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Economic analysis and policy (APE)

The Eco­no­mic Ana­ly­sis and Poli­cy (APE) Master’s pro­gramme is the first joint degree in eco­no­mics bet­ween UTC-Com­piegne and the Facul­ty of Arts at the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty. This inter­na­tio­nal Master's degree, taught essen­tial­ly in English, bene­fits from a ful­ly uni­fied mana­ge­ment. It is based on the poo­ling of skills present in these two ins­ti­tu­tions and the contri­bu­tion of experts who will be invi­ted spea­kers in their res­pec­tive net­works. The field is home to the Eras­mus Mun­dus EPOG+ (Eco­no­mic POli­cies for the Glo­bal tran­si­tion) Master's Degree pro­gramme sup­por­ted by the Euro­pean Union. It offers a world-class inte­gra­ted master's pro­gramme on tran­si­tion pro­cesses (digi­tal, socio-eco­no­mic, eco­lo­gi­cal) with a plu­ra­lis­tic approach in eco­no­mics and inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry perspectives.

Can­di­da­ter au mas­ter EPOG+


The UTC-APE Master's degree aims to become a world-class Master's degree in eco­no­mics in its field, through the excel­lence of its trai­ning, part­ner­ships with very high level ins­ti­tu­tions at natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal level and the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of the best stu­dents from dif­ferent conti­nents. It is part of an inter­na­tio­nal Master's degree pro­ject.

It is based on a poo­ling of skills, not only within the two ins­ti­tu­tions asso­cia­ted with the same Idex (Ini­tia­tive of Excel­lence), but also on courses taught by tea­cher-resear­chers from other labo­ra­to­ries in France and elsew­here.

Associated research laboratories

The APE Master's pro­gramme is asso­cia­ted to the Know­ledge, Orga­ni­za­tion and Tech­ni­cal Sys­tems lab (COSTECH, EA 2223) at the UTC and Stu­dy Group on the Socio­lo­gi­cal Ana­ly­sis Methods of the Sor­bonne (GEMASS, CNRS UMR 8598) at Sor­bonne University.

EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD)

The main objec­tive of the pro­gramme is to give birth to a new gene­ra­tion of inter­na­tio­nal experts, able to define and assess eco­no­mic poli­cies and evolve within dif­ferent poli­ti­cal, social and regio­nal contexts.

Sup­por­ted by the Euro­pean Union the EPOG+ Eras­mus Mun­dus Joint Mas­ter Degree offers a unique inte­gra­ted world-class pro­gramme on the (digi­tal, socioe­co­no­mic and eco­lo­gi­cal) tran­si­tion pro­cesses. Towards this objec­tive, the pro­gramme goes beyond the reach of stan­dard eco­no­mic theo­ry to include various ins­ti­tu­tion­na­list approaches.

The full part­ners (degree awar­ding ins­ti­tu­tions) include a wide set of pres­ti­gious institutions: 

  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy of Com­piègne (UTC),
  • Sor­bonne University,
  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris,
  • Univer­si­ty of Turin,
  • Ber­lin School of Eco­no­mics and Law,
  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Roma 3,
  • Vien­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Eco­no­mics and Business,
  • Uni­ver­si­ty of the Wit­wa­ters­rand (Wits).

It also involves more than 30 (aca­de­mic and non-aca­de­mic) asso­cia­ted part­ners in Europe and the world.


The very best stu­dents from all over the world will be eli­gible for scho­lar­ships awar­ded for 2 years by the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, based on our selection: 

  • The "Pro­gramme coun­tries" scho­lar­ships for stu­dents from Mem­ber States of the Euro­pean Union (EU) as well as for­mer Yugo­slav, Ice­land, Liech­ten­stein, Nor­way, Repu­blic of Mace­do­nia, Turkey;
  • The "Part­ner coun­tries" scho­lar­ships for stu­dents from all the other countries.

More details here


Appli­ca­tions for the APE Master's degree, in the fra­me­work of the Eras­mus Mun­dus EPOG+ (2‑year pro­gramme), for the Sep­tem­ber 2022 aca­de­mic year can be regis­te­red until Janua­ry, 31, 2022, 13h00 (Paris time)..

Appli­ca­tions to the UTC-APE Master’s pro­gramme with direct admis­sion to M2 will be ope­ned later, for the Sep­tem­ber 2022 student intake.

Please note that two let­ters of recom­men­da­tion are requi­red in order to apply.

Courses will start in Sep­tem­ber 2020. Selec­tion will be orga­ni­zed in conjunc­tion with the pro­gramme EPOG 2.0

Organization of the programme courses

The orga­ni­za­tion of the Master's pro­gramme into three elec­tive spe­cial­ty options (the "Majors") allows stu­dents to choose one of the fields of exper­tise asso­cia­ted with them, while other elec­tive courses (the "minors") and a set of semi­nars will enable them to acquire the ele­ments of trans­ver­sa­li­ty and com­mon culture neces­sa­ry for a glo­bal unders­tan­ding of eco­no­mic poli­cies.

It opens stu­dents’ minds up to face a varie­ty of issues, encou­rages work on com­mon topics by stu­dents from dif­ferent majors and pro­motes inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry approaches rather than a "silo" approach. Thus, beyond the eco­no­mic content, stu­dents will consi­der aspects of law, socio­lo­gy and poli­ti­cal science, geo­gra­phy and history.

The Master's pro­gramme com­prises three majors (A, B and C) with, for each, dif­ferent courses inclu­ding inter­na­tio­nal mobi­li­ty, some lea­ding to mul­tiple or double degrees with forei­gn uni­ver­si­ties. These majors focus on :

  • Know­ledge, Inno­va­tion and the Digi­tal tran­si­tion (Major A);
  • Inter­na­tio­nal Macroe­co­no­mics and Finance (Major B);
  • Deve­lop­ment, Sus­tai­nable Deve­lop­ment and the Eco­lo­gi­cal Tran­si­tion, (Major C)

Partnerships and relations with employers

The part­ner­ships and rela­tions with poten­tial employers are esta­bli­shed at seve­ral levels:

  • a net­work of aca­de­mic part­ners and non-aca­de­mic asso­cia­ted part­ners from the world of busi­ness, NGOs, trade unions and inter­na­tio­nal organizations;
  • a set of about for­ty annual semi­nars invol­ving per­so­na­li­ties from the aca­de­mic world but also, to a signi­fi­cant extent, lea­ding per­so­na­li­ties from the eco­no­mic, social and poli­ti­cal world (poli­cy makers, eco­no­mic, high offi­cials, trade-unio­nists, NGO leaders…), 
  • the deve­lop­ment of the EPOG alum­ni net­work at inter­na­tio­nal level (EPOG Stu­dents and Alum­ni Association), 
  • the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of invited/associated pro­fes­sors from the pro­fes­sio­nal world (in the context of poo­ling with other institutions), 
  • the net­works of our forei­gn part­ners (alum­ni net­work, access to local job advertisement); 
  • the pos­si­bi­li­ty of com­ple­ting an inter­n­ship (during the Semes­ter 4).

Targeted audience

For the two-year pro­gramme (M1-M2): the tar­ge­ted audience is made of the stu­dents who have com­ple­ted (or are com­ple­ting) their ini­tial trai­ning (Bache­lor or Master's degree or any equi­va­lent degree cor­res­pon­ding to at least 180 ECTS). Appli­cants should have a mini­mum back­ground in eco­no­mics, mathe­ma­tics, sta­tis­tics or econometrics.

For the one-year pro­gramme (M2): the appli­cant must have com­ple­ted (or must be com­ple­ting) a degree cor­res­pon­ding to a mini­mum of 240 ECTS with a mini­mum know­ledge in eco­no­mics, mathe­ma­tics, sta­tis­tics or eco­no­me­trics (that mini­mum requi­re­ment is higher than that for the two-year programme).

Some excellent can­di­dates retur­ning to stu­dy and moti­va­ted for the EPOG pro­gramme can also be recrui­ted. A suf­fi­cient level of English is requi­red (at least B2 or 6.5 at IELTS or 92 at TOEFL, …).


Stu­dents, accor­ding to their per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal pro­ject, will be able to: 

  • pur­sue in the field of research, on par­ti­cu­lar by star­ting a PhD, in France and abroad. The gra­duates will be able to par­ti­ci­pate in the crea­tion of a lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal net­work in poli­ti­cal eco­no­my focu­sing on a set of topics rela­ted to eco­no­mic poli­cies in a glo­ba­li­zed context: tech­no­lo­gi­cal change and digi­tal tran­si­tion, macroe­co­no­mic and finan­cial dyna­mics, envi­ron­men­tal regu­la­tion, achie­ve­ment of deve­lop­ment goals and ter­ri­to­rial development;
  • contri­bute to pro­vi­ding ana­ly­sis and solu­tions to public bodies (inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­tions, minis­tries, large admi­nis­tra­tions) and pri­vate orga­ni­sa­tions (com­pa­nies, non-govern­men­tal orga­ni­sa­tions, trade unions, etc.). They can also invest in busi­ness creation.

Typi­cal­ly, depen­ding on their stu­dy path, the fol­lo­wing job oppor­tu­ni­ties can be mentioned:

  • Major A: Intel­lec­tual Pro­per­ty Advi­sor in legal offices or consul­ting firms, Intel­lec­tual Pro­per­ty Port­fo­lio Mana­ger, Inno­va­tion / Research Advo­ca­cy Offi­cer, Brand Expert eva­lua­tion of pro­per­ty rights, consul­tant in the field of eco­no­mic intel­li­gence, researcher…
  • Major B: resear­cher, eco­no­mic expert and sta­tis­tics in admi­nis­tra­tions, consul­ting firms, com­pa­nies, banks, inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­tions. Poli­ti­cal Ana­lyst, Pro­ject Mana­ger, Finan­cial Ana­lyst in the middle / back office, Port­fo­lio and Risk Manager… 
  • Major C: pro­gramme or pro­ject mana­ger in coope­ra­tion and deve­lop­ment, poli­cy ana­lyst, consul­tant, researcher…

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