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  • The french master's degree

    The scientific specialties proposed currently are highly attractive qualifications on the job market and provide excellent response to concrete problem areas faced by enterprise on a day-to-day basis or in research spheres.
    Placements and international relations

    Humanities and Creative Industries (UTC-HIC) 

    The objective assigned to the course is to provide new skills focusing on human experience centred design, that will enable them to master design processes, innovative technology-intensive products and services implementation.
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    Complex System Engineering (UTC-ISC)

    The objectives assigned to the UTC-ISC Master’s degree are to provide future engineering managers with a solid scientific and technological knowledge base to be able to study (viz., to characterize and understand), model and design complex and innovative systems using a systemic multidisciplinary approach.
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    Chemistry (UTC-CH)

    The UTC Master’s degree major “Chemistry” is common to the UTC and to the University Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens (UPJV)
    This UTC- Master’s degree major in chemistry offers specialty training for students who will combine cross-disciplinary competencies from more than one academic disciplines, and also to fully understand problems faced by professionals in specific problems that relate to transformation of natural resources, the key-stone to a sustainable economy and a source of sustainable solutions.
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    Health-Care Engineering (UTC-IDS)

    The UTC-Master’s degree major (IDS) is designed to ensure training for technical managers capable of addressing problem sets related to deployment and strategic operation of services and technology-intensive systems in enterprise and in various organizations. Training here is specially oriented to QA and ‘biomed’ technology management in health-care areas as well as the regulatory affairs of medical devices and uses.
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    Economic Analysis and Policy (UTC-APE)

    The APE Master’s programme is the first degree in economics from the UTC and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Sorbonne University. - Master Erasmus Mundus EPOG+
    This International Master’s programme is taught mainly in English. It benefits from a fully unified management. It pools the skills from both institutions and includes the contribution of experts belonging to their respective networks. Economic POlicies for the Global transition (EPOG+) is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in economics, supported by the European Union. It offers a world-class integrated Master's programme on the (digital, socioeconomic, ecological) transition processes with a pluralist approach and interdisciplinary perspectives.
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    Erasmus Mundus Joint Master EMSSE

    European Master in Sustainable Systems Engineering
    EMSSE places a special emphasis on Sustainable Systems Engineering, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to create systems that are efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. We prioritize considering the environmental, economic, and social impacts of a system throughout its entire lifecycle, from design and development to operation and maintenance.
    More about UTC-EMSSE

    Placements/internships and parnerships

    The discovery of industrial reality or professional interculturality.
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    International mobility

    UTC encourages and facilitates overseas stays for its students. These can take the form of courses, technical internships/placements or their end-of-studies projects.
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