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  • EPOG-DN – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – DOCTORAL NETWORK – PhD scholarships – Call for applications

    EPOG-DN is a Marie Skło­dows­ka-Curie Doc­to­ral Net­work (2024–2028) that offers 11 PhD posi­tions sche­du­led to com­mence in September/October 2024. PhD posi­tions are 36-month positions.

    First dead­line: March 1, 2024, 13:00 (Paris time).

    The MSCA-fun­ded EPOG-DN (Econo­mic Poli­cies for the Global bifur­ca­tion  Docto­ral Network) pro­ject aims to esta­blish a com­mu­ni­ty of eco­no­mists capable of col­la­bo­ra­ting with various dis­ci­plines, sec­tors and sta­ke­hol­ders to address eco­lo­gi­cal chal­lenges. It gathers full part­ners (bene­fi­cia­ries) and 12 asso­cia­ted part­ners from dif­ferent fields and sectors.

    This pro­ject explores the path­ways toward achie­ving strong sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty, where social, eco­no­mic and envi­ron­men­tal objec­tives are not sub­sti­tu­table with each other. The pro­ject intro­duces the concept of glo­bal bifur­ca­tion, which encom­passes a range of mul­ti­di­men­sio­nal and sys­te­mic pro­cesses. The pro­ject pro­poses a dis­tinc­tive stra­te­gy for tack­ling the com­plexi­ty of glo­bal bifur­ca­tion, which involves a socio-tech­ni­cal, socio-eco­no­mic and socio-eco­lo­gi­cal pers­pec­tive, all wor­king in concert to deve­lop a sys­te­mic approach.

    The EPOG-DN pro­ject offers 11 ful­ly fun­ded scho­lar­ships for doc­to­ral can­di­dates (DCs), as lis­ted below:

    • DC1– Plat­forms, big tech com­pa­nies and the eco­lo­gi­cal transition
    • DC2– Which role for low-tech, com­mons-based manu­fac­tu­ring and decen­tra­li­sed pro­duc­tion within the eco­lo­gi­cal tran­si­tion perspective
    • DC3– Big Data and In Natu­ra Cal­cu­la­tion for Eco­lo­gi­cal Planning
    • DC4– Inte­gra­ted Assess­ment Models: methods and appli­ca­tions to unders­tand and manage complexity
    • DC5– Stock-flow consistent model­ling with a Uni­fied assets Fra­me­work for Impro­ved Sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty deci­sion-sup­port (SUFIS)
    • DC6– Eco­no­mic meta­bo­lism and une­qual exchange: a Glo­bal North / Glo­bal South perspective
    • DC7– Rethin­king deve­lop­ment in deve­lo­ping coun­tries: evo­lu­tion of pro­duc­tive struc­ture, depen­dence and trade in the context of the eco­lo­gi­cal transition
    • DC8– Well­being without growth
    • DC9– The wage-labour nexus in a pla­ne­ta­ry boun­da­ries-fit economy
    • DC10– Work­place demo­cra­cy and the eco­lo­gi­cal transition
    • DC11– Contri­bu­tion of envi­ron­men­tal NGO’s to urban eco­lo­gi­cal res­to­ra­tion and rewil­ding dynamics


    • a month­ly allo­wance (gross sala­ry) of 3,400€/month, adjus­ted based on the cost of living. The living allo­wance is a gross amount, inclu­ding com­pul­so­ry deduc­tions under natio­nal law, such as employer and employee social secu­ri­ty contri­bu­tions and direct taxes. The doc­to­ral can­di­date bene­fit from a contract with full social secu­ri­ty cove­rage (inclu­ding sick­ness, paren­tal, unem­ploy­ment and inva­li­di­ty bene­fits, pen­sion rights, bene­fits in res­pect of acci­dents at work and occu­pa­tio­nal diseases);
    • a mobi­li­ty allo­wance of 600€/month(cove­ring addi­tio­nal, pri­vate mobi­li­ty-rela­ted costs; e.g. tra­vel and accom­mo­da­tion costs).

    More details here.

    When to apply?

    Appli­ca­tion dead­lineMarch 1, 2024 – 13:00 (Paris time).

    Appli­ca­tions sub­mit­ted prior to March 1, 2024, will receive pri­ma­ry consi­de­ra­tion and under­go review throu­ghout the month of March. None­the­less, we may consi­der appli­ca­tions recei­ved after this date until all posi­tions are filled.

    More infor­ma­tion:

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