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  • A Chair dedicated to “Digital Processes in Forensic Science”

    The clus­ter Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ties has a the­ma­tic Chair, FaciLe which asso­ciates 8 spe­cial­ties around a new research thrust: digi­tal cra­nio-facial recons­truc­tion for use in foren­sic science and autop­sy inves­ti­ga­tions. The ins­ti­ga­tors are UTC, Paris 6‑UPMC, MNHN and Paris Hos­pi­tals AP-HP, who toge­ther aim to contri­bute to this new research field under the Clus­ter Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ties. The pro­gramme is ini­tial­ly aimed at legal medi­ci­nal needs (foren­sic …) and will later be deployed in other fields such as archaeo­lo­gy and bio-engineering …


    Tea­cher res­pon­sible for the chair : Fré­dé­ric Marin

    Scientific objectives

    The objec­tive is to deve­lop mathe­ma­ti­cal methods and logic tools to build a vir­tual face struc­ture based on data from a 'dry' (bare) skull. The chal­lenge for the scien­tists is to be able to contri­bute, using visua­li­za­tion tech­niques avai­lable in immer­sive 3D, being to posi­ti­ve­ly iden­ti­fy a per­son (or an ani­mal) whose iden­ti­ty is unknown.

    Strategic objectives

    The Chair relies on exper­tise and know-how of the part­ners invol­ved to deve­lop a new for­mat of inves­ti­ga­tion for facial recons­truc­tion, i.e., dif­ferent from sta­tis­ti­cal methods explo­red hither­to. Gai­ning mas­te­ry of new tools and models, acqui­ring new skills in this area and improve ng the pro­file of stu­dents to work later at the inter­faces offers a stra­te­gic field that the pro­ject will help shape in a coherent man­ner, with the pros­pect of gene­ra­ting tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer operations.

    An interdisciplinary research project

    This project contributes to the emergence of a new research area associating the work of research scientists of eight research units:

    • anthro­po­lo­gy
    • bio­lo­gy
    • bio-mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring sciences
    • com­pu­ter sciences and applications
    • mecha­ni­cal engineering
    • theo­re­ti­cal and applied mathematics
    • foren­sic sciences
    • maxil­lo-facial surgery
    • archaeo­lo­gy and history

    The pro­ject also serves to build up a scien­ti­fic com­mu­ni­ty in the digi­tal field of appli­ca­tions for foren­sic medi­cine and anthro­po­lo­gy. Using the tech­niques of conti­nuous defor­ma­tion (mor­phing and war­ping), the approach as pro­po­sed inte­grates anthro­po­lo­gi­cal data and takes into account various bio-phy­si­cal pro­per­ties of soft human tis­sues. The idea is to reach a glo­bal vision of know­ledge and to expose stu­dents to state-of-the art and pro­mi­sing future sciences invol­ved: inves­ting in research via a metho­do­lo­gi­cal approach and ensure a gene­ric construc­tion and repro­duc­tion to 3D pro­to­cols and processes.

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