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  • Primer Courses in Innovation, Intra and Entrepreneurship

    Needs have evol­ved over the past 40 years and engi­nee­ring buil­ders have become engi­nee­ring crea­tors. The objec­tive pur­sued by UTC the­re­fore is to pro­vide its stu­dents with the right tools to take part in the dyna­mics of our inno­va­tive times: they must be able to adapt to new situa­tions, to be able to work in groups, to com­mu­ni­cate effi­cient­ly, to have a mas­te­ry in seve­ral lan­guages and know how to assume posi­tions of responsibility …


    The entre­pre­neu­rial world is also ful­ly inte­gra­ted into the UTC trai­ning poli­cy scheme. By pro­po­sing pro­jects to the stu­dents and par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the cre­dit courses as exter­nal lec­tu­rers, they bene­fit from emu­la­tion among­st com­pa­nies and get bet­ter insights in the riches of innovation.

    UTC trains 'gene­ral gra­duate engi­neers' who pos­sess the capa­ci­ty to be auto­no­mous, show ini­tia­tive, assume res­pon­si­bi­li­ties and engage in team work in com­plex pro­ject situa­tions, in an increa­sin­gly inter­na­tio­nal environment.

    Throu­ghout their stu­dy per­iod at UTC, stu­dents choose cre­dit courses or spe­ci­fic modules that are acces­sible to all branch spe­cial­ties (and also in the conti­nuous edu­ca­tion pro­grammes) and this range of courses allows them to be trai­ned in intra and entre-pre­neur­ship skills.

    UTC pre­pares each and eve­ry student to become an 'entre­pre­neur' in rela­tion to his (or her) per­so­nal pro­fes­sio­nal objec­tives, plus their per­so­nal and citi­zen aims.

    Credit courses and MPI specialty

    Each uni­ver­si­ty cre­dit course cor­res­ponds to the quan­ti­ty of work nee­ded (100–150h) to attain a tar­get set of skills in a semes­ter. The CCs are orga­ni­zed at the UTC Inno­va­tion Centre, so as to encou­rage and enhance exchanges and mee­tings bet­ween stu­dents, lec­tu­rer-scien­tists and repre­sen­ta­tives of the entre­pre­neu­rial world.

    CC – On management and aids to industrial creativity and innovation

    This CC addresses the fol­lo­wing themes: know­ledge capi­ta­li­za­tion, know­ledge and know-how, skills, stra­te­gic moni­to­ring, tech­no­lo­gi­cal assess­ments, indus­trial pro­per­ty rights … The objec­tive of this cre­dit course is to see the stu­dents under­take an indus­trial pro­ject – either by coming with an ini­tial idea(s) or fin­ding one in the first three weeks of the course.

    CC – Management and marketing innovation

    Those com­pa­nies who are part­ners to UTC for this CC give the stu­dents real-life cases to inves­ti­gate and on the basis of which they pro­ceed with an ana­ly­sis of the envi­ron­ment lea­ding to a deci­sion to place a product/service on the mar­ket-place. Nume­rous ques­tions and issues are addres­sed: how do you iden­ti­fy and cha­rac­te­rize new oppor­tu­ni­ties in a given envi­ron­ment and how do you assess the poten­tial of a given product/service dee­med to be innovative …

    Some examples of student projects:

    • Groupe Souf­flet : Mar­ke­ting Ana­ly­sis of Bio­tech. Services
    • Bouygues Construc­tion : The Seine-Nord Canal Pro­ject: Poten­tial and Valo­ri­sa­tion of Ter­ri­to­ries cros­sed en route
    • Micro­soft : Mar­ke­ting Stra­te­gy and Action Plans for the launch of the Open XML product

    CC – Initiation to the creation of innovative companies

    This CC aims at crea­ting a (vir­tual) enter­prise on the basis of a pro­duct dee­med to be inno­va­tive and to draw up a busi­ness plan. The stu­dents work in groups, deve­lop an idea to become a pro­duct or a ser­vice and pur­sue to the crea­tion of the (vir­tual) company.

    CC – Economic intelligence: corporate strategy, the approaches and the tools

    The concept of eco­no­mic intel­li­gence covers all acti­vi­ties rela­ted to mana­ge­ment of stra­te­gic infor­ma­tion, both in res­pect to access and data pro­tec­tion. In the fra­me­work of this CC, the objec­tive is to come to grips with the chal­lenges when using "EI" in entre­pre­neu­rial situa­tions for UTC's future mana­ger gra­duates. Ini­tia­ting them to the prac­tice and concepts that under­pin EI allows for a bet­ter unders­tan­ding of the chan­ging, com­pe­ti­tive envi­ron­ment of the busi­ness world: glo­ba­li­za­tion, data dri­ven socie­ty, leve­rage sys­tems, col­lec­tive, inter­na­tio­nal R&D …

    CC – Project management

    The objec­tive of this CC is to pre­pare student-engi­neers to become effi­cient pro­ject 'actors', (i.e., mana­gers), repre­sen­ting their spe­cial­ties in a team struc­ture and to mas­ter the spe­ci­fics of pro­ject mana­ge­ment, as head of pro­ject. This area enables various resources to be mus­te­red as nee­ded to imple­ment inno­va­tive, non-repe­ti­tive, acti­vi­ties in an enter­prise (desi­gn and laun­ching of a new pro­duct, ins­tal­ling a new pro­cess, car­rying out a spe­ci­fic action on pro­duct qua­li­ty assess­ment or in cost control), with results that are far super­ior to those obtai­ned by a clas­sic func­tion-orien­ted organization.

    The spe­cial­ty 'Mana­ge­ment of Inno­va­tive Pro­jects' (MPI) allows the stu­dents to acquire new know­ledge and skills whe­re­by they can more rea­di­ly inte­grate the socio-cultu­ral context (in which all enter­prises ope­rate) to their tech­no-scien­ti­fic trai­ning at Compiegne.

    In taking the MPI spe­cial­ty course, future UTC gra­duate engi­neers will become an 'inter­face actor' bet­ween mar­ke­ting, research, deve­lop­ment, pro­ject mana­ge­ment, eco­no­mic and bud­ge­ta­ry mana­ge­ment, work methods, indus­tria­li­za­tion, data pro­ces­sing sys­tems, man­po­wer resources… of an enter­prise evol­ving in a com­plex world of today's human societies.

    Tea­ching is based on a training/action approach. The stu­dents are invi­ted to imple­ment their new know­ledge and skills in the fra­me­work of large-scale, dif­fi­cult pro­jects conduc­ted in close co-ope­ra­tion with the UTC indus­trial partners.

    › More than 1 500 pro­jects have been com­ple­ted since the MPI elec­tive spe­cial­ty ope­ned, with:

    • SNECMA: Tech­no­lo­gi­cal watch­to­wer moni­to­ring for micro-drilling pro­cess on high-pres­sure tur­bine blades (for the nuclear sec­tor at the CEA)
    • the Kine­Hap­tic Pro­ject: Tech­no­lo­gi­cal watch­to­wer moni­to­ring (tech­no­lo­gies and patents) for 'robo­ti­sed' reha­bi­li­ta­tion programmes
    • AIK: Capi­ta­li­za­tion and Know­ledge acqui­re­ment for LED fit­ted ligh­ting equipment
    • AREVA T D: Tech­no­lo­gi­cal watch­to­wer moni­to­ring for gra­phic digi­tal dis­play tools

    Action (and reflection) – intensive project workshops (AP)

    UTC has deci­ded to turn its stu­dents to actors-engi­neers during their uni­ver­si­ty trai­ning, offe­ring Pro­ject work­shops (acro­nym in French AP) where the peda­go­gy is based on 'real life' case stu­dies in enter­prises and/or local authorities.

    There is a prime contrac­tor for each Pro­ject, whe­ther it be a local autho­ri­ty, a public esta­blish­ment or a pri­vate com­pa­ny who wish a stu­dy to be under­ta­ken on a given theme.

    These Pro­ject work­shops allow future gra­duate engi­neers to rea­son and take into account the dif­ferent points of view of dif­ferent per­sons who co-existent in an enter­prise and also take into account the risks for the per­son­nel as of the pro­duct desi­gn phase and also allow the enter­prises them­selves to come, up with new viable solu­tions to their pro­duc­tion problems.

    In the same light as the inter­n­ships and end-of-course pro­jects, the Pro­ject work­shops represent a real, posi­tive bonus on the UTC graduate's CV, unders­co­ring their proxi­mi­ty with the entre­pre­neu­rial world.

    Elective Minors in technology entrepreneuship training' sic

    Courses in Tech­no­lo­gy and Social sciences is one of the 'trade-marks' of UTC trai­ning and they can be taken fur­ther via the so-cal­led minor elec­tives. There is a block of spe­ci­fic CCs that enable the future UTC engi­neers to acquire a second spe­cial­ty that value adds to their main spe­cial­ty sec­tor and will be ins­cri­bed on their diplo­ma accordingly.

    UTC has crea­ted an elec­tive minor entit­led Inten­sive Entre­pre­neur Trai­ning (sic), acro­nym UTC IntEnT, that tar­gets the student engi­neers who wish to deve­lop a per­so­nal pro­ject during their stay at the Uni­ver­si­ty. UTC IntEnT with its spe­ci­fic peda­go­gy allows stu­dents to co-manage their basic engi­nee­ring courses and the 'entre­pre­neur' elec­tive, with the offer of a set of ad hoc arran­ge­ments: re-arran­ged sche­dules, adap­ted, com­ple­men­ta­ry trai­ning, an accom­pa­niment to "Team mana­ge­ment skills" and an indi­vi­dual moni­to­ring inclu­ding a bet­ter know­ledge of 'one­self', with a direct liai­son with the UTC Sport Elite sec­tion.

    In a high­ly com­pe­ti­tive envi­ron­ment, the pres­sure in both inno­va­tion and export acti­vi­ties are key fac­tors for the SMEs and require that the lat­ter pos­sess adap­table, daring, skills, to the world out­side and dif­ferent forms of thin­king, cultures, lear­ning pro­cesses, orga­ni­za­tion and action. SMEs must be able to assert their dif­fe­rence to ensure their com­mer­cial survival.

    They must aim at pro­du­cing new and inno­va­tive pro­ducts (pro­ducts, ser­vices), control­ling the fac­tor of ups­tream cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion (Desi­gn Thin­king), lear­ning to control their envi­ron­ment and their capa­ci­ty to seize oppor­tu­ni­ties (eco­no­mic and stra­te­gic intel­li­gence), to define their export busi­ness plan, represent the range of fac­tors condu­cive to gua­ran­teeing the suc­cess of the company.

    The InnovENT‑E minor elec­tive is a trai­ning module that is pro­po­sed by the 3 French Uni­ver­si­ties of tech­no­lo­gy (UTC-Com­piegne, UTBM-Bel­fort-Mont­be­liard and UTT-Troyes) under the cer­ti­fied label "InnovENT‑E", with the objec­tive to deve­lop inno­va­tive and inter­na­tio­nal skills in the SME milieu. The CCs atta­ched to the module can be fol­lo­wed in dis­tant lear­ning modes.

    The aim of this elec­tive minor is to enable stu­dents to deve­lop a glo­bal rea­ching vision of orga­ni­za­tions and cor­po­rate stra­te­gy in inter­na­tio­nal affairs.

    Among the pro­fes­sio­nal ope­nings for this course, we have the 'expats', work in French or forei­gn mul­ti­na­tio­nal groups, access to spe­cia­list master's degrees in eco­no­mics and/or management.

    Continuous education courses

    If the enter­prises are inter­es­ted, they can have their per­son­nel trai­ned in innovation:

    • the InnovENT‑E Ins­ti­tute pro­poses conti­nuous edu­ca­tion trai­ning modules for SMEs on the theme: "Sup­por­ting inno­va­tion in enter­prises to win over new export mar­ket sec­tors and contracts".
    • UTC also pro­poses a uni­ver­si­ty engi­nee­ring diplo­ma in 'Accom­pa­niment for Inno­va­tive Pro­jects'. This diplo­ma tar­gets pro­fes­sio­nal per­son­nel who may wish to train in and rein­force their exper­tise in the field of accom­pa­niment of inno­va­tive pro­ces­sed and pro­jects (incu­ba­tors, nur­se­ries, com­pe­ti­ti­vi­ty poles and the Euro­pean Com­mu­ni­ty Busi­ness and Inno­va­tion Centres (EC BIC).


    Contacts pour l'innovation à l'UTC

    Direc­tion aux par­te­na­riats socio-éco­no­miques et à l'entrepreneuriat
    Samuel Veille­rette
     +33 (0)3 44 23 73 59
    Fou­zia Zitou­ni
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 91
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