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  • The disabled Students Bureau

    You wish to bene­fit from accom­mo­da­tion during your stu­dies or to be able to sit your exams? At UTC-Com­piegne, the Disa­bled Stu­dents Bureau for is your pri­vi­le­ged contact to help you at all stages.

    Guide pra­tique de l'étudiant en situa­tion de handicap


    The mis­sions assi­gned to the Disa­bled Stu­dents Bureau are: 

    • to wel­come, advise and sup­port stu­dents with disa­bi­li­ties and inform them of their rights;
    • to imple­ment pro­ce­dures and take appro­priate mea­sures to opti­mise their auto­no­my, faci­li­tate their inte­gra­tion and their access to knowledge;
    • to orga­nise and moni­tor the imple­men­ta­tion of stu­dy and/or exa­mi­na­tion adjust­ments for which they are eligible;
    • to coor­di­nate all actions under­ta­ken in res­pect to the issues of disa­bi­li­ty, par­ti­cu­lar­ly awa­re­ness-rai­sing actions;
    • to deve­lop part­ner­ships with exter­nal struc­tures and ins­ti­tu­tions rela­ted to various disabilities;
    • to sup­port stu­dents in their search for internships/placements and their pro­fes­sio­nal integration.

    Studies and the handicapped students

    In order to stu­dy under the best pos­sible condi­tions, each student with a disa­bi­li­ty (motor, sen­so­ry, cog­ni­tive, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal), disa­bling health pro­blems (e.g., orga­nic, or meta­bo­lic disor­ders), spe­ci­fic lan­guage and lear­ning pro­blems of the "dys" type, can bene­fit from per­so­na­li­sed sup­port and the imple­men­ta­tion of tea­ching aids (human, orga­ni­sa­tio­nal and tech­ni­cal) adap­ted to spe­ci­fic needs:

    Study adjustments possible

    Sup­port can be human, orga­ni­sa­tio­nal or technical*:

    • help with note-taking during course lectures,
    • tuto­ring among students,
    • cur­ri­cu­lum development,
    • pho­to­co­py access card,
    • pro­vi­sion of tea­ching mate­rials or adap­ted means/equipment.

    Examination adjustments

    Depen­ding on the situa­tion, exa­mi­na­tion arran­ge­ments may be as follows*:

    • Increa­sed com­po­si­tion time (up to one-third exam allot­ted time),
    • adap­ta­tion of exa­mi­na­tion subjects,
    • exa­mi­na­tion secre­ta­riat help,
    • exam com­po­si­tion on a lap­top computer.

    *non-exhaus­tive lists

    Steps (to be) taken

    At UTC-Com­piegne, the disa­bied student advi­sor is your pri­vi­le­ged inter­lo­cu­tor. This per­son will guide you through all the admi­nis­tra­tive pro­ce­dures rela­ted to your request for exam adjust­ments and, if neces­sa­ry, will pro­pose tech­ni­cal or human solu­tions to meet your spe­ci­fic edu­ca­tio­nal needs. He/she will accom­pa­ny you during throu­ghout your stu­dies, until you get your first job.

    All stu­dents of UTC-Com­piegne can bene­fit from accom­mo­da­tion mea­sures lin­ked to a given han­di­cap, wha­te­ver the course of stu­dies fol­lo­wed, whe­ther in ini­tial or conti­nuing edu­ca­tion, whe­ther you of French or ano­ther natio­na­li­ty, whe­ther the han­di­cap is reco­gni­zed by the ‘depart­men­tal’ unit for han­di­cap­ped per­sons or not.

    It is very impor­tant that you arrange to contact the student disa­bi­li­ty advi­sor as soon as you are noti­fied of admis­sion to UTC-Com­pîegne or, at the latest, at the start of the aca­de­mic year, if you wish to bene­fit from adjust­ments to your stu­dies and/or examinations.

    An attentive support team at the Disabled Students Bureau

    The team of the Disa­bled Stu­dents Bureau is ful­ly mobi­li­sed to meet the spe­ci­fic edu­ca­tio­nal needs of stu­dents with various form of handicap:

    • The Disa­bled Stu­dents advi­sor, Vir­gi­nie Leviel, is in charge of wel­co­ming and accom­pa­nying stu­dents with disa­bi­li­ties or those suf­fe­ring from disa­bling health problems.
    • The doc­tor of the Pre­ven­tive Medi­cine ser­vice, Dr Alice Hoo­gen­doorn, (qua­li­fied CDPAH), is in charge of stu­dying the requests for exam adjustments;
    • The Direc­tor of Student Trai­ning and Peda­go­gy, Étienne Arnoult, and the Head of Engi­nee­ring Trai­ning, Antoine Jou­glet, decide on the aca­de­mic adjust­ments gran­ted to stu­dents, on behalf of the Direc­tor of the ins­ti­tu­tion. They both par­ti­ci­pate, ups­tream, in the reflec­tion in terms of imple­men­ta­tion of actions that allow for a bet­ter inclu­sion of UTC’s disa­bled students;.
    • The Health and Safe­ty Offi­cer, Caro­li­na Lacome, super­vises the actions car­ried out by the Disa­bled Student Bureau.

    The student disa­bi­li­ty relay team works in close col­la­bo­ra­tion with the various depart­ments of the ins­ti­tu­tion and aca­de­mic tea­ching teams to pro­vide qua­li­ty cross-dis­ci­pli­na­ry support.

    Article Inter­ac­tions : Du recru­te­ment au diplôme, com­ment l’UTC accom­pagne les étu­diants en situa­tion de handicap ?


    Ren­contre avec un étu­diant à l’UTC en pre­mière année de branche, qui nous parle de son par­cours et des moyens mis à sa dis­po­si­tion par le relais handicap.

    Contact and documentation

    Relais Han­di­cap étudiants

     +33 (0)3 44 23 49 05

    Guide pra­tique de l'étudiant en situa­tion de handicap

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