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  • Scientific integrity

    Why do we need scientific integrity?

    • Glo­ba­li­za­tion of research has led to a loss of public confi­dence in its actors and results.
    • To react and to sup­port the Open Science move­ment, the scien­ti­fic com­mu­ni­ty has issued rules of good conduct.

    What is scientific integrity?

    • Scien­ti­fic Inte­gri­ty is about pro­mo­ting and res­pec­ting good prac­tice in the conduct of research.

    How is scientific integrity achieved?

    • The Sin­ga­pore decla­ra­tion of July 2010 has been taken up by the various coun­tries which have deve­lo­ped it in the form of natio­nal charters.
    • France crea­ted the OFIS (Office Fran­çais de l'Intégrité Scien­ti­fique) in March 2017 as a depart­ment of the HCERES (Haut Conseil de l'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur).
    • The UTC has signed the Natio­nal Char­ter and has com­mit­ted its staff to res­pect it.
    • The UTC has appoin­ted a ‘Réfé­rent Inté­gri­té Scien­ti­fique’ (RIS), Jean-Paul Bar­thès (Prof. Eme­ri­tus at the UTC-GI), as reques­ted by the Government.
    • OFIS has crea­ted a net­work of RIS named RESINT to exchange infor­ma­tion and har­mo­nize positions.

    Role of the scientific integrity referent

    • Raise awa­re­ness among all those invol­ved in research.
    • Veri­fy the com­pliance of beha­viours with the Euro­pean or natio­nal charter.
    • Inves­ti­gate pro­blems of any devia­tions from the Charter.
    • To present the results to the Pre­sident-Direc­tor of UTC.

    Particularly important points to be checked by each person

    • Dis­tin­guish bet­ween intel­lec­tual pro­per­ty and indus­trial property.
    • Beware of pla­gia­rism, inclu­ding self-pla­gia­rism (res­pect copyright).
    • Check that the cri­te­ria for appea­ring as an author of a publi­ca­tion are verified.
    • Never "improve" on alrea­dy publi­shed results.
    • Pay par­ti­cu­lar atten­tion to conflicts of inter­est in the eva­lua­tion of research.

    Why is this important?

    • Fun­ding bodies and agen­cies (Europe, ANR, CNRS, etc.) have adop­ted a Char­ter and will now require that research pro­po­sals com­ply with their scien­ti­fic inte­gri­ty Char­ter and that the research fun­ded is car­ried out in accor­dance with their charter.

    For further information

    Contacts de la recherche à l'UTC

    Réfé­rent inté­gri­té scien­ti­fique
    Jean-Paul Bar­thès
     +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
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