A chair on nanostructured materials
LEEGO chair : chalLEnges and opportunities in connecting lenGth and time scales in nanO-structured materials: the case of nano-reinforced polymers
Chair holder : Fahmi BEDOUI ; Professor, Laboratoire Roberval.
Partners : Materials and Process Simulation Center – California Institute of Technology, USA ; MONARIS SU-CNRS UMR-8233 Sorbonne Université, IMAT, Institut des Matériaux de l’Alliance Sorbonne Université et BMBI UTC-CNRS UMR 7338.
The LEEGO Chair's objective is to propose hybrid in silico and experimental approaches to help understand nanostructured material's mechanical, physical, chemical and biological properties.
The emergence of practical synthesis and assembly of a diversity of nano-structured systems provides the opportunity to develop optimal designs for specific challenging applications including reliable and safe engineering systems such as wearable and self-powered electronics, energy harvesters, and biomedical pain relief systems. However, there remain tremendous challenges in predicting and measuring the properties exploitable for the end-user. They depend on a complex sequence of elementary phenomena that cross the length scales ranging from atomic scales (Ångström) governed by the QM and atomistic MD, transition through scales dominated by microstructure, ending with the macroscale (cm and beyond) of the end-user system. The consequence is that it is not yet possible to optimize engineering systems. Thus, we must start to integrate into the design modeling and optimization of the salient interactions at each scale to include how they impact the larger scales.
The current empirically-based engineering approach toward developing new nano-based systems must be enriched by a more appropriate modeling approach coupled with synthesis and experimental characterizations.
Research and curriculum development programs
The aim of the LEEGO Chair is to develop cutting-edge research activities in the field of nanostructured materials while providing our students with research training programs of the highest academic level. The following is an overview of the research program and training sessions that will be offered during the course of the Chair.
Research program
The LEEGO Chair will combine upstream research actions aiming to develop hybrid in-silico modeling and experimental characterization approaches that span the scales specific to the materials of interest.
The focus will be on developing in-silico methods that incorporate the most recent advances in atomistics while being the most versatile for use by materials science researchers.
At the same time, particular attention will be paid to developing experimental approaches for finely characterizing the explored materials, in order to provide the most relevant microstructural information for comparison and/or validation with theoretical results.
To this end, focusing on the case of nano-reinforced polymers, the LEEGO Chair's work will explore 3 main scientific research fields:
- Develop in-silico methodologies capable of predicting nano-reinforced polymers properties to help design multifunctional materials;
- Develop experimental approaches to validate the in-silico methodology;
- Accelerate technology transfer for promising cases.
The Chair is already targeting two fields of application through projects already launched. These include nanostructured materials for energy and biomedical applications.
Curriculum development
Through the LEEGO Chair, new classes will be developed. Those classes will be open to the Sorbonne University Alliance students and also students from abroad.
The classes will be built in a Faculty-Led study abroad format. Researchers from the Chair's partner laboratories will be involved in setting up the proposed courses.
To enable this, the courses will be offered in a summer school format, taking place over a period of 3 to 4 weeks during the month of July of each year during the course of the chair program. Each class will offer the most recent finding in the domain of nanostructured materials covering aspects of chemistry, physics, and mechanics.
finding in the domain of nanostructured materials covering aspects of chemistry, physics, and mechanics. The classes will be open to students from the alliance with strong background in one field and willing to venture into a pluri-disciplinary teaching program. This format is aimed primarily to encourage master students to engage in research careers.
For the time being, three classes will be organized in a summer school format as follows:
- Nanostructured materials: challenges and opportunity of connecting length and time scales, summer 2023 at UC Berkeley SkyDeck., California
- Nanostructured materials and energy application: harvesting and storage summer 2024 at Sorbonne University
- New frontiers in nanostructured materials and biomedical engineering summer 2025 at Seoul University.
Keywords: Nanostructured materials, nanoreinforced polymers, in silico design, multiscale modeling, nanotechnology
This is an ambitious project, mainly financed by the Sorbonne University Alliance, UTC and CalTech,. the Chair includes and provides funds for :
- 4 laboratories, 3 academic partners, for a total of more than 8 permanent involved researchers;
- 2 funded and 2 supported Ph.D. scholarships along with 1 year 1 postdoc;
- More than 4 master's stipends planned;
- Invitations to foreign professors and researchers.
Contacts de la recherche à l'UTC