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  • The vocational degree in "Maintenance of Multi-technical Systems"

    The prime objec­tive assi­gned to the “Voca­tio­nal degree in Main­te­nance of Mul­ti-tech­ni­cal Sys­tems” is to train high level, effi­cient tech­ni­cians who can look after and gua­ran­tee safe­ty fac­tors for indus­trial equip­ment, at least cost.


    A secon­da­ry aim is to pre­pare for acqui­si­tion of inter­me­diate skills (bet­ween tech­ni­cians and engi­neers) for jobs posi­tions as heads of main­te­nance services.

    The pro­fes­sio­nals trai­ned here imple­ment tools and mana­ge­ment tech­niques for main­te­nance and to desi­gn conti­nuous 'impro­ve­ments' for avai­la­bi­li­ty and safe­ty fac­tors of the equip­ment used. They will define and imple­ment moni­to­ring and equip­ment ins­pec­tion ope­ra­tions, auto-diag­no­sis and remote-main­te­nance solu­tions, main­te­nance team mana­ge­ment (in-house staff and exter­nal sub-contractors).

    Target publics

    Stu­dents, sala­ried wor­kers and job-see­kers can request an appli­ca­tion file if they are hol­ders of a BAC+2 qua­li­fi­ca­tion, such as:

    • BTS Indus­trial Main­te­nance, Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion, Elec­tro= tech­ni­cal engi­nee­ring or other engi­nee­ring specialty
    • DUT Indus­trial Main­te­nance Engi­nee­ring, Indus­trial elec­tri­cal and ICT engi­nee­ring, Mecha­ni­cal and pro­duc­tion engineering …
    • A degree (Bolo­gna scheme, level 2) in Science and Tech­no­lo­gies or in Engi­nee­ring sciences.


    The skills pro­vi­ded in this course are: 

    • Desi­gning impro­ve­ments to attain safer functions 
    • Defi­ning and imple­men­ting advan­ced main­te­nance protocols
    • Pilo­ting main­te­nance operations
    • Com­mu­ni­ca­ting with various partners

    The trai­ning package is sub­di­vi­ded as follows:

    • 480 class­room hours, inclu­ding lab work
    • 120 on a tutor moni­to­red project 
    • 15 weeks on a pla­ce­ment mission

    Course contents

    The pro­gramme contents cover: 

    • Gene­ral enter­prise culture: Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, the entre­pre­neu­rial world, English lan­guage skills
    • Main­te­nance mana­ge­ment: Mana­ge­ment, Main­te­nance pro­ject mana­ge­ment, Main­te­nance mana­ge­ment, Pro­duc­tion management
    • Safe­ty in func­tions and advan­ced main­te­nance tech­niques: Moni­to­ring and ins­pec­tion, Auto-diag­no­sis, remote main­te­nance, The RAMS approach (FMDS – French for Relia­bi­li­ty, Avai­la­bi­li­ty, Main­tai­na­bi­li­ty and Safe­ty), Sta­tis­ti­cal tools
    • Tech­no­lo­gies asso­cia­ted with sys­tems: Control sys­tems, Hydrau­lics, Func­tio­nal and struc­tu­ral ana­lyses, Elec­tri­cal engineering

    Placements in enterprise

    The pla­ce­ment pro­vides a pro­fes­sio­nal set­ting for the trai­ning skills acqui­red by the trai­nees and pre­pares them for future recruit­ment and insertion.

    Tutor monitored project

    In a moni­to­red pro­ject situa­tion the trai­nees can ana­lyse can seek solu­tions for pro­blems relate to indus­trial main­te­nance. The trai­nees also expe­rience team envi­ron­ments, which is a vital fac­tor to ensure effi­cient enter­prise operations.

    Professional openings

    Those who gra­duate with the Voca­tio­nal degree can seek employ­ment in a wide range of indus­trial maintenance:

    • head of a main­te­nance team of technicians
    • had of a care­ta­king ser­vice, new installations
    • head of a main­te­nance service
    • senior tech­ni­cian, hea­ding main­te­nance teams
    • head of a tech­ni­cal, engi­nee­ring service

    Pos­sible (nume­rous) sectors:

    • ener­gy production
    • auto­mo­bile sector
    • petro­che­mi­cal sector
    • iron and steel making 
    • pro­duc­tion of indus­trial equipment
    • agro­food sector
    • phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal industries
    • air and rail­road systems

    Contact and documentation

    For­ma­tion ini­tiale
    Xavier Fal­lard
     +33 (0)3 44 23 49 40
    For­ma­tion ini­tiale
    Fan­ny Lefevre
     +33 (0)3 44 23 46 98
    For­ma­tion conti­nue

     +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23

    Pla­quette de la licence

    Pla­quette de la licence en apprentissage

    Guide de l'étudiant

    À lire dans Interactions

    Une jeune femme aux idées claires

    La chaire hydrau­lique : de la recherche aux applications

    Une nou­velle filière en génie des procédés
