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  • Life on the UTC campus

    The UTC cam­pus sites are loca­ted in various sec­tors of Com­piegne and indeed have been inte­gral parts of the City since the uni­ver­si­ty began. To the extent that the student popu­la­tion repre­sents 12% of all Com­piegne inha­bi­tants, they have radi­cal­ly chan­ged the image of Com­piegne. This has led to a dyna­mic, asso­cia­tive and cultu­ral student life dis­playing a wide diver­si­ty. There are over 100 cultu­ral and sports asso­cia­tion regis­te­red with the Stu­dents’ Office (buzz-word BDE), some of which have exten­ded their net­works to have anten­nae in nume­rous other Euro­pean coun­tries. With a large num­ber of cultu­ral soli­da­ri­ty-inten­sive pro­jects in town and its regio­nal sur­rounds, UTC stu­dents take an active part contri­bu­ting to Compiegne’s life style, the­re­by rein­for­cing the connec­tion with the local autho­ri­ties brin­ging “science to the heart” of the City.