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Placements/internships and partnerships

During their trai­ning, Master's stu­dents take part in placement/internships, either in a com­pa­ny or an ins­ti­tu­tion, or at a uni­ver­si­ty (HE)  labo­ra­to­ry. The inter­na­tio­nal dimen­sion consti­tutes an impor­tant part of the whole Master's pro­gramme, both by the wel­co­ming of forei­gn stu­dents and by the pos­si­bi­li­ty all of them have to spend part of the course abroad. The part­ner­ships enga­ged by UTC-Com­piegne with forei­gn uni­ver­si­ties make it pos­sible to offer, under cer­tain condi­tions, courses, semes­ters or placement/internships in these institutions.


First year

During their first year of the Mas­ter, stu­dents can do a short inter­n­ship (4 weeks: ST01) either during the inter-semes­ter (Janua­ry-Februa­ry), or at the end of the Spring semes­ter (July). They can do this inter­n­ship in one of the research labo­ra­to­ries of UTC or of its part­ners, in a research labo­ra­to­ry of ano­ther ins­ti­tu­tion or in a com­pa­ny after agree­ment of the course director.

The stu­dents must find these inter­n­ships them­selves and pro­pose it to the head of the spe­cial­ty course for vali­da­tion before:

  • ear­ly Decem­ber for the inter-semes­ter departure;
  • end of May for the July departure.

Second year

The stu­dents must car­ry out a final pro­ject at the end of their second year of the Master's pro­gramme. Accor­ding to pro­file and pro­fes­sio­nal pro­ject, they can car­ry out this pro­ject in one of the research labo­ra­to­ries of UTC or its part­ners, in a research labo­ra­to­ry of ano­ther esta­blish­ment or within a company.

They can par­ti­ci­pate in the per­so­nal research of their placement/internship by res­pec­ting the rules defi­ned by the Mas­ter coor­di­na­tor in liai­son with the heads of the fields and courses: dead­lines, research abroad.

At the same time, they can apply for inter­n­ships recei­ved direct­ly by the 3E ser­vice (cur­rent­ly more than 5,000 indus­trial contacts throu­ghout France or abroad with large indus­trial groups or SMEs) and vali­da­ted by the peda­go­gi­cal autho­ri­ties, which are offe­red on the student por­tal Each placement/internship is sub­ject to a for­mal signed agreement.

Non-cur­ri­cu­lar and gap year inter­n­ships are also pos­sible under cer­tain condi­tions, but they do not count as ECTS credits.

Partnerships and double degrees

The part­ner­ships enga­ged by the UTC with forei­gn uni­ver­si­ties allow to pro­pose, under cer­tain condi­tions, courses, semes­ters or inter­n­ships in these institutions.

The Erasmus Programmes

UTC-Com­piegne and its part­ners are invol­ved or are in dis­cus­sion to inte­grate Eras­mus Mun­dus pro­grammes. When the pro­grammes are ope­ra­tio­nal, they allow the stu­dents selec­ted to car­ry out part of their cur­ri­cu­lum or their inter­n­ship in one of the part­ner universities.

  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Paul Saba­tier (Tou­louse 3) and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pro­vence (Mar­seille 1), the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cor­do­ba and the Uni­ver­si­ty of War­saw. This course, which is inde­pendent of the Trans­for­ma­tion and Valo­ri­sa­tion of Natu­ral Resources, is dif­ferent in the nature of the tea­ching pro­vi­ded and the time­table pre­sen­ted to stu­dents (only one semes­ter in Amiens).
  • Depen­ding on their pro­fes­sio­nal pro­ject, some stu­dents can bene­fit from the réseau"Alistore net­work in order to com­plete their inter­n­ship in one of the part­ner laboratories.
  • UPJV has ERASMUS agree­ments with various forei­gn esta­blish­ments (Facul­ty of phar­ma­cy, Lis­bon (Por­tu­gal)Uni­ver­si­ty de Seville (Spain)Uni­ver­si­ty of Debre­cen (Hun­ga­ry)…) within the fra­me­work of which, depen­ding on their pro­file, some stu­dents can com­plete one or two semes­ters of trai­ning, after vali­da­tion of the trai­ning pro­gramme by the tea­ching staff of the spe­cial­ties concerned.
  • The spé­cial­ty UxD is invol­ved in an Inten­sive Pro­gram Eras­mus focu­sed on desi­gn, which annual­ly wel­comes 80 to 100 stu­dents to Kor­trijk for a per­iod of 15 days. This pro­gramme has just been rene­wed by the Euro­pean Commission.
  • A part­ner­ship with the  Uni­ver­si­ty Nico­las Coper­nic, Torun (Poland), which hosts an Eras­mus pro­gramme in cog­ni­tive sciences, is cur­rent­ly being developed.

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