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  • Accompanied Projects at the UTC Innovation Centre

    One of the objec­tives of UTC, over and above the trai­ning mis­sion, is to accom­pa­ny stu­dents, lec­tu­rers and research staff in the pro­cesses of crea­ting busi­ness concerns, as well as out­side com­pa­nies who wish to see their pro­jects mature. The UTC Daniel Tho­mas Inno­va­tion Centre is a key UTC aca­de­mic crea­ti­vi­ty focal point, brin­ging toge­ther trai­ning, research and valo­ri­sa­tion to serve the ove­rall inno­va­tion objec­tive, enabling a concen­tra­tion of plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ry skills and actors in the inno­va­tion field. The objec­tive of the Inno­va­tion Centre is to sti­mu­late inno­va­tion (in all its forms) and crea­ti­vi­ty with an inter­na­tio­nal outlook.

    To accompagy students, PhDs and graduates who wish to enter the market-place

    UTC encou­rages its stu­dents, PHDs and gra­duates to deve­lop their per­so­nal pro­jects and to set up busi­ness concerns, by avai­ling of the various 'inno­va­tion-inten­sive' tools adap­ted to the situations:

    • Pro­vi­ding access to a wide range of Cre­dit courses (CCs), open to all UTC students.
    • Par­ti­ci­pa­ting in natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tive exams that relate to innovation:
      • The Inno­va­tive Pro­ject Com­pe­ti­tion was desi­gned to help the matu­ra­tion phase of pro­jects pre­sen­ted by stu­dents, lec­tu­rers and research staff from UTC or in its Local Eco­sys­tem via the faci­li­ties of the Inno­va­tion Centre. This com­pe­ti­tion enabled the pre-matu­ra­tion of seve­ral inter­nal UTC pro­jects that led to the crea­tion of start-ups: Novi­tact, Aspic Engine, Sen­so­ve­ry, Clo­sy­com, VirtualSensitive…
      • The "24h Inno­va­tion chal­lenge", crea­ted in 2007, is an inter­na­tio­nal event that aims at deve­lo­ping inno­va­tive and crea­tive objects and concepts – in team for­ma­tions: of bet­ween 5 to 8 stu­dents, lec­tu­rers or research staff. The teams have exact­ly 24h to pro­pose inno­va­tive solu­tions to pro­blems set by par­ti­ci­pa­ting enter­prises, labo­ra­to­ries or exter­nal 'crea­tives' all part­ners to the event. The teams present their fin­dings and pro­po­sals in a two-minute video.
      • The ope­ra­tion 48h to pro­mote your ideas® is an event orga­ni­zed in the fra­me­work of InnovENT‑E. For two days, the teams, com­pri­sing around 10 stu­dents tackle a sub­ject pro­po­sed by an enter­prise, with a view to iden­ti­fying an inno­va­tive ans­wer to the pro­blem. The main aim of the 48h® incen­tive is to encou­rage stu­dents (and others) to adopt a more open view on inno­va­tion and its dis­se­mi­na­tion to SMEs in par­ti­cu­lar, while ini­tia­ting the stu­dents to using tools and metho­do­lo­gy that will enhance their creativity.
      • The Start-up Wee­kend: the prin­ciple and objec­tive of the Wee­kend is to create a start-up com­pa­ny in 54h. To begin the pro­cess, the par­ti­ci­pants have 60 seconds to present an idea and eli­cit inter­est from the others present, lea­ding to a team. Then, accom­pa­nied by the entre­pre­neurs, they start making a pro­to­type of the pro­duct and the neces­sa­ry busi­ness plan for it. During the wee­kend a Jury convenes and selects the best pro­jects, viz., those they feel can pro­ceed to create viable start-ups.
      • The Guy Denié­lou The­sis Prize was set up to reward three PhDs after a selec­tion pro­cess by a Jury com­po­sed of Mem­bers out­side the PhD school, to have six fina­lists who meet the cri­te­ria of the­sis qua­li­ty, par­ti­ci­pa­tion in cam­pus life, popu­la­ri­zing their know­ledge, etc. The Prize aims at valo­ri­sing the UTC PhDs and to add some publi­ci­ty to their research and its impact on day-to-day life, whil­st attemp­ting to ans­wer some of today's major chal­lenges (food, ener­gy, security …)
    • Pro­po­sing the Inno­va­tion Centre's 'Crea­ti­vi­ty Rooms' and the equip­ment at their dis­po­sal, as and when they see fit.
    • To enrol for a spe­cial "UTC elite entre­pre­neur­ship" course! stu­dents with an entre­pre­neu­rial incli­na­tion can choose this elec­tive course las­ting mini­mum one year and their lec­ture time-table is arran­ged in such a way that the stu­dents can deve­lop their pro­jects and test their chances to become a future entrepreneur.
    • The pos­si­bi­li­ty to adapt their time­tables to deve­lop per­so­nal projects
    • The pos­si­bi­li­ty to be super­vi­sed by per­so­nal coaches who can guide and orient the stu­dents to make the best choices while at UTC and for the dura­tion of the course.
    • The pos­si­bi­li­ty to leave the "elite entre­pre­neur­ship" sta­tus at any time
    • The pos­si­bi­li­ty to seek advice and help from various 'struc­tures' ins­tal­led in the Inno­va­tion Centre, for example, in rela­tion to intel­lec­tual pro­per­ty rights, busi­ness plans, patents … (INPI (France's natio­nal intel­lec­tual pro­per­ty agen­cy), Bpi­france and ADIT (agen­cy for the dis­se­mi­na­tion of tech­no­lo­gy-inten­sive infor­ma­tion)) the skills acqui­red during this pro­to-entre­pre­neu­rial per­iod will prove use­ful later both for those who set up a busi­ness or those who move into pro­fes­sion al posi­tions in the busi­ness world.
    • An entre­pre­neu­rial nur­se­ry for young gra­duates with adap­ted struc­tures: young UTC gra­duates can, if they so wish, move into the UTC busi­ness nursery.

    Sucess stories

    Inas­much as these inno­va­tive pro­jects deve­lo­ped at the Inno­va­tion Centre pro­vide a new win­dow for UTC with an oppor­tu­ni­ty for local 'net­wor­king' of various skills: scien­ti­fic, tech­ni­cal and tech­no­lo­gi­cal, artis­tic, cultu­ral … These pro­jects can come from SMEs, local autho­ri­ties, research acti­vi­ties, the stu­dents, artists …

    The Novi­tact start-up com­pa­ny was foun­ded by Thi­baud Séve­ri­ni, who gra­dua­ted from UTC in 2013; his com­pa­ny deve­lops the Feel­tact bra­ce­let, which enables silent com­mu­ni­ca­tion, thanks to vibra­tions set up in the bra­ce­let when acti­va­ted. It is a pro­duct-device that addresses essen­tial­ly the secu­ri­ty mar­ket niches.

    The com­pa­ny Nemo­pay, set up joint­ly by Arthur Puyou and Tho­mas Recou­vreux, both student engi­neers at UTC, pro­poses a per­so­nal elec­tro­nic purse aims main­ly at the engi­nee­ring and other HE schools/universities and event orga­ni­zers. This par­ti­cu­lar start-up was bought out by Vente Pri­vée in March 2015.

    The tac­tile table was deve­lo­ped by Thier­ry Gidel and Atman Ken­di­ra, research scien­tist and lec­tu­rers at UTC. The table is an aid to desi­gn, crea­ti­vi­ty and pro­ject mana­ge­ment, with a turn-key soft­ware package for users.

    The Sen­so­ve­ry pro­ject was deve­lo­ped by Anne Gué­nand, a research scien­tist and lec­tu­rer at UTC; it sheds new light on the plight of han­di­cap­ped per­sons, is easy to use and embo­dies the 7 prin­ciples of "uni­ver­sal design"

    Exo­life is a pro­ject deve­lo­ped by Samuel Vei­le­rette, pre­sident of UTC's Uteam. It is an inter­face to help keep patients at home for care, and is not only an aid to neu­ro-func­tio­nal reha­bi­li­ta­tion, reduc­tion of phy­si­cal­ly stress­ful work, but also serves the needs of vir­tual trai­ning courses for design/ hap­tic moni­to­ring for new inter­ac­tive media and an inter­face for remote control of macro/micro/nano robots that can ope­rate in hos­tile or inac­ces­sible environments.

    UTC and the Glass Val­ley* (then world's pre­mier site for luxu­ry per­fume bot­tles) joi­ned forces to desi­gn a new 'fla­con' to demons­trate the qua­li­ties and capa­ci­ties of the various actors of this sec­tor. The role played by UTC consis­ted essen­tial­ly of stu­dying the flow charts for materials/products/services among the local actors in Glass Val­ley: glass-makers, moul­ders, packagers …

    *North France's Glass Val­ley cor­res­ponds geo­gra­phi­cal­ly to the river Bresle basin, where some 60 com­pa­nies, all spe­cia­lists of glass-making for both the per­fume sec­tor and alco­hols, are ins­tal­led. They are mem­bers of the "World Pole for Luxu­ry Bot­tling", employ some 7 500 per­sons and pro­duce 70% of all luxu­ry bot­tles pro­du­ced in the world.

    The Sen­sor­Wake® is an olfac­to­ry alarm-clock which as the name sug­gests wakes you up with dif­fu­sion of your favou­rite scent. The clock was desi­gned and deve­lo­ped by Guillaume Rol­land, when he was a UTC first year student. He recei­ved seve­ral dis­tinc­tion at the famous Concours Lépine (for inven­tors) and was dis­tin­gui­shed as one of the 15 best inven­tions "that could change the course of the world" at the annual (2014) Google Science Fair. Via Kicks­tar­ter, Guillaume Roland laun­ched and was suc­cess­ful in a fund rai­sing operation.

    This appa­ra­tus was joint­ly deve­lo­ped with the tea­ching hos­pi­tal, CHU Amiens; it is a pros­the­sis used for lower jaw recons­truc­tion operations.

    The Reno­Valve pro­ject is mana­ged and moni­to­red by Adrien Laper­rous­saz, a student engi­neer in the elec­tive spe­cial­ty UTC-GSM (Mecha­ni­cal sys­tems engi­nee­ring). The desi­gn of the device is being car­ried for­ward and assem­bled in col­la­bo­ra­tion with heart sur­geons at the Hen­ri Mon­dor Hos­pi­tal (Cre­teil). It will be used to repair the mitral heart valve and help treat lea­kage pro­blems. The implant ope­ra­tion will be per­cu­ta­neous (but­ton-hole sur­ge­ry) which consi­de­ra­bly decreases the risk level of the ope­ra­tion. A. Laper­rous­saz was the 2015 Lau­reate of the BPI Emer­gence competition.


    Contacts pour l'innovation à l'UTC

    Direc­tion aux par­te­na­riats socio-éco­no­miques et à l'entrepreneuriat
    Samuel Veille­rette
     +33 (0)3 44 23 73 59
    Fou­zia Zitou­ni
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 91
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