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Modeling, Design and Expert Analysis of Fluidized Bed Systems
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Ergun Software for Bubbling Beds


Video Show, Slide Show, Case Studies

Video Show

There's different ways of learning about a fluidized bed. Ergun Software offers a number of video clips to give a sensation of 'Experienced'. The "Video Show" is composed of 6 short video clips for training purposes and fluidization courses :
  1. Interactive bubbling video in a 2D bed
  2. Bubbling inside an industrial bed
  3. Cyclone flow pattern
  4. Cyclones configuration
  5. Bubble coalescence
  6. Fluidization of coarse particles 

Some of these clips are interactive. For example, the user can change the fluidization velocity and see how it affects the bubbling characteristics!




Ergun Design Technology


A transparent cyclone with visible flow lines


Animated drawing explaining "bubble coalescence and "splash zone"


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