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I am a UTC-Compiègne undergraduate

My outbound mobility

In order to gra­duate, stu­dents must acquire the abi­li­ty to work in an inter­na­tio­nal context, which they can vali­date during a stay abroad (semes­ter of stu­dy, double degree) or an inter­n­ship abroad.

Why go abroad?

In a job mar­ket-place which is beco­ming glo­bal (in terms of jobs, pro­ducts, ser­vices, research…), it is impor­tant to know how to manage the inter­ac­tion with inter­na­tio­nal teams (dif­fe­rences in lan­guages, methods, culture…). UTC's objec­tive here is to train crea­tive, inno­va­tive and "inter­na­tio­nal­ly min­ded" engineers.

This is why the UTC favours inter­na­tio­nal exchanges and trips abroad throu­ghout the 5 years of the cur­ri­cu­lum. This allows its stu­dents to per­fect their edu­ca­tion, to open up to the out­side world, to get to know new cultures, to prac­tice a forei­gn lan­guage, to acquire new wor­king methods…

What is the ability to work in an international context?

Ensh­ri­ned in the UTC stu­dy regu­la­tions since 2018, the fol­lo­wing com­pe­tences in par­ti­cu­lar are sin­gled out:

  • the abi­li­ty to express one­self in a forei­gn lan­guage,
  • the abi­li­ty to com­mu­ni­cate, to assert one's own approaches and to unders­tand and res­pect those of one's col­la­bo­ra­tors, clients, forei­gn partners,
  • the abi­li­ty to deal with new and unex­pec­ted situa­tions,
  • the abi­li­ty to inte­grate into a dif­ferent social, legal and wor­king envi­ron­ment,
  • the abi­li­ty to work within a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry and mul­ti­cul­tu­ral team and to lead it,
  • the abi­li­ty to mas­ter the infor­ma­tion & com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools and tech­no­lo­gies neces­sa­ry to com­mu­ni­cate effec­ti­ve­ly at a distance.

Types of stays

Study semester

In the fra­me­work of one or more stu­dy semes­ters spent abroad, you will gene­ral­ly fol­low courses with native stu­dents in their native lan­guage (or in English). These courses are cre­di­ted in ETCS like the UTC courses. For those who wish to do so, you can take the neces­sa­ry steps to then under­take an inter­n­ship in the coun­try of the part­ner university.

Whe­ther it is for an inter­n­ship or a semes­ter of stu­dy, do not hesi­tate to consult the scho­lar­ships avai­lable in the fra­me­work of a depar­ture abroad.

You can apply to go abroad in TC03 (for the com­mon core) and from GX02 (if you have com­ple­ted the com­mon core) or GX03 (if you have star­ted your elec­tive spe­cia­li­ty).

The request is made in " Mon dos­sier " the tab of your per­so­nal space in the ENT (per­so­nal study/work digi­tal access) system.

An expe­rience abroad gene­ral­ly bene­fits a lot to a student. In addi­tion to lear­ning a new lan­guage and dis­co­ve­ring a new culture, you will gain fun­da­men­tal­ly in terms of your skills in sho­wing ini­tia­tive and open-min­ded­ness; not to men­tion that you will obvious­ly be able to add the name of the uni­ver­si­ty where you stu­died for one or more semes­ters to your CV.

The choice of uni­ver­si­ty is impor­tant, so don't over­look it!

Stu­dents usual­ly consi­der the lan­guage of the coun­try and its geo­gra­phi­cal loca­tion when making their choice. But don't for­get to consi­der the level of the uni­ver­si­ty and the courses you can take at this uni­ver­si­ty in par­ti­cu­lar so that it best suits your career plans.

› Atten­tion: the choice of des­ti­na­tions is dif­ferent accor­ding to your level of stu­dy (Core, Major or Elec­tive specialty).

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Eri­ca Arru­da-Patte

+33 (0)3 44 23 73 96

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Valé­rie Cues­ta

+33 (0)3 44 23 73 80

The double degree

The UTC, in its choices of depar­tures abroad, also offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty of obtai­ning a double degree with one of its part­ner uni­ver­si­ties. In total, this repre­sents 26 agreements.

To obtain a double degree, the UTC stu­dents at the end of their stu­dies (Gx04/05) must suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete 1 or 2 semes­ters of courses in the part­ner ins­ti­tu­tion and do their inter­n­ship or their end-of-stu­dies pro­ject in the coun­try of the uni­ver­si­ty concerned.


  • Tech­nische Uni­ver­sität Braun­sch­weig (TU-BS/UTC) – rele­vant majors: Bio-engi­nee­ring (GB)/Process engi­nee­ring (GP)/Mechanical engi­nee­ring (IM)/Urban sys­tem engi­nee­ring (GSU). Dura­tion: 18 months mini­mum. Level of Ger­man requi­red: LA03 (B2). Stu­dents selec­ted for the double degree are eli­gible for finan­cial sup­port from the Fran­co-Ger­man Uni­ver­si­ty (UFA). Inter­cul­tu­ral semi­nars are also part of the pro­gramme (in Februa­ry in Braun­sch­weig; in June in Com­piègne). 
    Part­ner­ship UTC/TUBS


  • Uni­ver­si­tat Poli­tec­ni­ca De Catalunya


United Kingdom

  • Cran­field Uni­ver­si­ty (CIT/UTC) –rele­vant majors : Bio-engi­nee­ring (GB)/ Pro­cess engi­nee­ring (GP)/ Com­puyer science and soft­warte engi­nee­ring (GI)/ Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM). Dura­tion: 12 months (in paral­lel with the final year of stu­dies GX05 – GX06). English level requi­red: LA13. Stu­dents must pass the TOEFL.


  • Moha­med V Uni­ver­si­ty – Natio­nal Col­lege of Arts and Crafts of Rabat (UTC/UMV-ENSAM) – Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM).





United States


  • Xi'an Jiao­tong Uni­ver­si­ty – Majors concer­ned: Bio-engi­nee­ring (GB), Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware engi­nee­ring (GI), Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM). Dura­tion: 18 months. English lan­guage level requi­red: LA13. Appli­ca­tion dead­line: end of GX02.
  • UTSEUS - Diplôme Mas­ter in Meca­tro­nics Smart Cyber Phy­si­cal Systems 


  • Chi­ba Ins­ti­tute of Tech­no­lo­gy – Majors concer­ned: Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware engi­nee­ring (GI)/ Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM) – Master's degree level.
  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Tokyo – School of Engineering 


  • Uni­ver­si­té Liba­naise – Fields of stu­dy: Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware engi­nee­ring (GI), Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM) – Master's degree level. 

> Agree­ment of the rele­vant major mana­ger;
> A good aca­de­mic record (inclu­ding satis­fac­to­ry grades/results in the semes­ter before depar­ture);
> Have a mini­mum level of English :B2. 

> Help in draf­ting your CV and the cover let­ter;
> Finan­cial aid (Eras­mus+ stay grants (Europe), AIM from the French Minis­try for Higher Edu­ca­tion (MESR), UFA (Ger­ma­ny), or Mer­moz grant from the Hauts-de-France Regio­nal Council).

A mini­mum TOEFL score (LE03) is requi­red for the fol­lo­wing des­ti­na­tions (valid for 2 years): Uni­ted States, Cana­da (except Que­bec) and the Uni­ted Kingdom.

Results are sent within 3 weeks. Do not for­get to ask for the results to be for­war­ded to UTC.

> For details of regis­tra­tion and the cost of the test, see the ETS (Edu­ca­tio­nal Tes­ting Ser­vice), via their website.

To do a Master's degree in the Uni­ted States: a suc­cess­ful score in the GRE (Gra­duate Record Exa­mi­na­tion) is a prerequisite.

A score of 1 000 points on the GRE (in addi­tion to the TOEFL) is mandatory.

> Consult the ETS (Edu­ca­tio­nal Tes­ting Ser­vice) web­site to find out how to take the GRE.

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Eri­ca Arru­da-Patte
+33 (0)3 44 23 73 96

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Valé­rie Cues­ta

+33 (0)3 44 23 73 80

Short-term stays

UTC offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to enrol for a sum­mer or win­ter school focus­sing on a theme rela­ted to your trai­ning, on a pro­ject or on inten­sive lan­guage courses. The dura­tion of the sum­mer or win­ter school ranges from 1 to 4 weeks depen­ding on the ‘school’ concerned.

Anyone can enrol for one of these schools, albeit they are recom­men­ded for GX02 and above.

Infor­ma­tion about sum­mer and win­ter schools varies from year to year.

It is impor­tant to look at the notice boards in the Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Depart­ment (buil­ding G) or to ask the ""Départs à l'étranger", depart­ment for infor­ma­tion on the various courses taking place each semester.

In most schools, the cost of course is lar­ge­ly, if not enti­re­ly, borne by the student.

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Eri­ca Pate Arru­da

+33 (0)3 44 23 73 96

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Valé­rie Cues­ta

+33 (0)3 44 23 73 80

Gap year

It is quite pos­sible to take one or more semes­ters off Uni­ver­si­ty in order to car­ry out a pri­vate pro­ject which may well have no connec­tion with your cho­sen course. It is the­re­fore a tem­po­ra­ry inter­rup­tion in trai­ning for which you will not gain any ECTS credits.

> TC03 and above
> GX02 and above

The appli­ca­tion must be lod­ged during the semes­ter pre­ce­ding the departure.

> Step 1: Col­lect the form from the Student Admi­nis­tra­tion Ser­vice (SAE)

> Step 2: Sub­mit the duly com­ple­ted form, toge­ther with a 4‑page des­crip­tion of the pro­ject, to the Head of Stu­dies for vali­da­tion and signature

> Step 3: Return the com­plete file to the SAE

The appli­ca­tion is then sub­mit­ted to the Trai­ning and Peda­go­gy Depart­ment (UTC-DFP) for vali­da­tion and will be visible in the student's file, at the level of the fol­low-up jury.

Given that the gap year is seen as a paren­the­sis during your trai­ning at UTC, you can­not claim any of the dif­ferent grants dedi­ca­ted to inter­na­tio­nal mobility.

Howe­ver, depen­ding on your pro­ject, you can, with the Stu­dents’ Union Office (BDE), put toge­ther a file and obtain grants from the BDE, from the Stu­dents’ Soli­da­ri­ty Fund (FSDIE) and/or some Februa­ry paid activities.

Please note: You must obtain infor­ma­tion and contact the BDE or the rele­vant asso­cia­tion to find out if your pro­ject can be sup­por­ted by them.

Césure GB/GP
Cathe­rine Bali­gand

+33 (0)3 44 23 45 99

Césure GI/GU
Valé­rie Four­nier

+33 (0)3 44 23 79 46

Césure IM – Cohorte A à K
Corinne Hélin

+33 (0)3 44 23 43 48

Césure IM – Cohorte L à Z
Marie-Chris­tine Dela­place

+33 (0)3 44 23 79 44

Césure TC/Hutech
Fan­ny Lefevre

+33 (0)3 44 23 46 98


UTC stu­dents must car­ry out inter­n­ships in com­pa­nies in France and abroad

> (TN07): 1 month, only for stu­dents who have com­ple­ted the UTC Com­mon Core programme.

> (TN09): 1 semes­ter of inter­n­ship as an assis­tant qua­li­fied engineer.

> (TN10): 1 semes­ter of inter­n­ship acting as a qua­li­fied engi­neer or as a final year pro­ject. 1 semes­ter of inter­n­ship acting as a qua­li­fied engi­neer or as a final year project.

It is pos­sible to find an inter­n­ship with the help of the ins­ti­tu­tion, by consul­ting the inter­n­ship offers and the his­to­ry of inter­n­ships on the ENT (per­so­nal work/study digi­tal access) but also by joi­ning the Trem­plin UTC Alum­ni Asso­cia­tion which puts in contact stu­dents and UTC gra­duates wor­king abroad.

The stu­dents can also count on the help of the lec­tu­rers to exa­mine and review their appli­ca­tion file (CV and cover let­ter), at the begin­ning of the semester.

Final­ly, access to grant appli­ca­tions is avai­lable to stu­dents, such as the Mer­moz grant from the Hauts-de-France Regio­nal Coun­cil and the Eras­mus+ inter­n­ship grant (for inter­n­ships in Europe).

To be accep­ted, the sub­ject of the inter­n­ship must be in line with the student's aca­de­mic cur­ri­cu­lum and pro­fes­sio­nal project.

The per­son in charge of inter­n­ships in your major/TC (core pro­gramme) must give his/her agree­ment by signing the conven­tion bet­ween the com­pa­ny in ques­tion and UTC.

Stages à l'international
Anne-Louise Lamon­tagne

Sabri­na Domin­guez

Camille Goul­lieux

Application procedure for a study semester or a double degree

The appli­ca­tion pro­ce­dure for a stu­dy abroad is the same for all the stu­dents of the com­mon core (TC) and the Major branches.

The pro­ce­dure for double degrees is the same but often has to be for­mu­la­ted a year before, depen­ding on the partnerships.

Go to the ENT (per­so­nal study/work digi­tal access), "Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions" sec­tion, then "Going abroad" and the "Appli­ca­tion pro­ce­dure" tab to obtain all the information.

1 – Applying

This first step takes place 6 months or even 1 year before depar­ture for cer­tain des­ti­na­tions known as "anti­ci­pa­ted" des­ti­na­tions.

The appli­ca­tion is made online (the can­di­date can for­mu­late an unli­mi­ted num­ber of wishes clas­si­fied in order of pre­fe­rence, accom­pa­nied by a choice pre­fe­rence argu­ment).

Go to the ENT (per­so­nal study/work digi­tal access) "Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions" sec­tion, then "Rel. Int." and "Depar­tures abroad – appli­ca­tion form".

> Once the jury has made its selec­tion, the student must accept or reject this deci­sion within 3 days. Accep­tance leads auto­ma­ti­cal­ly to nomination.

2 – Consti­tu­tion of the file

The student is res­pon­sible for car­rying out all the admi­nis­tra­tive pro­ce­dures on his/her own. The ins­ti­tu­tion will not be held res­pon­sible for the can­cel­la­tion of the depar­ture for alle­ged admi­nis­tra­tive inter­fe­rence.

The student is then contac­ted by the host uni­ver­si­ty to which he/she must sub­mit his/her appli­ca­tion file. At the same time, he/she can apply for a scho­lar­ship from the "Scho­lar­ships" depart­ment of the UTC Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Depart­ment and com­pletes the other admi­nis­tra­tive for­ma­li­ties (VISA, accom­mo­da­tion, etc…).

> The student waits for the deci­sion of the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty. Indeed, his/her appli­ca­tion can be refu­sed by the part­ner if the lat­ter consi­ders the file unsatisfactory.

3 – Fina­li­za­tion of the departure

If the student is accep­ted by the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty, he/she sends his/her let­ter of accep­tance to his/her coor­di­na­tor and to the mana­ger of the "Scho­lar­ships" pole of the Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions of the UTC.


Become an UTC ambassador

An ambas­sa­dor is a repre­sen­ta­tive to pro­mote the UTC model, its values and its attractiveness.

Any student in an exchange semes­ter at UTC (inco­ming or outgoing).

  • Par­ti­ci­pate in the Stu­dy Abroad Fair of the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty (mobi­li­ty event) to pro­mote UTC..
  • To give a pre­sen­ta­tion of UTC in class in the part­ner university.
  • Orga­nize an infor­mal mee­ting to present UTC.
  • Create seve­ral com­mu­ni­ca­tion sup­ports (blog, video, tik­tok, ins­ta­gram…) about UTC, pre­fe­ra­bly in English.
  • Get an inter­view in the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty to talk about your jour­ney at UTC and your mobility.
  • To get an inter­view at  UTC to talk about the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty (inco­ming student) or your exchange semes­ter (out­going student).
  • Represent UTC in some events orga­ni­zed by the inter­na­tio­nal relations.
  • Ani­mate "live" ses­sions (Ins­ta­gram or other) and questions/answers for future exchange students.
  • Par­ti­ci­pate in phy­si­cal and vir­tual events such as open days, forums, webi­nars, etc.
  • Sug­gest impro­ve­ments on the sup­port of exchange stu­dents at UTC.
  • Ans­wer the call for application.
  • Nomi­na­tion by the inter­na­tio­nal rela­tions department.
  • At the end of the semes­ter, pro­pose a pre­sen­ta­tion with pic­tures and videos.

Mobility assistance

If you are going to a forei­gn coun­try as part of your trai­ning at UTC, you can obtain finan­cial aid via:

  • an AIM grant from the MESR
  • FITEC scho­lar­ships
  • a UFA scholarship
  • DAAD scho­lar­ships
  • Ita­lian scholarships
  • a MERMOZ scholarship
  • an Eras­mus+ inter­n­ship scholarship
  • an Eras­mus+ stay grant

Go to the ENT (per­so­nal study/work digi­tal access) "Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions" sec­tion, then "Inter­na­tio­nal scho­lar­ships" to obtain all the information.

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Sabri­na Domin­guez

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Camille Goul­lieux

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