Publications on bio-microtechnologies
Fujii T, Sakai Y , Leclerc E. (in japanese, « cell culture chamber ») no 2002-321859
Fujii T, Sakai Y , Leclerc E (in japanese, « cell culture device, bioreactor and cell culture chamber ») no 2002-316136
Chapter in Book
Sakai Y., Leclerc E., Fujii T., Microfluidc Cell-culture Devices, towards in vitro Liver Tissue Reconstruction, Lab on chips for cellomics, chapter 12, Micro and nanotechnologies for life science, Kluwer Academic publishers, pp 299-318, 2004
Journal Papers
Baudoin R., Duval J.L., Griscom L., Baudoin R., Legallais C., Leclerc E., Selective control of liver and kidney cells migration during organotypic co-cultures inside fibronectin coated rectangular silicone microchannels, Biomaterials, accepted , in press
Baudoin R., Corlu A., Griscom L., Legallais C., Leclerc E., Trends in the development of microfluidic cell biochips for in vitro hepatotoxicity, Toxicology in vitro, accepted, in press
Leclerc E., Corlu A., Griscom L., Baudoin R., Legallais C.,Guidance of liver and kidney organotipic cultures inside rectangular silicone microchannels, Biomaterials, 27:22, 4109-4119, 2006
Leclerc E., David B., Griscom L., Lepioufle B., Fujii T., Sakai Y., Legallais C., Perfusion culture of mammalian cells in microfluidic environments for tissue engineering applications, La houille blanche, 3, 2006
Leclerc E., David B., Griscom L., Lepioufle B., Fujii T., Layrolle P., Legallais C., Study of osteoblastic cells in a microfluidic environment, Biomaterials, 27:4, 586-595, 2006
Leclerc E., Sakai Y. and Fujii T., A microfluidic PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) bioreactor for large-scale culture of hepatocytes , Biotechnology Progress, 20:3, 750-755, 2004
Leclerc E., Furukawa K.S., Miyata F., Sakai Y., Ushida T., Fujii T., Effect on liver cells of stepwise microstructures fabricated in a photosensitive biodegradable polymer by softlithography, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 24:3, 349-354, 2004
Leclerc E., Sakai Y., Fujii T., Perfusion Culture of Fetal Human Hepatocytes in Microfluidic-Environments, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 20, 143-148, 2004
Leclerc E., Furukawa K.S., Miyata F., Sakai Y.,Ushida T., Fujii T., Fabrication of microstructures in photosensitive biodegradable polymers for tissue engineering applications, Biomaterials, 25, 4683-4690, 2004
Leclerc E. Sakai Y., Fujii T., Cells culture in a three-dimensional network of PDMS (PolyDiMethylSiloxane) microchannels, biomedical microdevices, 5:2, 109-114, 2003
Publications in journals linked to fluid mechanics
Leclerc E, Berthoud G, Modelling of melt droplet fragmentation following vapor film destabilisation by a trigger pulse, Nuclear Technology, 144:2, 158-174, 2003
Chpoun A, Leclerc E, Experimental investigation of the influence of downstream flow conditions on Mach Stem height, Shock Waves, 9: 269-271, 1999