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Modeling, Design and Expert Analysis of Fluidized Bed Systems  
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Uteam-Divergent S.A.


Ergun Fluidization Software


1. Ergun BFB is dedicated to the modeling of bubbling fluidized beds with following items:

Bubbling Fluidized Beds, Particle, Grid, Bubbling and Bed Expansion, TDH and Entrainment, Cyclones, heat Transfer, Reaction, Tutorial, Database , Expert Modeling

2. Ergun CFB is dedicated to the modeling of circulating fluidized beds with following items:

Circulating Fluidized Beds, CFB Simulator, Flow Pattern, Heat Transfer , Pressure diagram , Highly Charged Cyclone

3. Ergun Boilers is dedicated to the design of coal combustors and boilers. Please consult the following items:

Design Features, Pinch Technology , Program Environment , Steps of Design , Tools and Helps

4. Ergun Zinc Roasting is dedicated to the modeling of Zinc Roasting Process

5. Contact