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  • The UTC engineering diploma

    UTC trains engineers presenting the capacities of autonomy, initiative, taking responsibility and team work in complex projects, in an international environment.

    Preparatory cycle
    Engineering cycle
    Elite courses
    Placements and international activities

    Preparatory cycle - The UTC core programme in engineering

    The UTC core programme correspond to the first two years of the engineering diploma cursus. It allows students to discover the corporate world, to confirm their motivations and aspirations and above to facilitate their choice of an elective major specialty.

    More about the UTC core programme

    Preparatory cycle - Humanities and Technology course

    An alternative to the historical common core of UTC, the Humanities and Technology (Hutech) course teaches how to orient technological development in the service of high human and societal values.
    More about Hutech

    Biological engineering (GB)

    UTC’s Dept. of Bio-Engineering aims at combining engineering and life sciences via high level courses, pluridisciplinary basic and applied research, strong responses to expectations expressed by Society and Industry. The future graduate will acquire skills and knowledge in biology, computer science, physics, mechanical and chemical engineering …

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    Computer sciences and engineering (GI)

    Tomorrow’s engineers in computer sciences, hardware and software will be the actors of a technological mutation affecting all sectors of our national economies.

    More about UTC-GI

    Mechanical engineering (IM)

    Mechanical Engineering (UTC-IM) aims to train general mechanical engineering science graduates capable of meeting the needs of those industrial sectors who need such skills.

    More about UTC-IM

    Industrial process engineering (GP)

    Process Engineering is a cross-roads of various specialty skills, knowledge and know-how that sees natural or synthetic raw materials transformed into finished products in a series of operational stages. A PE Engineer faces some of today’s major challenges: energy economics and savings, optimal lean use of raw materials, limited impacts on the environment.

    More about UTC-GP

    Urban engineering (GU)

    Intense urban development round the world is drawing attention and to face the numerous challenges as we design smart sustainable cities for tomorrow, the UTC-GU Dept. proposes first the generalist training before providing in-depth skills and knowledge in the following specialties: building techniques, urbanism and land planning, water, waste and energy management policies and practice that take into account the technical environmental, legal, social and cultural constraints.

    More about UTC-GU

    Technology, Societies, Humanities (TSH)

    Technology and the engineering profession operate in a complex world, and are more than ever linked to social, economic, cultural and human issues. The UTC Technology, Societies and Humanities (UTC-TSH) Department offers a wide range of courses, providing students with the conceptual, theoretical and methodological tools they need to grasp the complexity of the situations and challenges facing today's engineers.

    - Humanities and social sciences 
    - The Minor courses 
    - The elective specialty Management of innovative projects
    More about UTC-TSH


    One of the prime features of UTC is the students’ freedom of choice and, in the case of the apprenticeships, the 3 years professional experience are added value to the engineering diploma.

    More about apprenticeship

    Fields of excellence

    Sports, Music, Association and elite Entrepreneurship
    More about elite courses


    The discovery of industrial reality or professional interculturality
    More about placements

    International mobility

    UTC encourages and facilitates overseas stays for its students. These can take the form of courses, technical internships/placements or their end-of-studies projects.
    More about international mobility