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UTC at a glance
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Welcome to university of technology of Compiègne (UTC)
UTC, with its legal status as “a scientific, cultural and professional public establishment” was created in 1972 by the French Government as its first ‘experimental University of Technology’.
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Our assets and rewards
Whether in terms of training, research, international openness or interactions with companies, UTC is regularly ranked at the top of engineering schools.
days, on average, before securing a job contract
UTC alumni
credit courses "à la carte"
Missions and values
Missions and values
UTC is a focal point where the leitmotiv 'innovation' is defined and redefined continuously.
Innovative model
An innovative model
Its identity and its culture have placed UTC front-stage since it was established.
UTC Governance
UTC has several governing bodies that enable the association of various UTC actors and their industrial partners and the territorial collectivities.
UTC's strategic partners
UTC's strategic partners
UTC has the capacity to transform its academic added values into riches benefitting the Region, defining strategic orientations shared by institutional, economic and social partners.
Missions and values
Innovative model
UTC's strategic partners