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  • Sports activities are strongly encouraged

    Sports are not obli­ga­to­ry at UTC, but the prac­tice is stron­gly encou­ra­ged. About 65% of the stu­dents indulge in at least one sport evert year they are at UTC.

    The sports' pillars at UTC

    UTC sports organization relies on two pillars

    The university Sports and Physical Exercice Service (SUAPS)

    The Uni­ver­si­ty Sports and Phy­si­cal Exer­cise Ser­vice (SUAPS) is tied to of the Tech­no­lo­gy and Social Sciences Depart­ment, the mis­sion of which is to orga­nize sport's acti­vi­ties in gene­ral on the cam­pus and also tea­ching-trai­ning for cer­tain sports (and stu­dents who sign up for the Sports elective).

    The UTC Sports Association (UTC Sport)

    The UTC Sports Asso­cia­tion (UTC Sport) allows stu­dents to prac­tise various sports (with com­pe­ti­tive events) in the fra­me­work of the FFSor­tU (uni­ver­si­ty sports fede­ra­tion) or with other "civi­lian" federations.

    Any stu­dents who wishes to enter com­pe­ti­tive sports must arrange their time­tables so as to be avai­lable on Thurs­day after­noons (the natio­nal after­noon for all uni­ver­si­ty sports under FFSportU)

    Sport elite

    'Sport elite', for high-level athletes

    In order to cater for high-level ath­letes, allo­wing them to pre­pare their engi­nee­ring diplo­ma in the best aca­de­mic condi­tions, UTYC has a spe­cial elec­tive sec­tion cal­led Sport Elite. The cur­sus is arran­ged in such a way that the stu­dents can fol­low their courses and achieve the per­for­mance levels they hope to attain in their sports specialty. 

    SUAPS et UTC sport élite
    Arnaud Vani­catte
     +33 (0)3 44 23 73 66
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    Une jeune femme aux idées claires

    La chaire hydrau­lique : de la recherche aux applications

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