Professor Eugene VOROBIEV Université de
Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) Département de
Génie des Procédés Industriels Laboratoire
Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable EA 4297 - Équipe
Technologies Agro-Industrielles Centre de
Recherches de Royallieu - BP 20529 60205
Compiègne Cedex |
Educational background and diplomas
1975 - Diploma of engineer, Technological Institute of
Food Industry, National University of Food Industry, Kiev, Ukraine
1980 - PhD in Technical Sciences. Speciality: Process
Engineering, National University of Food Industry of Ukraine.
1984 – Diploma of senior scientist, High commission of
classification of Soviet Union.
1997 – Dr abil., University
of Technology of Compiegne, France.
Professional experience
· Professor, Department of Process Engineering
(former Department of Chemical Engineering), University of Technology of
Compiègne, France, 1997 to present.
· Associated professor, Chemical Engineering Department,
University of Technology of Compiègne, France (1995-1997).
· Contractual lecturer-researcher, Chemical Engineering
Department, University of Technology of Compiègne, France (1994-1995).
· Visiting scientist, Chemical Engineering Department, University
of Technology of Compiègne, France (grant of the French Government), 1993.
· Senior scientist and director of the Laboratory of
Separation Processes of the Soviet (then Ukrainian) Research Institute of Sugar
Industry (1984-1993).
· Researcher,
then senior scientist of the Soviet Research Institute of Sugar Industry,
· PhD student, Polytechnic
Institute of Kiev, Ukraine (1977- 1980).
· Engineer, UkrNIISP, Kiev, Ukraine (1975- 1977).
Administrative responsibilities
· Coordinator of research team TAI « Agro-Industrial
Technologies », 1997 to present.
· Responsible for the speciality Sustainable Technologies,
Master «Transformation and valorisation of Agro-resources » (from 2008).
External appointments
· Président of the Scientific Council of IFTS (“Institut
de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives”) from 2007; member of the
Scientific Council of IFTS from 2003.
· Co-editor, « Electrotechnologies for Extraction from
Food Plants and Biomaterials » (Springer, New York, 2008).
· Guest editor, Separation and Purification Technology,
(2007, 58(2)).
· Member of Editorial Board, Separation and Purification
· Member of Editorial Board, Food Engineering Reviews.
· Member of Editorial Board, Filtration.
· Co-editor, Journal of Physical Separations.
· Reviewer for
international journals: AIChE Journal,
Chemical Engineering Science , « Journal of Food Engineering, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Chemical
Engineering Research and Design, Journal of Food Science, and some others.
· Referee for the Israel Science Foundation (2005).
· Referee for the Chilean National Fund FONDECYT (2008).
· Expert of French agencies ANR and Anvar.
· Expert of French-Quebec Council for the universities
cooperation (2010).
Organising of conferences
· Chair of Organising Committee. European Conference on
Fluid-Particle Separation FPS2010 (will be held in Lyon, France, 5-7 October
· Chair of Organising Committee. International
Conference on Bio and Food Electrotechnologies, BFE 2009, 22-23 October 2009,
Compiegne, France.
· Chair of
Organising Committee. 2nd European Conference on Filtration and Separation,
2006, 15- 16 October 2006, Compiegne, France.
· Chair of Organising Committee. International
Conference on Emerging Solid/Liquid Séparation Technologies ICEST,10-11 October 2002 , Compiegne, France.
· Co-Chair of
Organising Committee. French-Ukrainian symposium on the new agro-industrial
technologies, 25-26 October 2001, Kiev, Ukraine.
· Member of Scientific Committee and session chair.
International Conferences: Filtech Europe 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, World Filtration
Congresses 9 and 10, EMChIE 2006.
Professional societies
· International Society of Food Engineering.
· French Society
Génie des Procédés Industriels.
· The Filtration Society. Member of the Council in 2003
· Société Française de Séparation Fluide –
Particules” (SF2P). Member-founder.
· Ukrainian Filtration Association. Organiser and
president in 1992-1994.
Honors and awards
· Laureate of the Price for the innovative technique for
the environment 2008, awarded by Pollutec and ADEME.
· Gold Medal of The Filtration Society awarded for 2001.
· Visiting scientist, University of Technology of
Compiègne, France (grant of the French Government), 1993
· Member of Ukrainian Academy of Technology, 1992.
1. E. Vorobiev and N. Lebovka (Eds.), Electrotechnologies for Extraction
from Food Plants and Biomaterials, Springer, 2008.
2. Vorobiev
E., Lebovka N., Van Hecke E., Lanoisellé J.L. (Eds.). Proceedings
of the International Conference on Bio and Food Electrotechnologies, BFE 2009,
UTC, 2009.
3. Vorobiev E., Lanoisellé J.L. (Eds.). Proceedings of International Conference on
Emerging Solid/Liquid Separation Technologies ICEST 2002, UTC, 2002.
Chapters of books
Vorobiev E
and Lebovka NI Pulsed Electric Field Induced Effects in Plant Tissues:
Fundamental Aspects and Perspectives of Application. In: E. Vorobiev and N.
Lebovka (Eds.), Electrotechnologies for Extraction from Food Plants and
Biomaterials, Springer, 2008, 39-82.
2. Grémy-Gros
C, Lanoisellé J-L and Vorobiev E (2008) “Application of High-Voltage Electrical
Discharges for the Aqueous Extraction from Oilseeds and Other Plants”, In: E.
Vorobiev and N. Lebovka (Eds.), Electrotechnologies for Extraction from Food
Plants and Biomaterials, Springer, 2008, 217-236.
3. Vorobiev
E., Lebovka N. Extraction of intercellular components by pulsed electric fields
in J. Raso and V. Heintz (editors) Pulsed electric field technology for the
food industry, Springer, 2007, 153-194.
4. Vorobiev
E., Lebovka N., Jemai A., Bouzrara H., Bazhal M. “Pulsed Electric Field
Assisted Extraction of Juice from Food Plants”, in Barbosa-Canovas (editor)
Novel Food Processing Technologies, Marcel Dekker/CRC Press, 2005, 105-131.
5. Vorobiev
E. “Enhancing of dehydration using pulsed electric field”, in Dennis Heldman
(editor) Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering, Marcel
Dekker, Inc. 2005.
Peer reviewed journal
Ø 2009
1. Allali
H., Marchal L., Vorobiev E. Effects of
vacuum impregnation and ohmic heating with citric acid on the behaviour of
osmotic dehydration and structural changes of apple fruit, Biosystems
Engineering, 2009, DOI10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2009.08.005
2. Allali H., Marchal L., Vorobiev E. Blanching of strawberries by ohmic heating:
effects on the kinetics of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration. Food and Bioprocess
Technologies. 2008, DOI 10.1007/s11947-008-0115-5
3. Allali
H., Marchal L., Vorobiev E. Effect of
Blanching by Ohmic Heating and Osmotic Dehydration Combined Methods on Mass
Transfer in Apple Cubes. Drying Technology, 2009, 27 (6), 739 – 746.
4. Boussetta,
N., Lebovka N., Vorobiev, E., Adenier H., Bedel-Cloutour, C., Lanoisellé J.-L.,
Electrically assisted extraction of soluble matter from Chardonnay grape skins
for polyphenols recovery. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009, 57
(4), 1491-1497.
5. Boussetta,
N., Vorobiev, E., Bedel-Cloutour, C., Lanoisellé J.-L. Extraction of soluble
matter from grape pomace by high voltage electrical discharges for polyphenol
recovery: Effect of sulphur dioxide and thermal treatments, Journal of Food
Engineering, 2009, doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2009.04.030.
6. Grimi
N., Lebovka NI., Vorobiev E., Vaxelaire J. Compressing behaviour and texture
evaluation for potatoes pretreated by pulsed electric field. Journal
of texture studies, 2009 40 (2), 208-224.
7. Grimi N.,
Vorobiev E., Lebovka NI., Vaxelaire J. Solid-liquid expression from denaturated
plant tissue: Filtration-consolidation behaviour, Journal of Food Engineering,
2009, doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2009.06.039.
8. Grimi
N., Lebovka NI., Vorobiev E., Vaxelaire J. Effect of a Pulsed Electric Field
Treatment on Expression Behavior and Juice Quality of Chardonnay Grape, Food
Biophysics, 2009, 4:191–198 DOI
9. Loginova
K.V., Shynkaryk M.V., Lebovka N.I., Vorobiev E. Acceleration of soluble matter
extraction from chicory with pulsed electric fields, Journal of Food
Engineering, 2009,
10. Loginov
M, Lebovka N, Larue O., Shynkaryk M, Nonus M., Vorobiev E.
Effect of
high voltage electrical discharges on filtration properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
yeast suspensions, Journal of Membrane Science, 2009,
11. Shynkaryk
M.V., Lebovka N.I., Lanoisellé J.-L., Nonus M., Bedel-Clotour C., Vorobiev E.,
Electrically-assisted extraction of bio-products using high pressure disruption
of yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Journal of Food Engineering, 2009, 92(2),
1. Amami,
E., Khezami, L., Vorobiev, E., Kechaou, N., Effect of pulsed electric field and
dehydration pretreatment on the convective drying of carrot tissue, Drying
2008, 26 (2), 231-238.
2. De Vito
F., Ferrari G., Lebovka N, Shynkaryk M, Vorobiev E. Pulse Duration and
Efficiency of Soft Cellular Tissue Disintegration by Pulsed Electric Fields.
Food Bioprocess Technol., 2008,1:307–313 DOI
3. Jalte
M., Lanoiselle J.-L., Lebovka N, Vorobiev E., Freezing of Potato Tissue Pre-Treated
by Pulsed Electric Fields– LWT Food Science and Technology, 2008, 42( 2), 576-580.
4. Lebovka,
N.I., Kupchik, M.P., Sereda, K., Vorobiev, E., Electrostimulated thermal permeabilisation
of potato tissues, Biosystems Engineering, 2008, 99 (1), 76-80.
5. Loginov
M., Larue O., Lebovka N. Vorobiev E.,
Fluidity of highly concentrated kaolin suspensions : Influence of particle
concentration and presence of dispersant, Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2008, 325 (1-2), 64-71.
6. Savoire
R., Lanoiselle J.-L., Vorobiev E., Ducatel H., Oil yield and compressibility modelling
during microscale expression: criteria for linseed breeding, European Journal of
Lipid Science and Technology, 2008, 110, 725-734.
7. Shynkaryk
M.V., Lebovka N.I., Vorobiev E., Pulsed electric fields and temperature effects
on Drying and rehydration of red beetroots, Drying Technology, 2008, 26 (6), 695-704.
Ø 2007
1. Amami
E., Fersi A., Kechaou N., Vorobiev E. Osmotic dehydration of carrot tissue enhanced
by pulsed electric field, salt and centrifugal force, Journal of Food
Engineering, 2007, 83 (4), 605-613.
2. Amami
E., Fersi A., Khezami L., Kechaou N., Vorobiev E. Centrifugal osmotic dehydration
of carrot tissues pre-treated by pulsed electric field, LWT Food Science and Technology,
2007, 40 (7), 1156-1166.
3. El-Belghiti
K, Rabhi Z. Vorobiev E. Effect or process parameters on solute centrifugal extraction
from electropermeabilized carrot gratings, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2007,
87 (1C), 24-28.
4. El
Zakhem H., Lanoiselle J-L., Lebovka N.I., Nonus M., Vorobiev E. Influence of temperature
and surfactant on Escherichia coli inactivation in aqueous suspensions treatedby
moderate pulsed electric fields, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2007,
In press.
5. Grimi
N., Praporsic I., Lebovka NI., Vorobiev E. Selective extraction from carrot slices
by pressing and washing enhanced by pulsed electric fields, Separation and Purification Technology, 2007, 58 (2),
6. Lebovka
N. I., Shynkaryk N., Vorobiev E. Pulsed electric field enhanced drying of potato
tissue, Journal of Food Engineering, 2007, 78 (2), 606-613. Lebovka N. I.,
Shynkaryk M., El-Belghiti K., Benjelloun H.,
7. Vorobiev
E. Plasmolysis of sugarbeet: Pulsed electric fields and thermal treatment,
Journal of Food Engineering, 2007, 80 (2), 639-644.
8. Lebovka
NI., Shynkaryk M, Vorobiev E. Moderate electric field treatment of sugarbeet tissues,
Biosystems Engineering, 2007, 96 (1), 47-56.
9. Lebovka
NI, Vorobiev E. The kinetics of inactivation of spheroidal
microbial cells by pulsed electric fields, Archive, Physics, 2007, 1-22.
10. Olivier
J., Vaxelaire J., Vorobiev E. Modelling of Cake Filtration, An Overview Separation
Science and Technology, 2007, 42 (8), 1667-1700.
11. Petryk
M., Vorobiev E. Liquid flowing from porous particles during the pressing of biological
materials, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2007, 31 (10), 1336-1345.
12. Praporscic
I., Shynkaryk M., Lebovka N., Vorobiev E. Analysis of juice colour and dry
matter content during pulsed electric field enhanced expression of soft plant
tissues, Journal of Food Engineering, 2007, 79 (2), 662-670.
13. Praporscic
I., Lebovka N. I., Vorobiev E., Mietton-Peuchot M. Pulsed electric field enhanced
expression and juice quality of white grapes, Separation and Purification Technology,
2007, 52 (3), 520-526.
14. Praporsic I., Vorobiev E. Lebovka NI. Pulsed electric field assisted solid/liquid expression
of agro-food materials: towards a novel environmental friendly technology, Filtration,
2007, 7 (1), 45-49.
Ø 2006
1. Amami,
E., Vorobiev E., Kechaou, N. Modelling of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration
of apple tissue pre-treated by pulsed electric field, LWT- Food Science and Technology,
2006, 39 (9), 1014-1021.
2. El
Zakhem H., Lanoisellé J.-L., Lebovka N. I., Nonus M., Vorobiev E. The early stages
of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast suspensions damage in moderate pulsed
electric fields. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2006, 47 (2), 189-197.
3. El
Zakhem H., Lanoisellé J.-L., Lebovka N. I., Nonus M., Vorobiev E. Behavior of yeast
cells in aqueous suspension affected by pulsed electric field, Journal of
Colloid and Interface Science, 2006, 300 (2), 553-563.
4. Jemai
A.B., Vorobiev E. ,Pulsed Electric Field Assisted Pressing of Sugar Beet
Slices: towards a Novel Process of Cold Juice Extraction, Biosystems
Engineering, 2006, 93 (1) 57-68.
5. Larue, O., Wakeman, R., Tarleton, S.,
Vorobiev, E. “Pressure electroosmotic dewatering with continuous removal of
electrolysis products”, Chemical Engineering Science, 2006, 61, 4732-4740.
6. Lebovka
N.I., Shynkaryk M., Vorobiev E. Drying of potato tissue pretreated by ohmic heating,
Drying Technology, 24, 2006, 601–608.
7. Praporscic, N.I. Lebovka, S. Ghnimi and E.
Vorobiev Ohmically Heated, Enhanced Expression of Juice from Apple and Potato
Tissues, Biosystems Engineering, Volume
93, Issue 2, February 2006, Pages 199-204.
8. Soua,
Z., Larue, O., Vorobiev, E., Lanoisellé, J.-L. "Estimation of floc size in
highly concentrated calcium carbonate suspension obtained by filtration with
dispersant" Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2006, 274
(1-3), 1-10.
9. Vorobiev,
E. “Derivation of Filtration Equations Incorporating the Effect of Pressure
Redistribution on the Cake-Medium Interface. A Constant Pressure Filtration”,
Chemical Engineering Science, 2006, 61, 3686-3697.
Ø 2005
1. El-Belghiti,
K., Vorobiev E. “Kinetic model of sugar diffusion from sugar beet tissue
treated by pulsed electric field, Journal of the Science of Food and
Agriculture, 2005, 85, 213-218.
2. El-Belghiti,
K., Vorobiev E. “Modelling of solute aqueous extraction from carrots subjected
to a pulsed electric field pre-treatment”, Biosystems Engineering, 2005, 90
(3), 289-294.
3. Lebovka,
N.I., I. Praporscic, S. Ghnimi, Vorobiev E. “Temperature enhanced
electroporation under the pulsed electric field treatment of food tissue”,
Journal of Food Engineering, 2005, 69 (2), 179-184.
4. El-Belghiti,
K., Rabhi, Z. Vorobiev E. „Effect of the centrifugal force on the aqueous
extraction of solute from sugar beet tissue pretreated by a pulsed electric
field”, Journal of Food Process
Engineering, 2005, 28, 346-358.
5. Lebovka
NI, Praporscic I, Ghnimi S, and Vorobiev E. “Does Electroporation Occur During the
Ohmic Heating of Food?”, Journal of Food Science, 2005, 70(5):E308-311.
6. Amami,
E., Vorobiev E., Kechaou, N. “Effect of Pulsed Electric Field on the Osmotic
Dehydration and Mass Transfer Kinetics of Apple Tissue”, Drying Technology,
2005, 23 (3), 581-595.
7. Praporscic,
I., V. Ghnimi, S et Vorobiev, E. “Enhancement of pressing sugar beet cuts by
combined ohmic heating and pulsed electric field treatment” Journal of Food
Processing and Preservation, 2005 , 29, (5-6), 378-389.
Ø 2004
1. Lebovka
N.I., Vorobiev E. “On the origin of the deviation from the first-order kinetics
in inactivation of microbial cells by pulsed electric fields”, International
Journal of Food Microbiology, 2004, 91, 83-89.
2. Lebovka
N.I., Praporscic I., Vorobiev E. “Combined treatment of apples by pulsed
electric fields and by heating at moderate temperature”, Journal of Food
Engineering, 2004, 65, 211-217.
3. Lebovka
N.I., Praporscic I., Vorobiev E. “Effect of moderate thermal and pulsed
electric field treatments on textural properties of carrots, potatoes and
apples”, Innovative Food Sci. & Emerging Technologies, 2004, 5, 9-16.
4. El-Belghiti,
K., Vorobiev E. “Mass transfer of sugar from beets enhanced by pulsed electric
field”, Trans. IChemE, 2004, 82(C3), 226-230.
5. Soua,
Z., Mouroko-Mitoulou T., Vorobiev, E. « Study of filtration- liquefaction of
calcium carbonate dispersions”, Trans. IChemE, 2004, 82(A1), 105-109.
6. Larue,
O., Vorobiev E. “ Sedimentation and water electrolysis
effects in electrofiltration of kaolin suspension”, AIChE Journal, 2004, vol.
50, No. 12, 1-14.
7. Vorobiev,
E., Soua, Z., Mouroko-Mitoulou T. « Precoat filtration of a deflocculated
mineral suspension in the presence of a dispersant”, Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2004, 251, 5-17.
8. Praporscic,
I., V. Muravetchi et E. Vorobiev, “Constant rate expressing of juice from
biological tissue enhanced by pulsed electric field”, Drying Technology, 2004,
22 (8), pp. 1-14.
9. Lanoisellé,
J.-L., Piar, G., Vorobiev E. „High-pressure expression of cocoa suspensions : an overview of the butter extraction mechanism
», Filtration, 2004, 4(4), p. 295-303.
Ø 2003
1. Lebovka
N.I., Praporscic I., Vorobiev E. “Enhanced expression of juice from soft
vegetable tissues by pulsed electric fields: consolidation stages analysis”,
Journal of Food Engineering, 2003, 59, 309-317.
2. Jemai
A.B., Vorobiev E. „Enhancing leaching from sugar beet cossettes by pulsed
electric field“, Journal of Food Engineering, 2003, 59, 405-412.
3. Larue,
O., Vorobiev E. „Electrocoagulation and coagulation by iron of latex particles
in aqueous suspensions”, Separation and Purification Technology, 2003, 31,
4. Larue,
O., Vorobiev E. “Comparison of electrocoagulation by iron electrodes
andcoagulation by iron salts dosing on latex suspension”, Trans. of Filtration
Society, 2003, 3 (1), 55-59.
5. Bouzrara
H., Vorobiev E. “Solid/liquid expression of cellular materials enhanced by
pulsed electric field », Chemical Eng.&
Processing, 2003, 42 (4), 249-257.
6. Larue,
O., Vorobiev E. “Floc Size Estimation in Iron induced Electro-coagulation and
Coagulation using Sedimentation Data”, Mineral Processing, 2003, 71, 1-15.
7. Gros,
C., Lanoisellé, J.-L., Vorobiev E. « Towards an alternative extraction process
for linseed oil », Trans. IChemE, 2003, 81, Part A, 1059-1065.
8. Bazhal
M.I., Lebovka N.I., Vorobiev E. “Optimisation of Pulsed Electric Field Strength
for Electroplasmolysis of Vegetable Tissues”, Biosystems Engineering, 2003, 86,
(3), 339-345.
Ø 2002- 2000
1. Lebovka N.I., Bazhal M.I., Vorobiev E.I. “Estimation of
characteristic damage time of food materials in pulsed-electric field”, Journal
of Food Engineering, 2002, 54, 337-346.
2. Jemai
A.B., Vorobiev E. Effect of moderate electric field pulses on the diffusion
coefficient of soluble substances from apple slices. International Journal of
Food Science and Technology, 2001, 37, 73-86.
3. Larue, O., Vorobiev E. "Filtration and pressurised
electroosmotic dewatering of a highly conductive silica suspension",
Transactions of the Filtration Society, 2001, 1 (2), 31-37.
4. Larue,
O., Vorobiev E. "The Pressurised Electroosmotic Dewatering in a Filter Cycle",
Drying Technol., 2001, 19(9), 2363-2378.
5. Bazhal M.I., Lebovka N.I., Vorobiev E. “Pulsed electric field
treatment of apple tissueduring compression for juice extraction”, Journal of
Food Engineering, 2001, 50, 129-139.
6. Lebovka
N.I., Bazhal M.I., Vorobiev E. "Pulsed electric field breakage of cellular
tissues: Visualization of percolative properties", Innovative Food Sci.
& Emerging Technologies, 2001, 2, 113-125.
7. Bouzrara
H., Vorobiev E. “Non-thermal pressing and washing of fresh sugarbeet cossettes
combined with a pulsed electrical field”, Zucker Industrie, 2001, 126, N6, 463-466.
8. Dussour,
S., Favoriti, P., Vorobiev, E. "Influence of Chemical Additives upon Both
Filtration and Electroosmotic Dehydration of a Kaolin Suspension", Sep.
Sci. Technol., 2000,35, N°8, pp 1179-1193.
9. Bazhal
M., Vorobiev E. Electrical treatment of apple cossettes for intensifying juice
pressing, J. Sci. Food Agric., (80), pp1668-1674 (2000).
10. Bouzrara
H., Vorobiev E. Beet juice extraction by pressing and pulsed electric fields,
International Sugar Journal, CII (1216), pp 194-200 (2000).
11. Lebovka N.I., Bazhal M.I., Vorobiev E.I. Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Food Material Breakage Using the Pulsed Electric Field Treatment. (2000). Journal of Food Engineering, 44, 213-223.
Ø 2009
1. Vorobiev
E., Grimi N. Filtration-consolidation analysis of solid-liquid expression from
biological tissue. Proceedings of International Conference for Filtration and
Separation Technology, FILTECH 2009, Wiesbaden, Germany, October 13-15, 2009,
p. I-276-I-283.
2. Loginov
M,. Lebovka N., Larue O., Vorobiev E. Filtration of
highly concentrated CaCO3 suspensions using a rotating disk dynamic system. Proceedings of International Conference for Filtration and
Separation Technology, FILTECH 2009, Wiesbaden, Germany, October 13-15, 2009,
p. II-756-II-262.
Boussetta N., Lebovka N., Vorobiev E., Adenier H., Bedel-Clotour C.,Lanoiselle
J.-L. Pulsed electric field and high voltage electrical discharges assisted
aqueous extraction of polyphénols from grape skins – 2nd International Congress
on Green Process Engineering & 2nd European Process Intensification
Conference, GPE-EPIC 2009, Venice, Italy, June 14-17 2009.
4. Loginov
M, Larue O, Lebovka N, Nonus M., Lanoiselle JL,
Shynkaryk M Vorobiev E. Dead-end filtration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
yeast suspensions: effects of high-pressure disruption, high-voltage electrical
discharges and flocculation – 2nd International Congress on Green Process
Engineering & 2nd European Process Intensification Conference, GPE-EPIC
2009, Venice, Italy, June 14-17 2009.
5. Boussetta N., De Ferron A., Reess T, Pecastaing L., Lanoiselle J.-L., Vorobiev E.
of polyphenols extraction from grape pomace using pulsed arc electro
discharges – 17th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, PPC 2009,
DC, USA, June 29 –July 2 2009.
6. Boussetta N., Deloison V., Vorobiev E., Merlier F., Cordin A., Lanoiselle J.-L.
voltage electrical discharges: aqueous and alcoholic polyphénols extractions –
8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, August 23-27
7. Ben
Ammar J., Van Hecke E., Vorobiev E., Lanoiselle J.-L.
electric fields improve freezing process – Proceedings of the International
Conference on Bio and Food Electrotechnologies, BFE 2009, Eds Vorobiev E.,
Lebovka N., Van Hecke E., Lanoisellé J.L., Compiègne, France, October 22-23
2009, p. 95-100.
Boussetta N., Reess T, Pecastaing L., De
Ferron A., Falcimaigne-Cordin A., Lanoiselle J.-L., Vorobiev E. Application of
high voltage electrical discharges at pilot scale: extraction of polyphénols
from grape pomace – Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio and Food
Electrotechnologies, BFE 2009, Eds Vorobiev E., Lebovka N., Van Hecke E., Lanoisellé
J.L., Compiègne, France, , October 22-23 2009, p. 108-113.
9. El
Zakhem H., Lanoiselle J.-L., Lebovka N, Nonus M., Vorobiev E.Destruction
kinetics of Escherichia coli cells affected by moderate pulsed electric fields
– Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio and Food
Electrotechnologies, BFE 2009, Eds Vorobiev E., Lebovka N., Van Hecke E.,
Lanoisellé J.L., Compiègne, France, , October 22-23 2009, p. 152.
10. Turk
M., Baron A., Vorobiev E. Pulsed electric field assisted pressing of apple mash
on a continuous pilot scale plant: extraction yield and qualitative
characteristics of cider juice. Proceedings
of the International Conference on Bio and Food Electrotechnologies, BFE 2009,
Eds Vorobiev E., Lebovka N., Van Hecke E., Lanoisellé J.L., Compiègne, France, October 22-23 2009, p.114-119 .
11. Loginova
K.V., Bulavin L.A., Lebovka N.I., Vorobiev E. On damage kinetics of cellular biomaterial
treated by pulsed electric fields. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Bio and Food Electrotechnologies, BFE 2009, Eds
Vorobiev E., Lebovka N., Van Hecke E., Lanoisellé J.L., Compiègne, France, ,
October 22-23 2009, p.182-187 .
12. Negm
M., Vorobiev E., Sitohy M. Enhancing the aqueous
extraction of Stevia Glycosides from Stevia Rebaudiana leaves under the action
of electric discharge pretreatment. Proceedings of the International Conference
on Bio and Food Electrotechnologies, BFE 2009, Eds Vorobiev E., Lebovka N., Van
Hecke E., Lanoisellé J.L., Compiègne, France, October 22-23 2009, p.221-226.
Ø 2008
Boussetta N, Vorobiev E, Lanoiselle J.-L., Bedel-Cloutour, C. – Polyphenols
extraction from grape pomace by high-voltage discharges – 14th World Congress
of Food Science & Technology IUFoST 2008 “Food for Health and Wellbeing
where Tradition meets the Future”, Shanghai, China, October 19-23 2008.
2. Grimi
N., Vorobiev E., Vaxelaire J. Juice extraction from sugar beet slices by belt
filter press: effect of pulsed electric field and operating parameters; 14th
World Congress of Food Science & Technology IUFoST 2008 “Food for Health
and Wellbeing where Tradition meets the Future”, Shanghai, China, October 19-23
3. Lanoiselle
J.L, Li L, Ding L.H, Liao X., Vorobiev E – Study of high voltage electrical discharge
and dynamic microfiltration for extraction of linseed oil – 10th International Congress
on Engineering and Food, ICEF 10, Vina del Mar, Chile, April 20-24 2008.
4. Lanoisellé
JL, Li L, Ding L, Liao X, Vorobiev E, Study of high voltage electrical discharges
and dynamic microfiltration for extraction of linseed oil. The 10th
International Congress of Engineering and Food, Viña del Mar, Chili, 20-24
April 2008.
5. Li L.,
Lanoiselle J.L., Ding LH, Liao X, Vorobiev E., Linseed oil extraction by high voltage
electrical discharges followed by separation oil-in-water emulsions by dynamic microfiltration
– 10th World Filtration Congress, WFC 10, Leipzig, Germany, April 14-18 2008,
p. II-533–II.537.
6. Savoire
R, Vorobiev E, Lanoisellé JL, Effect of lecithin addition on crude linseed oil filtration
– 10th World Filtration Congress, WFC 10, Leipzig, Germany, April 14-18 2008, p.
7. Savoire
R, Lanoisellé JL, Vorobiev E, Thomasset B, Reserve accumulation kinetics and oil
expressability during linseed maturation – 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress “Oils,
Fats and Lipids in the 3rd Millennium”, Athens, Greece, September 7-10 2008. Savoire
R., Lanoiselle J.-L., Vorobiev E. –
Expression of linseed before maturity a different scales : micropress ans
continuous press – 14th World Congress of Food Science & Technology IUFoST
2008 “Food for Health and Wellbeing where Tradition meets the Future”,
Shanghai, China, October 19-23 2008.
8. Vorobiev
E., Savoire R., Lanoiselle J.-L., Filtration of crude linseed oil: impact of phospholipids
– 10th International Congress on Engineering and Food, ICEF 10, Vina del Mar,
Chile, April 20-24 2008.
E., Grimi N., Vaxelaire J. Solid-liquid expression enhancement from plant
tissues by pulsed electric fields; World Filtration Congress WFC10, Leipzig,
Germany April 14-18, 2008.
9. Vorobiev
E., Grimi N., Lebovka N., Vaxelaire J. Textural and compressing properties of potato
tissue treated by pulsed electric fields; 10th International Congress on
Engineering and Food, ICEF 10, Vina del Mar, Chile, April 20-24 2008.
Ø 2007
1. El
Zakhem H., Lanoisellé J.-L., Lebovka N. I., Nonus M., Vorobiev E. Treatment of bacterial
suspensions of Escherichia coli by moderate pulsed electric field: Influence of
temperature and organic acids combinations, International Conference on
Biotechnology Engineering, ICBio E, 8-10 May 2007, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia
2. El Zakhem H., Lanoisellé J.-L., Lebovka N. I., Nonus M., Vorobiev E. Batch treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae suspensions by moderate pulsed electric field : Effects of agitation, 11ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP), Saint Etienne, France, 9-11 Octobre 2007. Conférence. Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés – Numéro 96.
3. Lanoisellé JL, Lebovka N, Jalte M, Vorobiev E., Surgélation des végétaux prétraités par Champs Electriques Pulsés – XIe Congrès Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Saint Étienne, France, 9-11 octobre 2007, lauréat du 3ème prix de la communication par affiche .
4. Larue O,
Dusanter A, Vorobiev E, Saleh K, Guigon P. Mechanical dehydration and drying of
mineral suspensions in presence of dispersant. Interntional Conference & Exhibition
for filtration and Separation Technology, FILTECH 2007, Feb-march mars 2007,
Rhein-Main-Hallen Wiesbaden, Germany.
5. Savoire
R, Lanoisellé JL, Vorobiev E – Modelling of linseed oil expression curves. Impact
of variety and maturity on the identified parameters of the model – European Congress
on Chemical Engineering, ECCE-6 Book of abstracts, Eds. R. Gani & K. Dam.Johanssen
Vol 2, p. 965-966, Full paper on CD, ISBN-978-87-91435-57-9, Copenhagen, 16-21
September 2007.
6. Savoire R, Lanoisellé JL, Vorobiev E, Guillot X, Ducatel H – Extraction de l’huile de lin par micropressage – XIe Congrès Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Saint Étienne, France, 9-11 octobre 2007.
1. El Zakhem H., Lanoisellé J.-L., Lebovka N.
I., Nonus M., Vorobiev E. Treatment of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae suspensions by Pulsed Electric Fields: Effects of yeast cells
concentration and non-ionic surfactant additives. IUFOST 13th
world congress of Food Science and Technology, 17-21 September 2006, Nantes,
2. El
Zakhem H., Lanoisellé J.-L., Lebovka N. I., Nonus M., Vorobiev
E. Treatment of Escherichia coli suspensions in PEF: Effects of organic acids
& non-ion surfactant additives, CIFST/AAFC joint conference, Montreal-
CANADA, 28-30 May 2006.
3. Jalté
M., Lebovka N. I., Lanoisellé J.-L., Vorobiev E. Freezing of vegetable tissues pre-treated
by pulsed electric field. IUFOST 13th world congress of Food
Science and Technology, 17-21 September 2006, Nantes, France.
4. Larue,
O., Wakeman, R., Tarleton, S., Vorobiev, E. Enhancement of pressure electroosmotic
dewatering of bentonite suspension. Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference
on Filtration and Separation, ECFS 2006, Eds Vorobiev E., Lanoisellé J.L., Compiègne,
France, 12-13 October 2006, p. 368-373.
5. Marchal
L., Allali H., Vorobiev E., Lanoisellé J.-L. Effect of
Blanching by ohmic heating on the texture of apple cubes. Proceedings of
the 4tj International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, Eds Fischer P.,
Erni P., Windhab E. J., Zürich, Switzerland, 20-23 February 2006, p. 635-636.
6. Mizonov
V., Vorobiev E., Yaranov S., Berthiaux H. Application of the theory of Markov chains to
model non-linear phenomena in filtration Proceedings of the 2nd European
Conference on Filtration and Separation, 12-13 October 2006, Compiegne, France,
p. 379-383.
7. Petryk
M., Vorobiev E. Mass transfer from liquid containing spherical particles during
the pressing of biological porous materials. Proceedings of
the 2nd European Conference on Filtration and Separation, 12-13 October 2006,
Compiegne, France, p.266-273.
8. Savoire
R., Lanoisellé J.-L., Vorobiev E., Mignot S., Boursin S. Comparison of linseed oil
expression using screw and micro presses. IUFOST 13th world
congress of Food Science and Technology, 17-21 September 2006, Nantes, France.
9. Vorobiev
E., Lanoisellé J.-L., Savoire R. Filtration of linseed oil. Proceedings of the
2nd European Conference on Filtration and Separation, ECFS 2006, Eds
Vorobiev E., Lanoisellé J.L., Compiègne, France, 12-13 October 2006, p.
10. Vorobiev
E., Praporscic I., Lebovka N. I. Pulsed electric field assisted solid-liquid
expression of agro-food materials : towards a novel environmentally friendly
technology, 5th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment, Vienna,
Austria, 3-5 May, 2006, ed. W. Hoeflinger, volume 2, p. 874-880.
11. Vorobiev
E., Lanoisellé J.-L., Savoire R. Filtration of linseed oil. Proceedings of the
2nd European Conference on Filtration and Separation, ECFS 2006, Eds Vorobiev
E., Lanoisellé J.L., Compiègne, France, 12-13 October 2006, p. 374-378.
Ø 2005
1. Henri El
Zakhem, Jean-Louis Lanoisellé, Nikolai I. Lebovka, Maurice Nonus, Eugène
Vorobiev Inactivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by pulsed electric field
treatment: Early stages of yeast damage; EFFoST INTRADFOOD 2005 Conference, 25
- 28 October, 2005 - Valencia, Spain. Innovations in traditional foods, eds.
edro Fito and Fidel Toldrá
2. Praporscic I., Lebovka N. I., Ghnimi S., et Vorobiev E. « Effet de la température sur l’électroporation des membranes cellulaires et sur l’efficacité de pressage », 10ème Congres de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, 20-22 Septembre 2005, Toulouse, France, CD-Rom (9 p).
3. El-Belghiti K., Rabhi Z., Vorobiev E. « Extraction aqueuse dans le champ centrifuge de solutés des carottes traitées par champ électrique pulsé », 10ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, 20-22 septembre 2005, CD-Rom (7 p).
4. Soua Z., Dusanter A., Larue O., Vorobiev E. « Caractérisation d’une suspension de carbonate de calcium concentrée par la filtration/Liquéfaction en présence de dispersants », 10ème Congres de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, 20-22 Septembre 2005, Toulouse, France, CD-Rom (9 p).
5. Amami, E.; Vorobiev, E.; Kechaou, N. Etude de la déshydratation osmotique de carottes prétraitées par Champ Electrique Pulsé (CEP). 10 éme Congrés de la société française de Génie des Procédés, Toulouse, 21-23 septembre 2005, Toulouse, France, CD-Rom (6p).
6. Marchal L., Allali H., Vorobiev E. “Blanchiment de fraises par chauffage ohmique : incidence sur la cinétique de déshydratation – imprégnation par immersion”, 10 éme Congrés de la société française de Génie des Procédés, Toulouse, 21-23 septembre 2005, Toulouse, France, CD-Rom (6p).
7. Vorobiev
E., Soua Z., Larue O., Dusanter A. “Modification of filter cake obtained by
filtration with dispersing agents”, Proceedings of Filtech Europa Conference
Wiesbaden, Germany 11-13 October 2005, I-73-I-82.
Ø 2004
1. Lebovka,
N.I., I. Praporscic et E. Vorobiev, “Combined moderate thermal and pulsed
electric fields treatments of plant tissues”. International
Congress on Engineering and Food, Montpellier, 7-11 mars 2004, CD-Rom, (6 p).
2. Lanoisellé,
J.-L., Nonus, M., Vorobiev E., Arrayan, R., Amarante P.N.S. « Inactivation of
microorganisms in liquid foods using moderate electric field pulses »,
International Congress on Engineering and Food, Montpellier, 7-11 mars 2004,
CD-Rom, (6 p).
3. Marchal,
L., Muravetchi, V., Vorobiev, E., Bonhoure, J.P. “Recovery of inulin from
Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers: Development of a Pressing method assisted by
Pulsed electric field”, International Congress on Engineering and Food,
Montpellier, 7-11 mars 2004, CD-Rom, (6 p).
4. Khezami,
L., Jemai, A., Kapart, R., Vorobiev, E. “Drying of food pulps in a laboratory
filter-press equipped for a treatment by pulsed electric field (PEF)”,
International Congress on Engineering and Food, Montpellier, 7-11 mars 2004,
CD-Rom, (6 p).
5. El-Belghiti,
K., Vorobiev, E. „ Kinetic model of solutes extraction from apple tissue
enhanced by pulsed electric field”, International Congress on Engineering and
Food, Montpellier, 7-11 mars 2004, CD-Rom, (6 p).
6.Larue O.,
Vorobiev E. “Electrofiltration of kaolin suspension with sedimentation”,
Proceedings of 9 World Filtration
Congress, New Orleans, USA, 18-24 April 2004, CD-Rom, (9 p).
7. Vorobiev, E., Lebovka, N.,
Praporscic, I.,. Muravetchi V. “Stages of consant rate and constant pressure
solid-liquid expression enhanced by pulsed electric field” Proceedings of 9
World Filtration Congress, New Orleans, USA, 18-24 April 2004, CD-Rom, (9 p).
8. Vorobiev,
E., Soua, Z., Mouroko-Mitoulou T. « Precoat filtration of a mineral suspension
deflocculated by
to preserve the filtrate quality and liquefy the filter cake”, Proceedings of 9
World Filtration Congress, New Orleans, USA, 18-24 April 2004, CD-Rom, (11 p).
9. Lanoisellé,
J.-L., Moiny, V., Vorobiev E. « Multistage filtration/expression of food
suspension with highly compressible filter cake », Proceedings of 9 World
Filtration Congress, New Orleans, USA, 18-24 April 2004, CD-Rom, (10 p).
10. Gros,
C., Lanoisellé, J.-L., Vorobiev E. « Aqueuse extraction and separation of
linseed press-cake components enhanced by high voltage electrical
discharges”, Proceedings of 9 World
Filtration Congress, New Orleans, USA, 18-24 April 2004, CD-Rom, (14 p).
Ø 2003
1. Vorobiev,
E., Soua, Z., Mouroko-Mitoulou, T. « Filtration with dispersing agents: the
role of precoat layer on cake resistance and filtrate contamination”,
Proceedings of Filtech Europa Conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, 21-23 October
2003, I-437-I-445.
2. Praporscic,
I., Muravetchi, V., Vorobiev E. “Constant rate expression of biological
tissueenhanced by pulsed electric field”, Proceedings of Filtech Europa
Conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, 21-23 October 2003, I-160-I-168.
3. El-Belghiti,
K., Vorobiev E. “Mass transfer of sugar from beets enhanced by pulsed electric
field”, 9 Congrès de la SFGP, Saint-Nazaire, 2003, A-15 (7 p).
4. Soua,
Z., Mouroko-Mitoulou T., Vorobiev, E. « Study of filtration- liquefaction of
calcium carbonate dispersions”, 9 Congrès de la SFGP, Saint-Nazaire, 2003, 2-33
(8 p).
5. Gros,
C., Lanoisellé, J.-L., Vorobiev E. « Towards an alternative extraction process
forlinseed oil », 9 Congrès de la SFGP, Saint-Nazaire, 2003, A-18 (7 p).
Ø 2002 – 2000
1. Jemai
A.B., Ben Ali S., Vorobiev E. Using Electric Field Pulses to enhance the
solid-liquid leaching process, Proceedings of International Conference on
Emerging Solid/Liquid Separation Technologies ICEST 2002, Compiègne, France,
10-11 October 2002, 142-147.
2. Lebovka N.I., Praporscic I., Vorobiev E. Influence of pulsed electric
fields on consolidation behaviour of food tissues, Proceedings of International
Conference on Emerging Solid/Liquid Separation Technologies ICEST 2002,
Compiègne, France, 10-11 October 2002, 179-185.
3. Mouroko-Mitoulou
T., Vorobiev E. Filtration with cake liquefaction by dispersants, Proceedings
of International Conference on Emerging Solid/Liquid Separation Technologies
ICEST 2002, Compiègne, France, 10-11 October 2002, 99-105.
4. Larue
O., Vorobiev E. Electrocoagulation process in a filter cycle, Proceedings of
International Conference on Emerging Solid/Liquid Separation Technologies ICEST
2002, Compiègne, France, 10-11 October 2002,167-173.
5. Vorobiev
E., Bouzrara H. The mechanism of solid/liquid expression combined with pulsed
electric field. Application to agro-food materials.
Proceedings of Filtech Europa Conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, 16-18 October
2001, 475-482.
6. Bouzrara H., Vorobiev E. .Pressage des produits biologiques amélioré par champ électrique pulsé. Les différents étapes du procédé, Récents progrès en génie des procédés, 2001, 15, (87), 215-223
7. Bouzrara
H., Vorobiev E. Expression of cellular materials intensified by electric field
pulses, Proceedings of World Filtration Congress 8, Brighton (UK), 3- 7 April
2000, 299-302
8. Krimitsas
N., Vorobiev E., Petryk M. Continuous solid/liquid expression from cellular
materials in screw presses : process analysis and
modelling. Proceedings of WorldFiltration Congress 8, Brighton (UK), 3- 7 April
2000, 763-766.
9. Vorobiev
E., Krimitsas N. Modeling
of solid/liquid expression from unsaturated materials consisting of moist
liquif-containing particles, Proceedings of World Filtration Congress 8,
Brighton (UK), 3- 7 April 2000, 61 - 64.
10. Larue,
O., Mouroko-Mitoulou T., Vorobiev E. Influence of filter cycle phases on the
cake electroosmotic deliquoring, Proceedings of World Filtration Congress 8,
Brighton (UK), 3 -7 April 2000, 1201-1204.
11. Vorobiev
E.I., Bazhal M.I., Lebovka N.I. (2000). Optimisation of
simultaneous pulsed electric field and pressure plasmolysis of apple.
Proceedings of Eighth
International Congress on Engineering and Food ICEF8, Puebla (Mexico), 9-13
April 2000, 1494-1499.
12. Jemai
A.B., Vorobiev E. Enhancement of the diffusion characteristic of apple slices
due to moderate electric field pulses, Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Engineering
and Food ICEF8, Puebla (Mexico), 9-13 April 2000, 1504-1508.