioned action, many of the PSWs already signed stating the PPAP approval of certain references were recovered and therefore masked as approved in the follow up file. For those references whose PSW had not been signed, a report of the actions taken for their approval was asked for with the intention of giving them continuity.

In this phase the indicators started to improve and results for the reference’s approval were rapidly achieved. The progress in the results of these indicators in terms of percentage of references approved during the Check-Act stage is shown below.

                                                                                                          Graph 6:
Indicator’s behaviour at project’s Check-Act stage [7]

As shown on the graph 6, for the period between week 8, which is the one in which the project was re-started, marked on the graph as “Reprise du suivie”, and week 12, the growing tendency of the curve evidences a rapid acquisition of approvedPSWs that as mentioned on the problem’s definition, were already approved but had not been included on the Carry-over follow up file.

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5.3 Plan-Do stage

As the activities concerned in the project were carried out, the acquaintance with its environment grew so possibilities of improvement started to appear due to the possibility for critically observing how the activities were performed.
All theses modifications are intended not only to facilitate the project’s present intentions but also to give it sustainability and perpetuate its usage through achieving an easy operability.

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5.3.1 The identification of functions and function’s needs and responsibility allocation   

Through the study of the different procedures that define the different activities of every one of the jobs concerned by the project, the interactions in terms of responsibilities and needs of every one of them regarding the project were defined, this in order to “ensure that appropriate communication processes are established within the organization”[5], which in this case the organization is interpreted as the group of people interacting inside project Light.

The following diagram illustrates the different functions related to the project.

                                                                                                                 Functions diagram
                                                                                                                 Diagram 5: Function’s related to the Carry-over follow up file [7]

Diagram 5 shows all the functions from which the Carry-over follow up file receives information and/or to which it supplies it. At this point of the project the project’s pilot function is carried out by the ASQ internship student.
By developing a 5Ws analysis for each one of the project´s interactions with every function related to it, expressed with an arrow on the graph above ( Bi-point arrow) or ( Single point arrow) depending if the involved function has a need and a responsibility with the file or if it only has a responsibility with it, the type of interaction of every one of them concerning the file are identified. As a result, these needs and responsibilities were recognized and specified.

The 5Ws diagrams that helped to identify the function’s responsibilities and needs are showed below.

 PML 5Ws
        Table 1: Program Manufacturing Leader (PML) – Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram [7]

From this table it can be evidenced that the PML function works as an information supplier for the file since the only interaction with it is the “Responsibility” for supplying information about the references used for incoming programs. Due to the importance of this information, with the aim of ensuring its complete transmission, a standardized way of gathering it, latter discussed, was conceived.


         Table 2: SQA (Caligny, Grojec and Walbrzych) – Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram [7]

The table above evidences that the SQA function is related to the Carry-over data base as a supplier of information because it is in charge of following some of the actions taken aiming a reference’s PPAP approval and as a client because it needs the information contained in the file in order to respond to an action plan or any possible situation involving a reference’s PPAP update.

              office 5Ws
                           Table 3: Design office – Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram [7]

Table 5 evidences that the responsibility of the design office with the follow up file is really present through the ASQ and SQA function, so there is not a real interaction between the first mentioned function and the recalled follow up.

              buyer 5Ws
                             Table 4: Program buyer – Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram [7]

From the analysis presented in table 6, it is shown that the responsibility of the program buyer is to provide information to the file. Since the problem is related to the BOM, this indicates that possibly this document could collect the information needed by the file and needed to be provided by the analyzed function.
              pilot 5Ws
                                                                                           Table 5: Project’s pilot (ASQ internship student) - Carry-over follow up 5Ws diagram [7]

Table 7 presents the relationship between the ASQ internship student and the follow up process in terms of the responsibilities and the needs that engage him to it. As pilot of the project, the ASQ internship student is the keeper of the file, reason for which the person in this function is obliged to continuously update the information contained in it (the responsibility) received from the related functions (the need), in order to guarantee that the information contained is the product of the most recent actions taken on the reference’s approval and that followed reference’s belong to the most recently incoming projects.

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5.3.2 The standardized BOM form   

This improvement idea results from the 5Ws analysis and it consists on creating a standardized spread sheet, shown on image 12, with the information demands needed to supply the information required for the project’s operation.

This idea is identified thanks to the function of providing information to the project shared between the PML and the Program buyer. The fact of creating a standardized form including all the information needed to supply the needs of the concerned functions permits a rapid flow of information, enabling punctual decision taking. Image 6 shows a generic presentation of the mentioned form.


                                                                                                                               Image 15: Standarized Bill Of Materials form [7]

This spread sheet is shared between the Program Manufacturing Leader and the Program Buyer in order for them to work on an standardized document containing the data they needed for their job and that, which they are to supply, needed not only by the ASQ function but for the other functions. This information is then transmitted to the ASQ internship student (the project’s pilot) to be included in the follow up file.

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5.3.3 The individual reference action plan spreadsheet 

The next modification was the creation of a history database to list chronologically all the actions carried out in the attempts for a reference’s approval, template shown below.

                                                                                          Action plan

                                                                                                                Image 16: Individual reference action plan spread sheet [7]

For every non approved reference, a spread sheet containing some of the parameters of a 5Ws model is created in order to well document and address the actions carried out to complete the references’ approval process.

The “Insert line here” is intended to guide the user to insert a line when there is no space left to register an action, in order for him not to have to set the cell colour format parameters for column “Status”.

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5.3.4 The action plan folder

            Action plan
                                                           Image 17: Action plan folder [7]
To store the entire action plan’s spread sheets; the action plan file shown on image 8 was conceived. Inside it, a file for every reference was created to store all the information support generated around a reference’s approval, such as drawings, e-mails, metrology reports, among others.

              action plan file                                                   Image 18: Approval information file [7]                                                                                                                                           
To have a view inside one of the files containing the information related to a references' approval process, the content belonging to reference 4451586-3 is shown on the image above.        

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6. Results   

6.1 Indicator’s Results achievement and conservation

              status final
Graph 7: Indicator’s status at project’s turn in date [7]
The upper graph shows the curves expressing the results achieved for both indicators. As it can be evidenced, indicator (% Statut “Full approved”) reaches its objective of 95% of approved references, as indicator (% Statut “Full approved au bon indice”) though not at its objective of 90% of full approved references, shows a climbing tendency toward it.

6.2 Comparison with problem’s analysis

Aiming to contrast the situation achieved thanks to the project’s execution with that shown at the exploration of the project, the same structure for the analysis presented for this last one is established to present the situation achieved by this work, enabling an easier comparisons between the various results.

              approval final
Graph 8: PSWs’ approval status after project’s execution [7]

The pie chart above shows the differently affected PSWs’ reference in terms of percentage of the total number of references managed by program Light. As it can be seen, 16% of these references risk generating problems due to its non-approved status contrary to the 35% shown on the like above graph for the exploration of the project.

              affected final
Graph 9: Afected projects after project’s execution [7]

Comparing this graph with the graph above expresing the results at the exploration of the problem, it is evidenced that the number of affected projects stayed the same.

State of
              action plans final
Graph 10: References with deffined action plan after project’s execution [7]

This pie chart illustrates in terms of percentage over the total amount of references the ones; approved 83%, having no action plan leading to their PPAP approval 0% and those having an action plan in course regarding their PPAP approval 17%. Contrasting this graph with the graph above, it can be perceived the improvement in terms of efficiency at minding non-approved references.
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7. The Carry-over part follow up procedure proposal   

In order to perpetuate the usage of the tools used and developed by this project, a strategy for its continuation is set up.

As it was planned in the objectives, this project presents a proposition of the procedure, intended to guide the latter creation of a standard procedure to be adopted by the different programs aiming to apply the Carry-over part’s follow up methodology to achieve comparable results to those obtained for program Light.

Through the creation of such document to specify the activities and necessities for adopting the follow up methodology, it is intended to achieve its application into the different projects using Carry-over parts present in the company. This application is thought to be carried out accounting on the means already available, which is guaranteed by allocating the activities managed by the ASQ internship student to the other functions involved. By this, every one of the persons belonging to the project to which the procedure is intended to be applied will be empowered with the different activities needed to carry out the demanded tasks. These activities will have “specific responsibilities, measurable objectives and defined responsible” [5]

As mentioned before, in order to allocate the functions carried out by the ASQ internship student during the project’s execution to the functions belonging to a project, the procedure’s description of their roles include the allocated responsibilities into the description of every one of their functions.

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8. The project’s sustainability (The usage of the Carry-over part follow up file after the intervention)

Due to the scope of this project, limited according to the time that from the beginning was planned to be dedicated to its execution, there are some activities that were not performed by the moment of turning it in; these activities concern the sustainability of the project in the enterprise in order to attain in others the results obtained for project Light.

8.1 The PSW follow up methodology applied into other projects (Plan) 

With the intentions of achieving the same results as for project Light into other projects using carry-over parts, it is intended to work with the other programs managers in order to introduce the procedure created to their team and lead them into the adoption of the Carry-over follow up methodology.

The mentioned procedure will be presented to all the actors dedicated to a project in order to allocate the functions mentioned in this document and this way to carry out the application. 

8.2 The project’s activities allocation (Do)    

As mentioned in step number 8, the construction of the procedure will include in every one of the different function belonging to a project, all the functions that were carried out by the ASQ internship student during the project’s execution. In order to do this, a virtual share place is considered for all of them to be able to access and modify all the information contained in the file.

8.3 The project’s activities execution follow up (Check) 

As for every project, the quality on the performance of the activities executed has to be checked more cautiously at its beginning, because it is at this stage that its authors have to be motivated and engaged to pursue the expected results.
To carry out this follow up, a weekly meeting of every project’s actors with the project’s responsible ASQ is planned in order to answer questions and to check that the job done corresponds with the expected.  

8.4 The project’s execution assessment (Act)   

This stage of the execution is conceived by the feedback that the projects’ responsible ASQ gives to the projects’ executers from their comments received in the weekly meeting, in order to answer the question concerning the methodology’s application or just to guide them through the application of the procedure.

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By the execution of this project there are two aspects I would like to conclude about separately:

The professional aspect concerning what was brought to program Light by the execution of the project:

•    With the information retrieval carried out at the beginning of the project, which helped the indicator’s status to improve notoriously and rapidly as shown on graph 6, it could be identified that the PPAP approval situation was not as bad as believed since this set of documents was already approved for 10% of them as evidenced on graph 6 with the fast climbing curve between the lines. This evidenced a lack of communication among the people concerned of receiving this information and the ones concerned of storing it and informing the project Light members about their reception.

•    The first contribution mentioned on part “5.3.1 The identification of functions and function’s needs and responsibility allocation” intended to improve the lack of communication among the different concerned function by well defining the responsibilities and then to allocate them to the different actors. This strategy would permit them to be aware of everyone else’s responsibilities, which intends to create in every one of them a compromise with the tasks belonging to the allocated functions.

•    Although the programs containing a non-approved reference remain the same amount from the project’s re-start to the project’s completion as evidenced with the comparison of graphs 4 and 9, the success of the project is justified by the fact that the number of references with no approval action or with an ongoing one decreased as shown when comparing graphs 5 and 10. 

•    The execution of the project permitted to diminish by 19% the number of non-approved references.

•    Since only 17% of the references are not approved and 65% of the projects contain a non-approved reference, it can be inferred that many of the non-approved references are used by more than one project. This means that the approval of a certain number of these references would bring great benefits to the overall approval state found on the projects.

•    My involvement with the suppliers and the different people composing Faurecia’s stuff permitted to establish an action plan for everyone of the non-approved references. This convergence plan will enable us to attain a rate of 100% compliancy by October 2012.

Personal gains with project execution:

•    The opportunity of managing the amount of information concerning the project gave me the ability of organizing my way of thinking in order to  transmit it into the way I started to organize the information in my hands, this way I started to be able to access this information in a more efficient and rapid way. 

•    The opportunity of working as a foreign internship student which limited me on the understanding the interaction in the work environment due to the language barrier, helped me to improve my capacity to understand frustration and to develop abilities to motivate my self when my capacities are exceeded by a situation or task. 

•    The need of developing a methodology by myself to carry-out this project obliged me to use the tools studied during the theoretical part of the “Master II Management Qualité” making it possible for me to put this tools to use in the professional field and adapt them to non-restrictive, ideal cases as those proposed in the academic environment.

•    The fact of having to give result’s about the work I performed while depending on others to achieve them, helped me to realize the importance of planning the activities on which rely my job in order to permit others to be also able to plan theirs, this way all the people involved would have enough time to supply demanded information or resources on time.

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[1] Group presentation, Faurecia, 2011 (18-05-2012)

[2] SQ Supplier Quality Methodology guide, FAU-C-SPG-6400, Faurecia Automotive Group, 2008. (03-26-2012)

[3]   Production Part Approval Process, Daimler Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation, Third edition, 1999. (03-26-2012)

[3] FARGES, Gilbert, Fondements méthodologiques de l’amélioration continue et de la résolution des problèmes, UTC, Master Management Qualité © 2011 (15-03-2011)

[5] ISO/TS 16949:2002 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE, Automotive Industry Action Group, 2003 (12-04-2012)

[6]FERNANDES A. Mario (1996) El control, Fundamento de la gestión por procesos. ASIC 2003. 91 P. (03-04-2012)

[7] KAPKIN S. Pedro, Convergence breakthrough for carry-over parts, MASTER Management de la Qualité (MQ), UTC, 2011-2012, https://www.utc.fr/master-qualite, puis "Travaux" "Qualité-Management", réf n°229)

Annexe 1: The Carry-over part follow up procedure proposed

Procedure 1
Procedure 2
Procedure 3

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