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Inter­na­tio­nal relations
If a close contact with the indus­trial world is essen­tial, it is no less impor­tant that a uni­ver­si­ty trai­ned engi­neers be open to forei­gn coun­tries. UTC-Com­piegne has signed nume­rous inter­na­tio­nal agree­ments allo­wing you to do part of your stu­dies abroad.

The Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Depart­ment (UTC-DRI) manages all the aca­de­mic exchange pro­grammes with forei­gn uni­ver­si­ties. It orga­nizes the recep­tion and depar­ture of stu­dents within the fra­me­work of these programmes.

Inter­na­tio­nal partnerships

Stra­te­gic part­ner­ships, so-cal­led pri­vi­le­ged part­ners, double degrees, Eras­mus+, UTC and French-spea­king countries.



Preamble, types of stay abroad, applying for a stay abroad and grants.



Types of stays, appli­ca­tions, tui­tion and finan­cial aids, pre­pa­ring the stay abroad.

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Our inter­na­tio­nal policy

Today, most com­pa­nies ope­rate in a mar­ket that goes beyond the bor­ders of France, into Euro­pean Union mar­kets of course, but more often glo­bal mar­kets. Thus, employers' requi­re­ments for inter­na­tio­nal expe­rience of young gra­duates (or for them to have ope­ra­ted in a mul­ti­cul­tu­ral envi­ron­ment) are increa­sing. Also, the French Com­mis­sion accre­di­ting engi­nee­ring titles has pro­gres­si­ve­ly increa­sed its expec­ta­tions in this mat­ter, which has been trans­la­ted at UTC by a modi­fi­ca­tion of the regu­la­tion of the engi­nee­ring stu­dies making an inter­na­tio­nal mobi­li­ty of the future gra­duates compulsory.

Moreo­ver, the recruit­ment of PhD stu­dents, post-doc­to­ral stu­dents and lec­tu­rer-cum-research scien­tists is sub­ject to increa­sin­gly strong inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tion. This com­pe­ti­tion is also emer­ging at the Euro­pean level for recruit­ment to courses lea­ding to the Bac+5, engi­nee­ring and Master's degrees.

10 rea­sons
to stu­dy at UTC
recherche péda­go
Research and pedagogy

A wide range of inno­va­tive research and edu­ca­tio­nal acti­vi­ties (Urban engi­nee­ring, Com­pu­ter engi­nee­ring, Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, Pro­cess engi­nee­ring, Bio­lo­gi­cal engi­nee­ring and Human Sciences and Techniques).

Fields of excellence

UTC offers stu­dents three fields of excel­lence for those who prac­tice them at a cer­tain level:
• the elite sports trai­ning program,
• the elite music trai­ning program,
• the elite entre­pre­neur­ship trai­ning program.
These acti­vi­ties are an inte­gral part of their curriculum.

The inno­va­tion centre

UTC has an Inno­va­tion cen­ter hos­ting the start-ups of our stu­dents, crea­ti­vi­ty rooms but also tech­no­lo­gi­cal plat­forms: Halle Heu­dia­syc (auto­no­mous vehicles, rail­way plat­form, etc.), Halle Rober­val (vibra­tion mecha­nics) and Halle BMBI (motion capture).

A scien­ti­fic research of excellence

UTC's research and inno­va­tion stra­te­gy reflects the col­lec­tive added value and spe­ci­fic contri­bu­tions of its labo­ra­to­ries and chairs, which embo­dy its scien­ti­fic core.

Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty Alliance

UTC is a mem­ber of the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty Alliance (72nd in the 2021 QS world Uni­ver­si­ty Ran­kings).

A school at the top of the rankings

UTC is regu­lar­ly ran­ked at the top of engi­nee­ring school ran­kings (1st in the 2022 and 2021 L'OBS rankings).

inno­va­tion prix

UTC's inno­va­tion plat­form is regu­lar­ly awarded:
• win­ning stu­dents at the James Dys­on Awards 2020, 2019 and 2018;
• "Crea­tive and dyna­mic atmos­phere" engi­nee­ring school prize from Uni­ver­sum Awards 2018.


UTC col­la­bo­rates with glo­bal­ly reco­gni­zed com­pa­nies: Cetim, Cha­nel, Arce­lor Mit­tal, Renault… More than 40 events are orga­ni­zed each year.

Student life

Asso­cia­tions and sports are stron­gly encou­ra­ged at UTC. 110 asso­cia­tions are open to stu­dents in many themes (dance, music, sport, eco­lo­gy, soli­da­ri­ty life, life of the territory…).

Com­piègne, royal and impe­rial city

Com­piègne is a green city loca­ted just 40 minutes from Paris, CDG inter­na­tio­nal air­port and close to Beau­vais. It is also a cultu­ral and his­to­ri­cal city, with in par­ti­cu­lar the castles of Com­piègne and Pier­re­fonds or the Clai­rière de l'Armistice. Also, the city is lin­ked to many his­to­ri­cal per­so­na­li­ties, such as Joan of Arc.

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Sup­por­ted by its mem­ber­ship in the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty alliance and ran­ked since 2018 in the Times Higher Edu­ca­tion (THE) Young Uni­ver­si­ty Ran­kings 2018, nota­bly in the "Inter­na­tio­nal Out­look" cate­go­ry, UTC reco­gnizes more than ever the impe­rious neces­si­ty to car­ry out its main mis­sion at the inter­na­tio­nal level, and to have a recog­ni­tion and a visi­bi­li­ty there.

To do so, UTC must pro­mote the qua­li­ty of its trai­ning, car­ry out research at the highest level and in connec­tion with the public and pri­vate eco­no­mic sec­tors so that from science it becomes tech­no­lo­gy-inten­sive. A par­ti­cu­lar atten­tion objec­tive is to gua­ran­tee qua­li­ty oppor­tu­ni­ties for the inco­ming and out­going mobi­li­ty of students.

In the mid-term pros­pect, the focus is on the fol­lo­wing three areas:

• To suc­ceed in the sys­te­ma­tic inte­gra­tion of inter­na­tio­nal mobi­li­ty in the engi­nee­ring course of UTC stu­dents and to intro­duce new forms of inter­na­tio­nal collaboration;
• To intro­duce a typo­lo­gy for the inter­na­tio­nal part­ner­ships of UTC;
• To affirm the com­mit­ment of UTC in the fra­me­work of the French-spea­king world.

Direc­trice aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Joan­na Daa­boul
 +33 (0)3 44 23 49 63
Anne Vigni
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 82
Direc­trice adjointe
Gaëlle Dac­q­mine
 +33 (0)3 44 23 49 63