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  • Intellectual property

    Research Value: publications, declaration of invention

    Research is an acti­vi­ty that gene­rates new know­ledge. This know­ledge is valued by dis­se­mi­na­ting it through research papers res­pec­ting open access and publi­ca­tions char­ters or through a decla­ra­tion of inven­tion requi­ring the pro­tec­tion of results in the pers­pec­tive of tech­no­lo­gy transfer.

    Each time new know­ledge is obtai­ned, the results of a scien­ti­fic stu­dy, the poten­tial for tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer should be ques­tio­ned in order to pro­vide its pro­tec­tion before publi­shing these results.

    The Research Direc­to­rate has set up a trai­ning module for valo­ri­zing PhD work allo­wing PhD stu­dents to appro­priate the metho­do­lo­gy and tools enabling them to car­ry out this ana­ly­sis during their PhD work.

    For the pro­tec­tion of results for tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer, the pro­cess will be to make a decla­ra­tion of invention.

    It is stron­gly recom­men­ded to use labo­ra­to­ry note­books [1] avai­lable in labo­ra­to­ries to record research work that can also serve as evi­dence for ante­rio­ri­ty of an invention.

    Research funding and development of collaborative projects

    Know­ledge can be gene­ra­ted through pro­jects deve­lo­ped joint­ly with various public and pri­vate part­ners or through research fun­ding. A non-exhaus­tive list is avai­lable, the Pôle de Valo­ria­tion et Par­te­na­riat and the labo­ra­to­ries' repre­sen­ta­tives are at your dis­po­sal to respond to these research fun­ding process.

    For all col­la­bo­ra­tion contracts with indus­trial part­ners, it is neces­sa­ry to declare the pro­ject via the TOGETHER tool [2][3] deve­lo­ped by UTC, since 2018.

    The pro­cess for decla­ring any contract is des­cri­bed on the sheet: 

    The pro­cess for decla­ring a CIFRE PhD the­sis is des­cri­bed on the sheet:

    It is neces­sa­ry to recall some basics on research contracts, on their typo­lo­gy which implies the obli­ga­tions of resources, results and their finan­cing, and on good prac­tices in order to secure their finan­cing from the begin­ning to the end of the pro­ject [4].

    List of contracts related to research activities

    Dif­ferent and varied forms of contract may exist depen­ding on the stage of the col­la­bo­ra­tive pro­ject. A non-exhaus­tive list of these typo­lo­gies accor­ding to a clas­si­fi­ca­tion based on the research and inno­va­tion pro­cess is proposed.


    Res­pon­sable Pôle Valo­ri­sa­tion et Par­te­na­riats : Fré­dé­ric Lamarque

    Refe­rees of Pôle Valo­ri­sa­tion et Par­te­na­riats : awai­ting recruit­ment (ROBERVAL, HEUDIASYC, AVENUES),  Auré­lie Mathieu (BMBI, COSTECH, LMAC), Valen­ti­na Espi­na Sana­hu­ja (GEC, TIMR)

    Legal : Saloua Ben­said 

    Euro­pean and Inter­na­tio­nal Part­ner­ships Mana­ger: Sté­pha­nie Rossard


    [2] access link to TOGETHER

    [3] Tuto­rial TOGETHER  

    [4] Research contracts – Basics and good practices

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