Articles / Actes


Actualités :

PhiTeCo :
Séminaire Interdisciplinaire Philosophie Technologie Cognition
du 21 au 25 janvier 2013


Gapenne, O. & Declerck, G. (2009). Resistance as constraint and auxialiary for proximal and distant perceptual interaction. Communication orale et publication dans les actes,Cognitive Systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS’09), Session « Enaction, instruments and objects », 16 novembre 2009, Paris.

Steiner, P. (2009). Le pragmatisme : de la pratique philosophique aux instruments de la connaissance. B.Cahour, F.Anceaux, A.Giboin (Eds.), Proceedings of EPIQUE 2009, Nice, 251-256.

Steiner, P. (2009). Mindful consequences of inferentialism and normativism: why conceptual mental episodes ain’t in the head (at all), C.Moretti, C.Penco and F.Pitto (Eds.), Towards Pragmatism – CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol.444, 62-71.

Deschamps, L., Rovira, K., Lenay, C. & Gapenne, O. (2009). The conception of a tactile Internet : from analysing the use of a perceptual supplementation device (Tactos) to the elaboration of the Intertact project. CVHI 2009, M.A. Hersh (ed.) (sur CD uniquement)

Gapenne, O. & Declerck, G. (2009). Conceptualizing and designing the process of appropriation: the story of a disappearance.
In Proceedings of ICORD’09, Bangalore, Inde, pp.363-370.


Rovira, K., & Gapenne, O. (2008). Catégoriser à l’aide d’un système de suppléance perceptive : stratégies d’exploration et de classification d’adolescents aveugles. In E. Loarer, P. Vrignaud, J.L. Mogenet, F. Cuisinier, H. Gottesdiener & P. Mallet (Eds.), Perspectives différentielles en psychologie, Presses Universitaire de Rennes, pp. 399-402.

Lenay, C., Declerck, G., Gapenne, O., Maillet, B., Stewart, J. & Thouvenin, I. (2008). Technical mediation of sensorimotor coupling : a minimalist approach. In Proceedings of Enactive 08, Pise, Italie, pp. 36-41.


Steiner P., Lenay C. (2007). Externalism and Enaction. In Enactive 06/ 4th International Conference on Enactive Interface, November 19-24, 2007, Grenoble, France, pp. 145-148.

Steiner P., Guignard J.-B. (2007). Complexes symboliques, contextuel et interactionnel : vers une approche énactive de la communication verbale. In Chr.Bourjot, N.Grégori, H.Schroeder et A.Berardi (coord.), Acta Cognitica, Actes du Colloque 2007 de l’Association pour la Recherche Cognitive (ARCo) – Cognition, Complexité, Collectif, Nancy, 2007, pp.141-153.

Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Stewart,J., Lenay, C. & Bausse, J. (2007). Design a haptic zoom: levels and steps. World Haptics Conference, Tsukuba, Japon.

Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Stewart,J. & Lenay, C. (2007). Design a haptic zoom: levels and steps. HuMaN’07, Timimoun, Algérie. 6p.

Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Stewart,J. & Lenay, C. (2007).
Manipulation d’un zoom haptique continu via un dispositif de substitution sensorielle.
IHM’07, Paris, France. 7p.

Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Stewart,J., Lenay, (2007). Zooming experience in the haptic modality. In Proceedings of Enactive’07, Grenoble, France. pp. 305-308.

Lenay, C., Thouvenin, I., Guenand, A., Gapenne, O. Stewart, J. & Maillet, B. (2007). Designing the ground for pleasurable experience. In Proceedings of DPPI’07, Helsinki, Finlande. pp. 35-58.


Amamou, Y., Stewart, J. & Gapenne, O. (2006). Étude des stratégies d’action constituées à travers un dispositif de suppléance perceptive.In Actes du colloque ARCO’06, Bordeaux, France. pp.11-21.

Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Stewart,J., Lenay, C., El Yacoubi, M. & Ould Mohamed, M. (2006). Checking the two-third power law for shapes explored via a sensory substitution device. In Proceedings of Enactive’06, Montpellier, France. Pp.95-96.

Ziat M., Gapenne O., Lenay C. and Stewart J. Zoomable user interfaces: Ecological and Enactive, 2nd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE’06), Montpellier, France (November 20-21, 2006), pp.239-240.


Ziat, M. & Gapenne, O. (2005). Etude préliminaire visant la détermination de seuils de confort pour un zoom haptique, In Actes (ACM Press) de la 17ème Conférence Francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM’05), Toulouse, France, pp. 3-10.

Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Lenay, C. & Stewart, J. (2005). A comparison of two methods of scaling on form perception via a haptic interface, In Proceedings (ACM Press) of the 7th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI’05), Trente, Italie, pp. 236-243.

Ziat M. , Gapenne O. , Delwarde A. & Rouze M-O. (2005). Haptic differentiation between different scales. In Proceedings of the conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces (DPPI’05), Eindhoven, the Netherlands, pp. 480-481.

Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Lenay, C. & Stewart, J. (2005). Perception in numerical and corporeal spaces in a 2D haptic virtual world,
Enactive’05, Genova, Italy, 10p.


Ziat, M., Gapenne, O., Lenay, C. & Stewart, J. (2004). Acuité perceptive via une interface pseudo-haptique, In Actes (ACM Press) de la 16ème Conférence Francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM’04), Namur, Belgique, pp. 263-266.

Sribunruangrit, N., Marque, C., Lenay, C. & Gapenne, O. (2004). Graphic-user-interface system for people with severely impaired vision in mathematics class. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 5145-5148.