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A Chair in Health Engineering

This “e‑Biomed” Chair was crea­ted in the context of the Uni­ver­si­ty Ins­ti­tute for Health Engi­nee­ring (IUIS) laun­ched joint­ly by UTC and the Uni­ver­si­ty Paris 5 (Pierre & Marie Curie) in the recent clus­ter cal­led ‘Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ties’. IUIS places health pro­blems at the core of an R&D, tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer and trai­ning pro­gramme, so as to meet new sani­ta­ry and health-rela­ted challenges.


Tea­chers res­pon­sible for the chair: Dan Istrate – Cécile Legallais

E‑Health - one of the prio­ri­ty poli­cy objec­tives of IUIS, – is a fair­ly recent scien­ti­fic theme grou­ping toge­ther the spe­cial­ties of Com­pu­ter Sciences and TICs as used in Health ques­tions, with a wider scope than is found in tele-medi­cine. The lat­ter implies 'dis­tance' whe­reas "e‑Health" includes TIC pro­cesses and natu­ral­ly other medi­cal issues that do not car­ry medi­cal constraints.

The "e‑Biomed" Chair has the objec­tive to deve­lop inno­va­tive bio-medi­cal tools – through a col­la­bo­ra­tion bet­ween engi­neers and medi­cal prac­ti­tio­ners – star­ting with deve­lop­ments that alrea­dy exis­ted in IUIS labo­ra­to­ries. "E‑Biomed" also aims at deve­lo­ping cur­rent scien­ti­fic topics and also to create an entre­pre­neu­rial, user and cor­res­pon­ding asso­cia­tion eco­sys­tem, enabling co-deve­lop­ment of products.

The "e‑Biomed" Chair examines notably question relating to:

Senior citizens

Today a large num­ber of senior citi­zens live alone at home, inas­much as the places in reti­re­ment homes are limi­ted and should the per­sons fall this usual­ly implies increa­sin­gly nume­rous stays in hos­pi­tals. This Chair allow us to consi­der and ana­lyses pos­sible ways to ensure that senior citi­zens can stay safe­ly at home (using domo­tics, nota­bly) and also exa­mines ins­ti­tu­tio­nal moni­to­ring for func­tio­nal re-edu­ca­tion programmes.

Risk pregnancies

Faced with the threat of a pre­ma­ture birth, the aim is to iden­ti­fy ups­tream detec­tion means in order to improve on treatments.

Chronic illnesses

Faced with the dif­fi­cul­ties expe­rien­ced by dia­be­tic patients when dosing their insu­lin intake, tools are pro­vi­ded to help the eva­lua­tion pro­to­col, nota­bly in making it easier to cal­cu­late the dose by an ana­ly­sis of phy­si­cal acti­vi­ties and food intake. Other topics, such as the conse­quences of a CVA are dealt with, inclu­ding a relear­ning pro­cess for the swal­lo­wing reflex.


In a col­la­bo­ra­tive pro­gramme with the GSC e‑Santé Picar­die, a short conti­nuous trai­ning course has been set up on "bases for tele-medi­cine", in close and direct rela­tion­ship with the e‑Biomed Chair. The course is offe­red to stu­dents at the M2 level, in the spe­cial­ty "Tech­no­lo­gies and the Health Sector".


Developments of connected biomedical tools and devices

Seve­ral bio­me­di­cal tools have been deve­lo­ped at the UTC-BMBI (Bio­me­di­cal and Bio-engi­nee­ring) Lab, and in conjunc­tion with other UTC labo­ra­to­ries; they have been inte­gra­ted after deve­lop­ment to com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems, at vera­cious degree of tech­ni­cal matu­ri­ty and connectivity.

› For example: deve­lop­ment of high reso­lu­tion pro­to­cols and devices, move­ment sen­sors cou­pled to mus­cu­lo-ske­le­ton and neu­ro-mus­cu­lo-ske­le­ton models (WIFI sen­sors, Kinect sys­tem, wire­less EMGs) to moni­tor reha­bi­li­ta­tion, func­tio­nal re-edu­ca­tion but also ser­ving as aids for diag­no­sis. This axis is hand­led in direct cor­res­pon­dence with the Facul­ty of Medi­cine at Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris 6 (Pierre & Marie Curie) to list and eva­luate the needs and constraints and with the Living Lab at GCS-e-San­té Picar­die as far as user impli­ca­tion is concerned.

Health-oriented robotics

The ISIR Labo­ra­to­ry at UPMC and the SMART Labex are deve­lo­ping com­plex robo­tic sys­tems and human-robot inter­faces for health uti­li­za­tions among other domains. In the frame of the objec­tives assi­gned to the Chair, col­la­bo­ra­tive agree­ments are under stu­dy. Use, for example, of indoor or out­door drones are also being deve­lo­ped in the UTC-MS2T Labex are under study.

An integrative platform (so-called ambient intelligence)

In the fra­me­work of the UTC Inno­va­tion Centre's pro­grammes, floor-space has set aside to build a bio-medi­cal equip­ped 'house' for the future which will serve to assess work and pre­sen­ta­tion of research in the two afo­re­men­tio­ned axes.

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