Une jeune femme aux idées claires

La chaire hydraulique : de la recherche aux applications

Une nouvelle filière en génie des procédés
Research is an activity that generates new knowledge. This knowledge is valued by disseminating it through research papers respecting open access and publications charters or through a declaration of invention requiring the protection of results in the perspective of technology transfer.
Each time new knowledge is obtained, the results of a scientific study, the potential for technology transfer should be questioned in order to provide its protection before publishing these results.
The Research Directorate has set up a training module for valorizing PhD work allowing PhD students to appropriate the methodology and tools enabling them to carry out this analysis during their PhD work.
For the protection of results for technology transfer, the process will be to make a declaration of invention.
It is strongly recommended to use laboratory notebooks [1] available in laboratories to record research work that can also serve as evidence for anteriority of an invention.
Knowledge can be generated through projects developed jointly with various public and private partners or through research funding. A non-exhaustive list is available, the Pôle de Valoriation et Partenariat and the laboratories' representatives are at your disposal to respond to these research funding process.
For all collaboration contracts with industrial partners, it is necessary to declare the project via the TOGETHER tool [2][3] developed by UTC, since 2018.
The process for declaring any contract is described on the sheet:
The process for declaring a CIFRE PhD thesis is described on the sheet:
It is necessary to recall some basics on research contracts, on their typology which implies the obligations of resources, results and their financing, and on good practices in order to secure their financing from the beginning to the end of the project [4].
Different and varied forms of contract may exist depending on the stage of the collaborative project. A non-exhaustive list of these typologies according to a classification based on the research and innovation process is proposed.
Responsable Pôle Valorisation et Partenariats : Frédéric Lamarque
Referees of Pôle Valorisation et Partenariats : awaiting recruitment (ROBERVAL, HEUDIASYC, AVENUES), Aurélie Mathieu (BMBI, COSTECH, LMAC), Valentina Espina Sanahuja (GEC, TIMR)
Legal : Saloua Bensaid
European and International Partnerships Manager: Stéphanie Rossard
[1] https://www.inpi.fr/proteger-vos-creations/le-cahier-de-laboratoire/le-cahier-de-laboratoire
[2] access link to TOGETHER
[4] Research contracts – Basics and good practices