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Open science

Open science, what is it?

Open science repre­sents a new approach adap­ted to the digi­tal revo­lu­tion with res­pect to the sha­ring of data and scien­ti­fic content, for a feed­back to the citi­zen but also for its invol­ve­ment in the citi­zen sciences.

Open Science includes open access to articles and open research data. Whe­ther at the Euro­pean level (Plan S, EOSC) and at the natio­nal level with the Law for a Digi­tal Repu­blic, Article 30, 2016 and the Natio­nal Plan for Open Science (MESRI, July 2018 and July 2021) open science is a topic that encou­rages col­la­bo­ra­tive work bet­ween resear­chers to acce­le­rate scien­ti­fic inno­va­tion while ensu­ring data security.

Open science the­re­fore leads to access for all to know­ledge, for research, for edu­ca­tion and for socie­ty. Indeed, “Citi­zen Science” is one of the ele­ments that will allow in the long term to fos­ter exchanges bet­ween citi­zens and the scien­ti­fic com­mu­ni­ty so that they are more confi­dent in science and invol­ved in scien­ti­fic inno­va­tion pro­jects. Public fun­ding (Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, French ANR) sup­ports this approach.

Accor­ding to a socio­lo­gi­cal point of view, the main argu­ment of open science is that scien­ti­fic know­ledge should be com­ple­te­ly avai­lable to all. The­re­fore, from an eco­no­mic point of view, all the works fun­ded by public funds should be able to belong to the com­mu­ni­ty as recom­men­ded by Plan S France (ini­tia­tive laun­ched in Sep­tem­ber 2018 so that all the pro­jects that have obtai­ned public fun­ding publish research work / results free access from Janua­ry 2021).

A guide was writ­ten for PhD stu­dents to explain the phi­lo­so­phy of open science and the link with their the­sis work.

For the sup­port of the Doc­to­ral Schools, a guide has also been developed.

Open Science at UTC – A Commitment

UTC is com­mit­ted to open science at seve­ral levels by com­plying with the Natio­nal Open Science Plan.

As part of the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty Alliance, UTC is com­mit­ted to encou­ra­ging doc­to­ral stu­dents and resear­chers to fol­low the ASU MOOC deve­lo­ped by Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­té and by MNHN.

UTC encou­rages resear­chers to create a free and unique Open Research and Contri­bu­tor ID (ORCID) num­ber that resear­chers can use when they are invol­ved in research and inno­va­tion. This unique iden­ti­ty num­ber links all their "contri­bu­tions across dis­ci­plines, bor­ders and time".

Open Access

In 2018, the UTC set up an HAL por­tal dedi­ca­ted to archi­ving avai­lable and open access articles. This por­tal is the­re­fore an open archive. The UTC encou­rages resear­chers and research tea­chers to depo­sit their publi­ca­tions and full-text works. BUTC (the Libra­ry of UTC) sup­ports deploy­ment and awareness/training of the UTC scien­ti­fic com­mu­ni­ty on the portal.

The UTC has adop­ted the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty Char­ter for Free Access to publi­ca­tions during the Scien­ti­fic Coun­cil of 24 Janua­ry 2020, inclu­ding the com­mit­ment of the UTC ins­ti­tu­tion and research staff pre­sen­ted in this adop­tion note.

Open Research Data

UTC sup­ports resear­chers to opti­mize research data and its openness.

The PVP (Unit for Part­ner­ships and valo­ri­za­tion) of the Research Direc­tion assists resear­chers in the draf­ting of their DMP (Data mana­ge­ment plan) which are man­da­to­ry for natio­nal and Euro­pean pro­jects by using DMP-OPIDOR.

Open Research data must also com­ply with the GDPR (Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­tion): the Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer (DPO) can control the ques­tion by consultation.

Com­ple­men­ta­ry actions are fore­seen in the UTC HRS4R Stra­te­gy Action Plan.

As part of the ASU (alliance Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­té) where UTC took part, a note of recom­men­da­tions on Open Research Data was pro­du­ced and adop­ted by UTC.

UTC organization

UTC has appoin­ted an Open Science focal point / advi­sor, Sté­pha­nie Ros­sard, whose mis­sion is to raise awa­re­ness, inform and advise the entire scien­ti­fic com­mu­ni­ty on open science issues.

At the ope­ra­tio­nal level, in sup­port of resear­chers, the head of the BUTC, Valé­rie Bas­se­ville, works for biblio­me­tric, the ope­ning of publi­ca­tions, the online input on HAL and the trai­ning resul­ting therefrom.

The direc­tor of each research unit desi­gna­ted an Open Access cor­res­pondent who help for the deploy­ment of Open Access via the HAL-UTC portal.

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