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I am an international exchange student

My inbound mobility to UTC-Compiègne

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy of Com­piègne (UTC-Com­piegne) appears in the ran­king of the best French engi­nee­ring schools. Through its poli­cy of deve­lop­ment and inter­na­tio­nal influence, UTC regu­lar­ly signs exchange pro­gramme agree­ments with nume­rous forei­gn ins­ti­tu­tions. While offe­ring a proxi­mi­ty with the capi­tal city Paris, inco­ming exchange stu­dents bene­fit from an envi­ron­ment favou­rable to their stu­dies and to their per­so­nal development.

Our programmes

1 or 2 semesters of course-work including an internship

You fol­low our courses for 1 semes­ter (6 months) or (2 semes­ters) one aca­de­mic year. A trans­cript of records (ToR) is then sent to your home uni­ver­si­ty to obtain their equi­va­lences. Each Unit of Value (UV or Course Cre­dit CC) counts for 4 or 6 ECTS (Euro­pean Cre­dit Trans­fer and Accu­mu­la­tion Sys­tem) cre­dits.

You take 6 months of courses (bet­ween 5 and 6 UVs (CCs)) plus 6 months of work expe­rience (TN09 or TN10), pro­vi­ded you have obtai­ned 2 CS (scien­ti­fic know­ledge), 2TM (Tech­niques and Methods) + 2TSH (Tech­no­lo­gy and Human Sciences) in the first semes­ter. The UVs are clas­si­fied in three cate­go­ries: Scien­ti­fic Know­ledge (CS), Tech­niques and Methods ™ and Tech­no­lo­gy and Human Sciences (TSH).

At UTC, you will be able to choose your courses from among many offe­red and improve your French lan­guage skills.

Choice of courses

The edu­ca­tio­nal pro­grams of UTC are spread over 2 semes­ters and are flexible thanks to a cumu­la­tive sys­tem of course cre­dits. You can choose your courses among many dif­ferent ones, inclu­ding a com­pul­so­ry UV of French to improve your lan­guage skills.

The final choice of courses must be appro­ved by both your home uni­ver­si­ty and by UTC.

The courses (cal­led UVs = CCs) are cate­go­ri­zed into Scien­ti­fic Know­ledge (CS), Tech­niques and Methods ™, and Tech­no­lo­gy and Human Sciences (TSH).

A semes­ter gene­ral­ly com­prises 2 courses from each category.

Courses in English

Each UTC Depart­ment pro­poses a set of courses in English to allow inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents who do not speak French to stay at UTC and to vali­date some UVs.

UTC engi­nee­ring courses

- Courses in english Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM)

- Courses in english Com­pu­ter sciences and engi­nee­ring (GI)

- Courses in english Urban engi­nee­ring (GU)

- Courses in english Bio­lo­gi­cal engi­nee­ring (GB)

Tech­no­lo­gy, Huma­ni­ties and Social Sciences

  • EI03 - Inter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ca­tion in cor­po­rate, mul­ti­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­tions (English and French) (Autumn + Spring)
  • EI05 – Euro­pean Union socie­ty and science poli­cy (Autumn + Spring)
  • LA93 – French as a forei­gn lan­guage level III (dedi­ca­ted to inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents) (Autumn + Spring)

Inter­n­ship Lab Project

  • PR/TX – Pro­ject work (Autumn + Springs)
  • TN09 – Long term indus­trial placement/lab pro­ject (Autumn + Spring)

Note: Che­mi­cal engi­nee­ring field do not pro­vide any courses taught in English for the moment.

Peda­go­gi­cal acti­vi­ties pro­jects (API – Acti­vi­tés péda­go­giques à l'intersemestre) take place eve­ry year from Februa­ry and July 2020 and may be taught in English and/or Ger­man. More info here

For more UVs informations

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales

Direc­tion aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Céline De Arau­jo

Master's degree

It is not pos­sible for an exchange student to gain a Mas­ter ‘s degree at UTC-Com­piegne. Howe­ver, it is pos­sible to select some Mas­ter level courses (only in autumn and depen­ding, on availability).

More about UTC's Master's degree

AOS – Unders­tan­ding com­plex sys­tems in order to bet­ter model and opti­mize them

  • AOS1 – Advances in sta­tis­ti­cal machine learning 
  • AOS3 – Model­ling and opti­mi­zing dis­crete systems 

ARS – Desi­gning "smart" auto­mat and robo­tic systems 

  • ARS1 – Advan­ced control of dyna­mi­cal systems 
  • ARS3 – Algo­rithms and pro­to­cols for the sys­tems of systems 
  • ARS4 – Esti­ma­tion for robo­tic navigation 
  • ARS5 – Control of auto­no­mous robots in cooperation 

BMI – Inno­va­ting our unders­tan­ding and actions with regard to the human body 

  • BMI0 – Mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties of bio­lo­gi­cal systems 
  • BMI1 – Engi­nee­ring of bio­lo­gi­cal and bio­ar­ti­fi­cial systems 
  • BMI2 – Micro­flui­dics and micro­sys­tems for bio­lo­gi­cal and heal­th­care applications
  • BMI3 – Model­ling neu­ro­mus­cu­lar and mus­cu­los­ke­le­tal sys­tems in interaction 
  • BMI4 – Model­ling osteoar­ti­cu­lar and mus­cu­los­ke­le­tal sys­tems in interaction 
  • BMI5 – Nano­tech­no­lo­gies and nano­me­cha­nics of com­plex bio­lo­gi­cal systems
  • BMI6 – Mul­ti­phy­sics model­ling of the vas­cu­lar system

SMC – Desi­gning and opti­mi­zing mecha­ni­cal struc­tures and systems 

  • SMC1 – Com­por­te­ments méca­niques de complexes 
  • SMC3 – Méthodes d'identification et de carac­té­ri­sa­tion du com­por­te­ment des matériaux
  • SMC4 – Cou­places mul­ti-phy­siques, opti­mi­sa­tion et réduc­tion des modèles 
  • SMC5 – méthodes numé­riques avancées 

SMT – Desi­gning and opti­mi­zing inno­va­tive mecha­tro­nic systems 

  • SMT1 – Sys­tems model­ling and simulation 
  • SMT4 - Concep­tion et com­mande de sys­tems méca­tro­niques à éner­gie embarquée 
  • SMX6 - Smart materials 

Secré­ta­riat Mas­ter
+33 (0)3 44 23 79 53 (73 23)

Double Degree (DD)

The stu­dents arri­ving in Com­piegne in the fra­me­work of our Double Degree agree­ments are regis­te­red at UTC for 4 semes­ters (3 semes­ters of course-work and 1 semes­ter for an inter­n­ship in a enter­prise). They obtain the UTC diplo­ma (under condi­tions of their aca­de­mic results) and the diplo­ma of their home university.

Stu­dents from part­ner uni­ver­si­ties with whom we have signed a DD agree­ment are eli­gible to apply for our double degree.


  • Uni­ver­si­té Poly­tech­nique de Tira­na : Rele­vant majors: GI – Diplôme de mas­ter ISC. Dura­tion 12 months.


  • Tech­nische Uni­ver­sität Braun­sch­weig (TU-BS/UTC) – rele­vant majors: Bio-engi­nee­ring (GB)/Process engi­nee­ring (GP)/Mechanical engi­nee­ring (IM)/Urban sys­tem engi­nee­ring (GSU). Dura­tion: 18 months mini­mum. Level of Ger­man requi­red: LA03 (B2). Stu­dents selec­ted for the double degree are eli­gible for finan­cial sup­port from the Fran­co-Ger­man Uni­ver­si­ty (UFA). Inter­cul­tu­ral semi­nars are also part of the pro­gramme (in Februa­ry in Braun­sch­weig; in June in Com­piègne). Part­ner­ship UTC/TUBS
  • Ber­lin School of Eco­no­mics and law: Mas­ter Eras­mus Mun­dus EPOG+ (lea­flet)


  • Vien­na uni­ver­si­ty of eco­no­mics and law: Mas­ter Eras­mus Mun­dus EPOG+ (lea­flet)


  • Uni­ver­si­tat Poli­tec­ni­ca De Cata­lu­nya : Rele­vant majors : GI – Diplôme de mas­ter ISC. Dura­tion 12 months.


  • Uni­ver­si­tà degli stu­di di Tori­no – Mas­ter Eras­mus Mun­dus EPOG+ (lea­flet)
  • Uni­ver­si­tà degli stu­di di Roma Tre - Mas­ter Eras­mus Mun­dus EPOG+ (lea­flet)
  • Uni­ver­si­ta degli stu­di di Geno­va – Rele­vant majors: Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware engi­nee­ring (GI-ISC). Dura­tion: 12 months.

United Kingdom

  • Cran­field Uni­ver­si­ty (CIT/UTC) –rele­vant majors : Bio-engi­nee­ring (GB)/ Pro­cess engi­nee­ring (GP)/ Com­puyer science and soft­warte engi­nee­ring (GI)/ Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM). Dura­tion: 12 months (in paral­lel with the final year of stu­dies GX05 – GX06). English level requi­red: LA13. Stu­dents must pass the TOEFL.

South Africa

  • Uni­ver­si­ty of the Wit­wa­ters­rand – Mas­ter Eras­mus Mun­dus EPOG+ (lea­flet)


  • French Uni­ver­si­ty of Egypt – Rele­vant majors: GI / ISC. Dura­tion 12 months.


  • Moha­med V Uni­ver­si­ty – Natio­nal Col­lege of Arts and Crafts of Rabat (ENSAM) – Rele­vant major IM. Dura­tion 18 months + 1 inter­n­ship. Requi­red lan­guage level: English B2.


  • Uni­ver­si­dad Nacio­nal del Sur – Major concer­ned: Pro­cess engi­nee­ring (GP). 
  • Uni­ver­si­dad Fava­lo­ro – Major concer­ned: Bio-engi­nee­ring (GB).


  • Uni­ver­si­dade Fede­ral do Paraná – Major concer­ned: Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM). 
  • Uni­ver­si­dade Tec­noló­gi­ca Fede­ral do Paraná – Majors concer­ned: Bio-engi­nee­ring (GB / Pro­cess engi­nee­ring (GP)/ Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM).- Dura­tion 18 months.
  • Uni­ver­si­dade Fede­ral de Ita­jubá (UNIFEI) – Major concer­ned: Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM). Spe­cia­li­ty Aero­nau­ti­cal engineering.


  • Uni­ver­si­dad de Val­pa­rai­so – Major concer­ned: Bio-engi­nee­ring (GB)


  • Escue­la Colom­bia­na de inge­ne­ria - Rele­vant majors: GB / GI / IM / GP / GU. Requi­red lan­guage level: Spa­nish B1 (LA22)


  • École de tech­no­lo­gie supé­rieure (ETS) – rele­vant majors: all.
  • École poly­tech­nique de Mont­réal – rele­vant majors: all.
  • Uni­ver­si­té du Qué­bec à Chi­cou­ti­mi – rele­vant branches: Majors concer­ned: Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware engi­nee­ring (GI), Urban sys­tem engi­nee­ring (GSU), Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM).
  • Uni­ver­si­té Laval – rele­vant majors IM/GI
  • Uni­ver­si­té de Sher­brooke – rele­vant major : GSU

United States

  • Geor­gia Ins­ti­tute of Tech­no­lo­gy – Appli­cable fields: Majors concer­ned: Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware engi­nee­ring (GI), Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM).. TOEFL + GRE required.
  • The Uni­ver­si­ty of Rhode Island – rele­vant major: IM


  • Xi'an Jiao­tong Uni­ver­si­ty – Majors concer­ned: Bio-engi­nee­ring (GB), Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware engi­nee­ring (GI), Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM). Dura­tion: 18 months. English lan­guage level requi­red: LA13. Appli­ca­tion dead­line: end of GX02.
  • UTSEUS - Diplôme Mas­ter in Meca­tro­nics Smart Cyber Phy­si­cal Systems 


  • Chi­ba Ins­ti­tute of Tech­no­lo­gy – Majors concer­ned: Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware engi­nee­ring (GI)/ Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM) – Master's degree level.


  • Uni­ver­si­té Liba­naise – Fields of stu­dy: Com­pu­ter sciences and soft­ware engi­nee­ring (GI), Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (IM) – Master's degree level. 
  • Holy Spi­rit Uni­ver­si­ty of Kas­lik - Rele­vant majors: IC / ISC / TVRN. Dura­tion: 12 months. B2 level in english required.

French as a foreign language (FLE)

The Centre de Fran­çais Langue Etran­gère of the Uni­ver­si­té de Tech­no­lo­gie de Com­piègne was awar­ded the Label Qua­li­té FLE in 2015, awar­ded by the Centre Inter­na­tio­nal d'Etudes Péda­go­giques.

UTC-Com­piegne offers exchange stu­dents a free, inten­sive French lan­guage course (FLE) before the begin­ning of each semes­ter (bet­ween 2 and 4 weeks). The pro­gramme includes cultu­ral visits. This lan­guage trai­ning is also com­ple­ted throu­ghout the semes­ter by com­pul­so­ry week­ly classes las­ting 3 to 4 hours.

It is avai­lable to stu­dents in UTC’s core cur­ri­cu­lum, in the major courses or in the post­gra­duate programme.

The orien­ta­tion to the levels of lan­guage classes is made fol­lo­wing a test taken at the start. This pro­gramme is spe­cial­ly inten­ded for exchange students.

The edu­ca­tio­nal objec­tives of the FLE inter­n­ship are:

  • Streng­then your mas­te­ry of the French language ;
  • Pre­pare you for the engi­nee­ring courses at our university ;
  • Faci­li­tate exchanges in French ;
  • Dis­co­ver the uni­ver­si­ty envi­ron­ment and the living envi­ron­ment in Compiègne.

French classes offer courses adap­ted to the lan­guage levels defi­ned by the Com­mon Euro­pean Fra­me­work of Refe­rence: A1, A2, B1, B2. The group size will depend on the num­ber of regis­trants with the same ini­tial level. It may vary year­ly. An online test to eva­luate your level is requi­red before the start of the inter­n­ship. An email is sent to you with the link to follow.

The FLE inter­n­ship is about com­mu­ni­ca­ting in French oral­ly and in wri­ting in eve­ry­day and aca­de­mic situa­tions. You will be asses­sed on your two abi­li­ties to com­mu­ni­cate oral­ly and in wri­ting in French in eve­ry­day situa­tions. A cer­ti­fi­cate is given to you at the end of the inter­n­ship if you are successful.

The FLE course is orga­ni­zed for the sum­mer ses­sion during August in 48 hours of classes and 24 hours of work in auto­no­my on exer­cises pro­vi­ded. The win­ter ses­sion is orga­ni­zed bet­ween mid-Janua­ry and mid-Februa­ry (accor­ding to the aca­de­mic calen­dar of the cur­rent aca­de­mic year) in 24 hours of courses and 12 hours of work in auto­no­my. Once you have regis­te­red for this course, you will receive all the pre­cise infor­ma­tion about the organization.

The FLE inter­n­ship includes cultu­ral outings and work­shops with themes to broa­den your com­mu­ni­ca­tion in French.

  • If you are an exchange student at UTC, you will receive an email fol­lo­wing your admis­sion to UTC with all infor­ma­tion. If you are a free lis­te­ner, don't hesi­tate to contact the edu­ca­tio­nal mana­gers by email (contacts below).
  • Concer­ning the fees, UTC offers this inter­n­ship (no regis­tra­tion fee) if you are an exchange student at UTC. The regis­tra­tion fee is 1500 € per inter­n­ship if you are a free auditor.

The FLE inter­n­ship is acces­sible for people with phy­si­cal disabilities.

Res­pon­sable péda­go­gique du centre de FLE
Anna Le Ver­ger
+33 (0)3 44 23 44 23

Res­pon­sable péda­go­gique du centre de FLE
Carole Lefran­cois
+33 (0)3 44 23 44 23

Mentoring programme

The men­to­ring pro­gram is an exchange aca­de­mic semes­ter where the student vali­dates courses by lear­ning on a one to one rela­tion­ship with world-wide known resear­chers at UTC. The student will inte­grate for the full semes­ter a research labo­ra­to­ry and will be clo­se­ly men­to­red by one or two resear­chers at UTC.

The aim is to vali­date a cer­tain set of know­ledge and skills in a stu­dy pro­gram which refers to a research sub­ject at UTC.

A stu­dy pro­gram is for­med by seve­ral rela­ted research sub­jects repre­sen­ting each a course. The student may choose to fol­low two, three or the four subjects.

Eve­ry sub­ject repre­sents a course with 8 ECTs.

The men­to­ring pro­gram is a flexible pro­gram, where the student can choose one of seve­ral options:

  • Fol­lo­wing two sub­jects (16 ECTs) + French lan­guage course (4 ECTs);
  • Fol­lo­wing two sub­jects (16 ECTS) + a regu­lar course at UTC (4, 5, or 6 ECTs depen­ding on the cho­sen course);
  • Fol­lo­wing three sub­jects (24 ECTs) + French lan­guage course (4 ECTs);
  • Fol­lo­wing four sub­jects (32 ECTs)

The student will be eva­lua­ted by her/his men­tor and will have oral or writ­ten exams per sub­ject and a final grade accor­ding to UTC rules and regulations.

Short term study

The main objec­tive of this sum­mer school is to :

  • Desi­gn and imple­ment crea­tive and inno­va­tive inter­ac­tions in vir­tual, aug­men­ted and mixed environments.
  • To unders­tand the spe­ci­fic needs of users for dance, music and pain­ting in vir­tual envi­ron­ments using a CAVE or an HMD, build an intui­tive expe­rience, with appro­priate tools, to qui­ck­ly pro­to­type a 3D envi­ron­ment and desi­gn the flow of interactions.
  • Fol­low known 3D user inter­face prin­ciples: gui­dance and assistance.
  • Acquire a cultu­ral foun­da­tion on the expe­rience of digi­tal art in virtual/augmented reality.

Pla­quette Vir­tual rea­li­ty for digi­tal art creation

Concer­ning the fees, UTC offers this inter­n­ship (no regis­tra­tion fee) if you are an exchange student at UTC. The regis­tra­tion fee is 1500 € per inter­n­ship if you are a free auditor.

Regis­tra­tion link of the program

This is an inno­va­tive school com­bi­ning culi­na­ry science, nutri­tion and French gastronomy.

The objec­tive is to learn about and mas­ter the com­po­si­tion of food.

The dedi­ca­ted web­site is under construc­tion, but you can alrea­dy consult the last one here.

Trai­ning brochure

iBioGM offers stu­dents an oppor­tu­ni­ty to delve into bio­me­di­cal tech­no­lo­gies used in hos­pi­tals, inte­gra­ting both the phy­si­cal prin­ciples and cli­ni­cal appli­ca­tions. The pro­gram also covers rela­ted aspects such as qua­li­ty mana­ge­ment, regu­la­tion, and orga­ni­za­tion to enhance skills in mana­ging medi­cal device maintenance.

Upon com­ple­tion of the iBioGM sum­mer school, par­ti­ci­pants will be able to unders­tand the phy­si­cal prin­ciples of bio­me­di­cal tech­no­lo­gies, mas­ter bio­me­di­cal regu­la­tions, use tools for main­te­nance plan­ning and qua­li­ty mana­ge­ment, as well as effec­ti­ve­ly orga­nize a bio­me­di­cal service.


This intro­duc­to­ry pro­gram­ming course offers begin­ners a tho­rough unders­tan­ding of the fun­da­men­tal concepts of com­pu­ter pro­gram­ming using the Python language. 

Stu­dents will learn the basics of algo­rith­mics, pro­blem sol­ving, and pro­gram­ming logic. At the end of the course, stu­dents will be able to create their own pro­grams in Python to solve various problems.

This course is desi­gned for com­plete begin­ners in pro­gram­ming and requires no pre­vious experience.

UTC sum­mer school_intro programming

Sami­ra Lak­bir

Céline De Arau­jo

Laboratory project

Stu­dents can car­ry out a pro­ject in a UTC labo­ra­to­ry, in English. The sub­ject must be consistent with the student's pro­file and must be vali­da­ted by the UTC tutor before the student's arri­val. The cre­dits obtai­ned can be 20 ECTs (< 3 months stay) or 30 ECTs (6 months stay). The sub­ject can be pro­po­sed by the student or defi­ned with the teachers.

More about UTC Research units

Sami­ra Lak­bir

Pôle inco­ming

Céline De Arau­jo

The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Technology (CEST)

The Cer­ti­fi­cate of Advan­ced Stu­dies in Tech­no­lo­gy (CEST) is obtai­ned at the student's request. This cer­ti­fi­cate is deli­ve­red by the Ser­vice admi­nis­tra­tion des études (SAE) fol­lo­wing a jury whose com­po­si­tion is fixed by the direc­tor of the UTC, on the pro­po­sal of UTC’s Direc­tor of trai­ning and peda­go­gy (DFP).

For the attri­bu­tion of the cer­ti­fi­cate, forei­gn stu­dents in exchange agree­ment must have acqui­red a mini­mum num­ber of ECTS credits.

  • For one semes­ter of stu­dy and one semes­ter of inter­n­ship: mini­mum 30 cre­dits obtai­ned (mini­mum 18 cre­dits for CS/TM course-work, mini­mum 8 cre­dits for TSH) + vali­da­tion of the internship.
  • For two semes­ters of stu­dy: mini­mum 60 cre­dits (mini­mum 36 cre­dits in CS/TM course-work and mini­mum 16 cre­dits in TSH).

Project and internship

The UTC pro­poses a cer­tain num­ber of UVs which call for prac­ti­cal know­ledge and which are orga­ni­sed around pro­jects. The stu­dents who choose to fol­low these UVs (CCs) work in small groups in close col­la­bo­ra­tion with a lecturer.

The content of these courses is publi­shed before each semes­ter and stu­dents are free to regis­ter for wha­te­ver they choose. In addi­tion, stu­dents who wish to do so can do a pro­fes­sio­nal work pla­ce­ment in a enterprise.

The inter­n­ship must neces­sa­ri­ly be pre­ce­ded by a semes­ter of stu­dy at UTC-Com­piegne.

Vish­wa­ni Roop­na­rine

Preparing your application


I have applied for an exchange pro­gramme at UTC and I have been nomi­na­ted by my home university.


I have to fill in the appli­ca­tion form sent to me by the UTC Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Office and send it back to them by e‑mail at the fol­lo­wing address:

Dead­line for sub­mis­sion of your appli­ca­tion file – Autumn semes­ter: 20 April.
Dead­line for sub­mis­sion of your appli­ca­tion file – Spring semes­ter: Novem­ber 1st.


Please note that your appli­ca­tion may be refu­sed by the UTC if your level of French does not cor­res­pond to the level requi­red by the bila­te­ral agreement.


Exa­mi­na­tion of com­plete appli­ca­tions by the inter­na­tio­nal coor­di­na­tors of the depart­ments.

If your appli­ca­tion is accep­ted, you will receive your let­ter of accep­tance as well as your file for the accom­mo­da­tion appli­ca­tion via the CROUS.


FLE (French lan­guage) ses­sion in Com­piègne (if you are regis­te­red for this session)


Before atten­ding my first classes at UTC, I am requi­red to attend the pre-entry and the admis­sion days protocol.


Wel­come to UTC-Com­piègne!
Wel­come to France!

Become an UTC ambassador

An ambas­sa­dor is a repre­sen­ta­tive to pro­mote the UTC model, its values and its attractiveness.

Any student in an exchange semes­ter at UTC (inco­ming or outgoing).

  • Par­ti­ci­pate in the Stu­dy Abroad Fair of the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty (mobi­li­ty event) to pro­mote UTC.
  • To give a pre­sen­ta­tion of UTC in class in the part­ner university.
  • Orga­nize an infor­mal mee­ting to present UTC.
  • Create seve­ral com­mu­ni­ca­tion sup­ports (blog, video, tik­tok, ins­ta­gram…) about UTC, pre­fe­ra­bly in English.
  • Get an inter­view in the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty to talk about your jour­ney at UTC and your mobility.
  • To get an inter­view at  UTC to talk about the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty (inco­ming student) or your exchange semes­ter (out­going student).
  • Represent UTC in some events orga­ni­zed by the inter­na­tio­nal relations.
  • Ani­mate "live" ses­sions (Ins­ta­gram or other) and questions/answers for future exchange students.
  • Par­ti­ci­pate in phy­si­cal and vir­tual events such as open days, forums, webi­nars, etc.
  • Sug­gest impro­ve­ments on the sup­port of exchange stu­dents at UTC.
  • Once at UTC, ans­wer the call for application.
  • Nomi­na­tion by the inter­na­tio­nal rela­tions department.
  • At the end of the semes­ter, pro­pose a pre­sen­ta­tion with pic­tures and videos.

Preparing for your stay in France

Administrative documents

To obtain your student visa, among the docu­ments that will be reques­ted at the French embas­sy in your home coun­try, it is essen­tial to bring your let­ter of accep­tance from the UTC (see "Pre­pa­ring your appli­ca­tion").

UTC does not inter­vene in this process.

Please contact your uni­ver­si­ty or your embas­sy in France for information.

You must vali­date your resi­dence per­mit within 3 months after arri­ving in France.

To do this, you will need to provide:

  • a valid e‑mail address,
  • infor­ma­tion on your visa,
  • your date of entry into France,
  • your address of resi­dence in France,
  • your pay­ment (cre­dit) card to pay the tax stamp online (60 euros).

You will fill in your regis­tra­tion file during the pre-regis­tra­tion (com­pul­so­ry) per­iod. No digi­tal docu­ments will be accep­ted. Please bring the fol­lo­wing paper docu­ments with you:

  • A recent iden­ti­ty photo,
  • a pho­to­co­py of your visa (for non-EU students),
  • a pho­to­co­py of your pas­sport or your natio­nal iden­ti­ty card (CNI),
  • the Euro­pean Health Card (EHIC); for EU students,
  • a pho­to­co­py of your civil lia­bi­li­ty insu­rance cer­ti­fi­cate (com­pul­so­ry in France).

Sami­ra Lak­bir

Pôle inco­ming

Céline De Arau­jo

Baoxia Chen (étu­diants venant de l'UTSEUS)

Coming to Compiègne

Avoid arri­ving at the wee­kend as you will not be able to col­lect the keys to your uni­ver­si­ty resi­dence and, moreo­ver, there is very lit­tle trans­port during wee­kends to Compiègne

By plane : Roissy-Charles de Gaulle (50 km)

Transfer to Compiègne by train

  • Take either the RER B (stop at Gare du Nord) or the air­port bus to the centre of Paris and then by taxi, métro or bus to the Gare du Nord-rail­way sta­tion-RER (Metro inside Paris)
  • Take a train from Paris Gare du Nord to Compiègne 
  • The last train leaves Paris at 10:30pm (except weekends)
  • Esti­ma­ted time : 2 hours and single trip price around 25€ 

Transfer to Compiègne by bus

Take the Picar­diy-Rois­sy and the 10 Express Bus

Time­tables are avai­lable at:

By plane : Orly (80 km)

Transfer to Compiègne by train

  • Take either Orly­val connec­tion to line RER B (stop at Gare du Nord) or the air­port bus to the centre of Paris (then as above after arri­val CDG)
  • Take a train from Paris Gare du Nord to Compiègne
  • The last train leaves Paris at 10:30pm (except weekends)
  • Esti­ma­ted time : 2 hours and single trip price around 25€ 

Transfer to Compiègne by bus

Take the Picar­diy-Rois­sy and the 10 Express Bus

Time­tables are avai­lable for trans­por­ta­tion by train from Paris air­port at :

By plane : Beauvais-Tille (50 km) (low-cost flights)

Take either the TUC bus 12 or the Navette Aéro­port and stop at the gare rou­tière of Beau­vais or Gare SNCF

Inter­na­tio­nal trains arrive in one of the four train sta­tions in Paris. The easiest way to get to Com­piègne is to take the sub­ur­ban train from the Gare du Nord that goes to Com­piègne. The Paris métro allows easy connec­tion among the dif­ferent stations.

The first train from Paris is at 6:30 am and the last one is at 9:30 pm. Check at for fur­ther infor­ma­tion and timetables.

For Bri­tish natio­nals (or stu­dents arri­ving from Lon­don), the Euros­tar is an affor­dable alter­na­tive (offe­ring dis­counts for stu­dents) to the plane and arrives direct­ly at Gare du Nord.

Be care­ful when picking your train. The TER takes lon­ger as they stop at eve­ry sta­tion on the way. It's bet­ter to use Corail Inter­ci­tés as they are the same price and quicker.

From train station of Compiègne to UTC or your residence

Bus from rail­way sta­tion to UTC . Buses in Com­piègne are total­ly FREE.

You can find the map and time­table at: 

  • UTC Ben­ja­min Frank­lin Cen­ter : Line 5, bus stop Rue Cout­to­lenc (4 minutes)
  • UTC Research Cen­ter or Pierre Guillau­mat Cen­ter : Line 5, bus stop Denié­lou (17 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence ROBERVAL : Line 3 or 4, bus stop Rési­dence Uni­ver­si­taire (9 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence CLOS DES ROSES : Line 5, bus stop Les Jar­dins (11 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence PARC : Line 3 or 4, bus stop Centre de Recherches (13 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence PEUPLIERS : Line 3 or 4, bus stop Blaise Pas­cal (16 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence ROYALLIEU : Line 3 or 4, bus stop Blaise Pas­cal (16 minutes)

Sami­ra Lak­bir

Pôle inco­ming

Céline De Arau­jo

Baoxia Chen (étu­diants venant de l'UTSEUS)


To rent accom­mo­da­tion you need a gua­ran­tor. This is a per­son who will vouch for you in case you have pro­blems to pay your rent. The French govern­ment has intro­du­ced a "Visale" gua­ran­tee to enable stu­dents without a gua­ran­tor to secure accom­mo­da­tion. Please check all the hea­dings in this sec­tion before you arrive.

There are 2 types of accom­mo­da­tion avai­lable:

  • student resi­dences mana­ged direct­ly by a French govern­ment agen­cy (CROUS);
  • pri­vate residences.
Student residences

Student resi­dences are often loca­ted close to the campus.

The Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Office helps exchange stu­dents book accom­mo­da­tion with the CROUS. An appli­ca­tion file will be sent to you by this UTC Office. As places are limi­ted, you must send your file when com­ple­ted to the CROUS as soon as possible.

4 CROUS resi­dences are available:

  • Rober­val ;
  • Clos des Roses ;
  • Parc ;
  • Peu­pliers.

contact details of the CROUS:

  • Tel: +33(0) 3 22 71 91 00
Private residences

For this type of accom­mo­da­tion, you can contact the ALESC ( UTC’s Ser­vice de loge­ment étu­diant). It is also pos­sible to find accom­mo­da­tion through a real estate agen­cy in Com­piegne or through clas­si­fied ads on the inter­net, and or press.

Alesc :

Accommodation deposit: the Visale guarantor deposit

In order to obtain your accom­mo­da­tion, the CROUS or pri­vate land­lords will ask you for a guarantor.

The French govern­ment has set up the VISALE gua­ran­tee to faci­li­tate access to accommodation.

This gua­ran­tee is com­pul­so­ry when boo­king an accom­mo­da­tion before your arri­val. Your request must be made direct­ly on the web­site:

For more infor­ma­tion, you can contact by phone +33 (0)970 800 800.

Home and liability insurance

Accom­mo­da­tion insu­rance is com­pul­so­ry in France, you can obtain it through a student mutual insu­rance com­pa­ny ( ou or via a bank if you open a bank account.

We remind you that you will be asked to pro­vide a cer­ti­fi­cate of civil lia­bi­li­ty for your regis­tra­tion at the UTC during the pre-entry per­iod. You must the­re­fore sub­scribe to aan accom­mo­da­tion insu­rance poli­cy and a civil lia­bi­li­ty insu­rance poli­cy with the student mutual insu­rance com­pa­ny or via a bank.

Housing assistance

An APL grant – Aide Per­son­na­li­sée au Loge­ment can be given by the French state. It is a retroac­tive sys­tem allo­wing finan­cial aid, as of the 2nd or 3rd month of your stay and depends on the par­ti­cu­lars of your resi­dence permit.

You can apply for it on the CAF (Caisse d'Allocations Fami­liales) web­site:

Sami­ra Lak­bir

Pôle inco­ming

Céline De Arau­jo

Baoxia Chen (étu­diants venant de l'UTSEUS)


During your stay at the UTC, you will have to pay various sums rela­ted to your stu­dies and dai­ly life:

Study-related expenses

1. Student Life and Cam­pus Contri­bu­tion (CVEC)

This contri­bu­tion is man­da­to­ry since 2018. It only concerns stu­dents who regis­ter for a double degree or spe­ci­fic exchange agree­ment bet­ween ins­ti­tu­tions (e.g., UTC-UTSEUS).

Pro­ce­dure CVEC

2. Optio­nal mem­ber­ship of the stu­dents’ union office (BDE Bureau des élèves).

There are more than 150 student asso­cia­tions at UTC, to be able to join and bene­fit from them, you have to pay an annual or semes­ter fee of 30 euros.


+ Advice:

We recom­mend that you get in touch with the ESN Com­piegne asso­cia­tion, dedi­ca­ted to sup­por­ting inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents within the uni­ver­si­ty (contact: and consult the online plat­form Bud­dy Sys­tem, a tool deve­lo­ped with the aim of fos­te­ring peer-to-peer rela­tion­ships bet­ween local and inter­na­tio­nal students.

Become a spon­sor of an inter­na­tio­nal student or receive help from a local student!

More infor­ma­tion

Daily expenses

The cost of student life in France is one of the lowest in the Wes­tern world. As an indi­ca­tion, here are some of the month­ly expenses you will have to pay:

  • For a room in a uni­ver­si­ty resi­dence, from 250 to 400 euros/month;
  • For pri­vate accom­mo­da­tion: 350 to 500 euros/month;
  • For meals at the uni­ver­si­ty res­tau­rant: €3.30 per meal.

Please note that public trans­port in Com­piègne is free:

  • Room in uni­ver­si­ty resi­dence 250€ to 400 or room near the city centre 350 to 450€ ;
  • Meals at the uni­ver­si­ty res­tau­rant: lunch and din­ner 171€ (3,30 € per meal) ;
  • Other expenses (course mate­rials, clothes, enter­tain­ment…) 200 €.

› The first month you will have to pay:

  • Resi­dence rent + depo­sit (usual­ly 2 months' rent) 1000 €.

Sami­ra Lak­bir

Pôle inco­ming

Céline De Arau­jo

Baoxia Chen (étu­diants venant de l'UTSEUS)

Medical cover

Health cover for students staying more than 3 months

All non-Euro­pean Union stu­dents accep­ted at the UTC must sub­scribe to the Student Social Secu­ri­ty scheme (free of charge).

Upon arri­val, the inter­na­tio­nal student must create a space and regis­ter online with the Social Secu­ri­ty:

› Pri­vate insu­rance will not be accepted. 

All stu­dents from the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Space (EEE) wel­co­med at the UTC within the fra­me­work of an exchange agree­ment must be in pos­ses­sion of an E111 or E128 form or a Euro­pean health card, other­wise you will have to sub­scribe to the Student Social Secu­ri­ty sys­tem (free of charge).

All stu­dents from Que­bec hos­ted at UTC as part of an exchange agree­ment must be in pos­ses­sion of a SE40-Q106 form, other­wise you will have to sub­scribe to the Student Social Secu­ri­ty sys­tem (free of charge).

› Pri­vate insu­rance will not be accepted.

The cost of a GP medi­cal consul­ta­tion is 25 euros. A consul­ta­tion with a den­tist or a spe­cia­list (der­ma­to­lo­gist, oph­thal­mo­lo­gist…) costs about 28 euros. Stu­dents affi­lia­ted to the student regime in France will be reim­bur­sed at the gene­ric coef­fi­cient fixed by the social secu­ri­ty (i.e., 70% of the doctor's fees, variable coef­fi­cient for pres­crip­tions). It is recom­men­ded that you take out com­ple­men­ta­ry health insu­rance in France ( or, pre­fe­ra­bly with a com­pa­nyy based in your home coun­try. This will ensure that your health or social ser­vice rela­ted expenses are bet­ter covered.

Sami­ra Lak­bir

Pôle inco­ming

Céline De Arau­jo

Baoxia Chen (étu­diants venant de l'UTSEUS)


At UTC, you are never alone!

Bud­dy sys­tem (

Asso­cia­tion ESN espe­ran­to (contact:

Each UTC student has a tea­cher as an advi­sor to help them in times of need.

Each depart­ment assi­gns a pro­fes­sor to ensure the inter­na­tio­nal coor­di­na­tion and the­re­by help the exchange stu­dents at the UTC.

A student life office is avai­lable to assist you in all aspects of student life:

The Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Office orga­nizes fun events during the semes­ter, such as the end-of-year student party:

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