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  • UTC Campus-Enterprise Partnerships

    For the pur­pose of crea­ting long term part­ner­ships with the entre­pre­neu­rial world, chan­ging the appren­tice tax into an invest­ment, UTC has set up a spe­ci­fic set of tools and struc­tures to sup­port the university’s part­ner­ship poli­cy as a whole. These tools and struc­tures encou­rage the emer­gence of a trust­wor­thy, sus­tai­nable rela­tion­ship bet­ween the uni­ver­si­ty and enter­prises in terms of both man­po­wer resources and part­ner­ship research potential.

    Contacts pour l'innovation à l'UTC

    Contacts de la recherche à l'UTC

    An employer brand trade-mark

    Since UTC was crea­ted, it has always been wor­king on student-indus­tria­list net­works. You have the ambi­tion to recruit UTCéens or sim­ply wor­king on your employer brand, we can help you. For this, seve­ral solu­tions are pos­sible through our cata­log of ser­vice offe­rings , 'à la carte' or with conven­tion­ne­ment. We can then build a cus­to­mi­zed part­ner­ship accor­ding to your expec­ta­tions and your needs. 

    Several offers are available:

    • Stan­dard ser­vice cata­logue 'à la carte': tech­ni­cal confe­rence, speed recruit­ment, visits to com­pa­nies, emailing…
    • "sil­ver" part­ner­ship: a conso­li­da­ted part­ner­ship on one or more years
    • "pre­mium" part­ner­ship: a cus­to­mi­zed conso­li­da­ted part­ner­ship on one or more years

    Toge­ther, we will define the most in line offer with your request!

    Par­te­na­riat cam­pus entre­prises
    Estelle Car­taud
     +33 (0)3 44 23 73 94

    Comutec, the annual student-entreprise forum

    The Comute2c Forum, orga­ni­sed by a UTC student asso­cia­tion with the same name, hosts repre­sen­ta­tives from about 100 com­pa­nies at the Tigre (a com­bi­ned concert and exhi­bi­tion hall), Margny-lès-Compiègne.

    This forum of exchanges and mee­tings is inten­ded to:

    • faci­li­tate mee­tings bet­ween can­di­dates cur­ri­cu­lum Engi­neer, Mas­ter or Doc­to­rate and cor­po­rate recruit­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties : inter­n­ships, appren­ti­ce­ship, VI, employment
    • increase employer brand busi­nesses by pre­sen­ting the acti­vi­ties, pro­fes­sions and values

    This event is orga­ni­zed eve­ry year in Octo­ber and regis­tra­tions begin in May.

    Forum étu­diants / entre­prises Comu­tec
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 58

    Recruiting trainees

    Industrial/commercial pla­ce­ments have always played a key role in the UTC trai­ning offer, as an inte­gral part of the peda­go­gi­cal approach. Eve­ry year, UTC signs over 1 700 pla­ce­ment agree­ments. Student engi­neers are requi­red to spend 52 weeks in enter­prise during their stay at UTC: 4 weeks in the Core pro­gramme phase (before Bac+2), 24 weeks at Bac+4 to do their assis­tant engi­neer pla­ce­ment and 24 weeks for their end-of-stu­dies assignment.

    The host com­pa­nies willin­gly reco­gnize the level of self-reliance and adap­ta­bi­li­ty dis­played by UTC under­gra­duates, their appe­tite for tech­no­lo­gies and inno­va­tions as well as pos­ses­sing a gift for unders­tan­ding the cor­po­rate world glo­bal­ly and in all its complexity.

    Dépo­sez une offre de stage

    Myriam Sawe­zyn 
     +33 (0)3 44 23 73 44

    Recruiting a sandwich scheme trainee

    UTC pro­poses 2 sand­wich course contracts:

    You can recruit a student-engi­neer in Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring or in Com­pu­ter Sciences and Appli­ca­tions for a 3‑year trai­ning cursus.

    You can recruit a student-engi­neer in Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring or in Com­pu­ter Sciences and Appli­ca­tions for his/her final year of training.

    Dépo­sez une offre d'alternance

    Karine Sli­wak
     +33 (0)3 44 23 49 56

    UTC Alumni, the UTC alumni association

    The crea­tion of the UTC Alum­ni asso­cia­tion goes back to the time of the esta­blish­ment of the uni­ver­si­ty (1982). Its role and mis­sion is to fede­rate the alum­ni com­mu­ni­ty and to pro­mote their spe­ci­fic inter­ests in the sur­roun­ding socio-eco­no­mic envi­ron­ment and also to pro­vide them with pro­fes­sio­nal serve and invi­ta­tion to various 'events'.

    Trem­plin UTC pro­poses other ser­vices, to accom­pa­ny you if you engage in per­so­nal job search acti­vi­ties (the alum­ni direc­to­ry ser­vice, tar­ge­ted e‑mailing campaigns …).

    UTC Alum­ni
     +33 (0)3 44 23 52 46

    Recruiting UTC (under)graduates

    UTC has the mis­sion to adapt the pro­files of the engi­neers it trains to fit the chan­ging socio-eco­no­mic glo­bal context today. Apart from tech­ni­cal change, the skills trans­mit­ted to UTC stu­dents in social sciences and huma­ni­ties are to be seen as an intro­duc­tion to a 'reflex' mode whe­re­by they can ima­gine and face unk­nown situa­tions. In short, their tools and metho­do­lo­gies pre­pare them to envi­sage, fore­see and be actors in emergent innovations.

    Whe­ther the cri­te­ria are in trai­ning qua­li­ty, research acti­vi­ties and results, or in the open poli­cy to the inter­na­tio­nal scene, UTC regu­lar­ly rates among the very best engi­nee­ring schools in France.

    We recall that UTC trains 'gene­ra­list engi­neers' who are self-reliant, full of ini­tia­tive, rea­dy to accept res­pon­si­bi­li­ties and engage in team-work in com­plex pro­jects in an inter­na­tio­nal set­ting. The elec­tive spe­cia­lists at UTC are:

    • Bio-engi­nee­ring: bio­lo­gi­cal pro­cesses and life sciences to be used on an indus­trial scale; equip­ment nee­ded in medi­cal prac­tice, in bio­tech­no­lo­gi­cal indus­trial sec­tors, in phar­ma­ceu­tics, cos­me­tics and agro-food sectors.
    • Pro­cess engi­nee­ring: know­ledge and know-how nee­ded for the indus­trial trans­for­ma­tion of natu­ral or syn­the­tic raw mate­rials into mar­ke­table pro­ducts after a series of treatments.
    • Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware: future actors of the digi­tal revo­lu­tion that is impac­ting all sec­tors of the eco­no­my, "gene­ra­list" engi­neers capable of ana­ly­sing the needs, pro­po­sing solu­tions and managing/supervising their implementation.
    • Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring: a balan­ced trai­ning with a solid scientific/technological base, a high level of gene­ral culture, an open view of the cor­po­rate world and an excellent groun­ding in at last one forei­gn lan­guage. Desi­gn and assem­bly of machines, equip­ment, struc­tures and all sorts of mecha­ni­cal sys­tems that incor­po­rate various tech­no­lo­gies: mecha­ni­cal, elec­tro­nic, com­pu­ter science, optical …
    • Urban sys­tem engi­nee­ring: skills in civils works contrac­ting, on a ter­ri­to­rial, urban or iso­la­ted buil­ding basis.
    • Mas­ters' degrees and PhDs: trai­ning gra­duates who will be rea­dy for cur­rent and future pro­blems in research and cut­ting edge industries.

    Moreo­ver, 4% of the stu­dents and recent gra­duates from UTC accept posi­tions as Inter­na­tio­nal Volun­teers (in enter­prises abroad).

    Entre­prises, créez votre compte recruteur

    The international volunteer "VI" scheme

    The Inter­na­tio­nal Volun­teers scheme aims at hiring stu­dents for a pro­fes­sio­nal mis­sion out­side France while retai­ning a sta­tu­to­ry public autho­ri­ty pro­tec­tion; the mis­sion is equi­va­lent (and accep­ted as) an end-of-stu­dies pro­ject. The schemes tar­gets stu­dents, recent gra­duates, job-see­kers, aged 18–28, French (or EU) natio­na­li­ty and who have dischar­ged (where appli­cable) their mili­ta­ry (or civi­lian) natio­nal ser­vice obligations.

    For UTC stu­dents, part of the Volun­teers scheme (equi­va­lent to 6 months inter­n­ship) must be asses­sed as in line with UTC trai­ning cur­ri­cu­la and will be duly appro­ved as such by the student's elec­tive spe­cial­ty representatives.

    More at  

    USEC, UTC's in-house student company (Junior enterprise)

    USEC nego­tiates contracts with various com­pa­nies, on behalf of and offe­ring the poten­tial ser­vices of the 4 000 UTC student-engi­neers in Com­piegne. The stu­dies accep­ted and imple­men­ted pro­vide an added peda­go­gi­cal value and com­ply with the range of spe­cial­ty topics taught at UTC.

    To be ful­ly suc­cess­ful, the stu­dents receive sup­port from their lec­tu­rers and research scien­tists at UTC to car­ry out com­plex ope­ra­tions and ana­lyses and they have an access (via ESEC) to the research labs and pro­to­type work­shops. There are cur­rent­ly over 60 'junior entre­pre­neurs' wor­king at USEC (sta­tus- ESEC is a "1901 law" association)

    More about USEC

    USEC – Junior entre­prise
     +33 (0)3 44 23 43 62

    The Apprentice tax

    Sup­port UTC through the Appren­tice Tax is conso­li­da­ting trai­ning and ensure the recruit­ment of com­petent and ver­sa­tile staff.

    More about the appren­tice tax

    Char­gée de la taxe d'apprentissage
    Corinne Ledrap­pier
     +33 (0)3 44 23 49 00
    À lire dans Interactions

    Par­ti­ci­per à la chaîne des valeurs

    Sou­te­nir la dyna­mique étudiante

    Le cercle ver­tueux et syner­gique des partenariats
