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The UTC core programme in engineering

The UTC core pro­gramme cor­res­pond to the first two years of the engi­nee­ring diplo­ma cur­sus. It allows stu­dents to dis­co­ver the cor­po­rate world, to confirm their moti­va­tions and aspi­ra­tions and above to faci­li­tate their choice of an elec­tive major specialty. 

Pré­sen­ta­tion du tronc com­mun en vidéos


The core pro­gramme enables students: 

  • to gain skills in a wide range of essen­tial scien­ti­fic areas: mathe­ma­tics, phy­sics, chemistry …; 
  • to learn new skills in tech­ni­cal mat­ters: com­pu­ter sciences and engi­nee­ring, tech­ni­cal draughts­man­ship, construc­tion tech­niques, mecha­ni­cal part design …; 
  • to improve per­so­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, bot writ­ten and spo­ken, in French and in forei­gn languages …; 
  • to acquire an open mind to huma­ni­ties and social sciences; 
  • and, last but not least, to acquire a Hugh level of self-reliance that any future engi­neer will need. 

Multidisciplinary training

The core pro­gramme allows stu­dents – who, in addi­tion to atten­ding the main lec­tures, work in groups – to pre­pare for a pro­fes­sio­nal future. The courses pro­po­sed come in modules, as follows:

  • Sciences: maths, phy­sics, chemistry …
  • Tech­no­lo­gies: com­pu­ter sciences and engi­nee­ring, tech­ni­cal draghtsmanship …
  • Forei­gn lan­guages: English, Chi­nese, Ger­man, Spanish …
  • Huma­ni­ties and social sciences: phi­lo­so­phy, mana­ge­ment, eco­no­mics, his­to­ry, law …


Stu­dents' pro­gress is conti­nuous, of variable for­mat depen­ding on choices made by the Head tea­cher of each CC: part-term exams, expo­sés, lab. work, pro­jects … and in most cases, a final, ove­rar­ching examination.

Each module course car­ries an ECTS value (Euro­pean Cre­dit Trans­fer Sys­tem). This agreed aca­de­mic assess­ment sys­tem across Euro­pean uni­ver­si­ties lends bet­ter trans­pa­ren­cy to the courses and encou­rages mobi­li­ty and recog­ni­tion of stu­dies car­ried out out­side the ori­gi­na­tion coun­try and university.

The accu­mu­la­tion of ECTS values is used to deter­mine and autho­rize admis­sion to a cho­sen elec­tive major.

Contact and documentation

Marie-Claire Hénaux
 +33 (0)3 44 23 49 01
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« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

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