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  • Industrial university chairs

    Industrial sectors are desirous to acquire skills that fit their needs. The traditional approach is to hire engineers who with their fundamentals in place then go on to acquire, in-house, specific skills for the sector. However, when the profession has a specific and consistent technical and scientific base, training in the company structure can take on an awesome scale, both in terms of costs and also capacity such as finding and hiring training officers, managing the personal training schemes … Creating a university Chair (teaching and research) seems an appropriate move to meet these needs.

    A chair on metabolic syndrome

    The program of the DOT Chair (Disruptive Organoids Technologies – advanced organoids engineering strategy against metabolic syndrome) is positioned at the frontiers of bioengineering, advanced stem cell biology, biosensors and diagnostics technology to address this important health care and societal challenge.
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    An academic chair in enhanced Social Awareness for Innovative Processes

    The aim of the "Social Awareness and Innovation" Chair project is to develop and implement a series of research actions to rethink and promote social openness in innovation processes carried out by engineers within their organisations.
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    Une chaire en intelligence artificielle de confiance

    La chaire SAFE IA est centrée sur la thématique de l’IA de confiance, et plus précisément sur la robustesse et la fiabilité des systèmes d’intelligence artificielle. Son objectif est de proposer de nouvelles méthodes pour garantir la robustesse des modèles d’IA, et de mettre ces méthodes à l’épreuve dans des cas d’études issus du monde industriel ou d’autres applications où avoir des garanties de fiabilité est essentiel.
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    A chair on nanostructured materials

    The LEEGO Chair's (chalLEnges and opportunities in connecting lenGth and time scales in nanO-structured materials: the case of nano-reinforced polymers) objective is to propose hybrid in silico and experimental approaches to help understand nanostructured material's mechanical, physical, chemical and biological properties.
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    An institute of mechatronics, a chair in hydraulics

    The CETIM (Technical Centre for Mechanical Engineering Sectors) and UTC have enjoyed constant and supportive collaboration since both institutions were created, not only from a pedagogical point of view but also in terms of partnership research agreements and contracts.
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    A chair in mechanical enginnering

    The Chair for "PICARDie digitized mechanical engineering” arose through conclusions drawn in a strategic reflection about the future mechanical engineering inasmuch as it enables the actors to throw light on one of Picardie’s mainstay sectors and which also constitutes a prominent research theme at UTC.
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    Une chaire en chimie et procédés verts

    La chaire d'excellence "Chimie et procédés verts" (CPC) vise à amplifier l'approche multidisciplinaire mise en œuvre par l'UTC et l'ESCOM au sein du laboratoire TIMR, et ainsi développer les connaissances scientifiques dans les domaines d'applications multi-échelles et répondre aux besoins des acteurs socio-économiques territoriaux.
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    Une chaire sur l'étude et la valorisation du métabolisme végétal

    La chaire d’excellence «Étude et valorisation du métabolisme végétal» propose d'utiliser le métabolisme végétal pour le mettre au service de l'industrie et du développement économique.
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    A chair of mathematical modelling and systemic biology in predictive toxicology

    UTC and the National Institute for Industrial Environments and Associate Risks (INERIS) , created a Teaching and Research Chair on the theme of mathematical modelling and systemic biology as applicable to predictive toxicology.
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    Une chaire sur les systèmes mobiles

    La chaire internationale d'excellence «Systèmes de systèmes – Coopération et interaction entre systèmes mobiles» (SdS-CIS) a pour but d'apporter de nouvelles compétences sur les systèmes de systèmes, méta-systèmes dont les composants sont eux-mêmes des systèmes, comme les véhicules intelligents/autonomes communicants, les flottes de drones, les réseaux intelligents ou les villes intelligentes.
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    A chair dedicated to "Digital processes in forensic science"

    The cluster Sorbonne Universities has a thematic Chair, FaciLe which associates 8 specialties around a new research thrust: digital cranio-facial reconstruction for use in forensic science and autopsy investigations.
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    A chair in Health engineering

    This “e-Biomed” Chair was created in the context of the University Institute for Health Engineering (IUIS) launched jointly by UTC and the University Paris 5 (Pierre & Marie Curie) in the recent cluster called ‘Sorbonne Universities’. IUIS places health problems at the core of an R&D, technology transfer and training programme, so as to meet new sanitary and health-related challenges.
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    Une chaire sur la mobilité intelligente et les dynamiques territoriales

    Aujourd'hui, la mobilité durable et intelligente multi-échelle est un des aspects de la ville du futur. La chaire d'excellence "Mobilité intelligente et les dynamiques territoriales" (MIDT) entend ainsi apporter des réponses à ce nouvel enjeu du XXIe siècle, en lien direct avec les nombreux acteurs concernés (collectivités locales, entreprises, partenaires régionaux et internationaux, partenaires SU…).
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