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  • The Sino-French Institute in Engineering (UTSEUS) at the University of Shanghai

    Crea­ted in 2005 by the net­work of French uni­ver­si­ties of tech­no­lo­gy and Shan­ghai Uni­ver­si­ty, our engi­nee­ring school is today the first Sino-French uni­ver­si­ty coope­ra­tion, a pio­nee­ring and unique part­ner­ship in the fields of trai­ning and research. The Sino-Euro­pean Ins­ti­tute of Tech­no­lo­gy of Shan­ghai Uni­ver­si­ty (UTSEUS) trains more than 1 200 Chi­nese, French and Euro­pean stu­dents each year in an inter­na­tio­nal and mul­ti­cul­tu­ral environment.

    A University of Technology (UT) in China

    UTSEUS is an ins­ti­tu­tion crea­ted in 2005 at the ini­tia­tive of the 3 part­ners of the French UT net­work (Com­piègne, Troyes and Bel­fort-Mont­bé­liard)  and a Chi­nese part­ner, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Shan­ghai.

    Site web de l'UTSEUS

    The University of Shanghai

    Shan­ghai Uni­ver­si­ty, foun­ded in 1922, is the result of a mer­ger in 1994 of 4 uni­ver­si­ties, with a total enrolment of about 37 000 stu­dents, all cycles com­bi­ned. It is finan­ced by the Shan­ghai muni­ci­pa­li­ty and ranks among the top 18 Chi­nese uni­ver­si­ties out of more than 1 129 institutions.

    This mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry ins­ti­tu­tion (27 schools and col­leges, seve­ral key State labo­ra­to­ries and many dif­ferent ins­ti­tutes) was selec­ted by the French UT net­work for its geo­gra­phi­cal loca­tion, its proxi­mi­ty to French and Euro­pean com­pa­nies esta­bli­shed in Shan­ghai, and its deve­lop­ment dynamics.

    Shan­ghai, with approxi­ma­te­ly 23 mil­lion inha­bi­tants, is indeed a very impor­tant eco­no­mic area, hos­ting many of the lar­gest Chi­nese com­pa­nies and attrac­ting the most renow­ned inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies. It is also a city that encou­rages inno­va­tion and the crea­tion of busi­nesses, not only in Chi­na but more glo­bal­ly in Asia.

    Industrial partners

    As a result of the struc­tu­ring of indus­trial rela­tions, UTSEUS has signed a part­ner­ship agree­ment with nume­rous com­pa­nies: Schei­der Elec­tric Chi­na, Das­sault Sys­tem, Total Chi­na, Baoxing infor­ma­tion (IT sec­tion of Bao Steel), Micro­pole Chi­na, HuiYi Finan­cial Infor­ma­tion Ser­vice Com­pa­ny, Air Liquide, ZTE, Sive­co, Decath­lon, Suez, Chi­na Mate­ria­la, Citi­zen, Xerox, Vidon, Tech­no­Chi­na, Fau­re­cia FECT, ACTIA Chi­na, Alca­tel-Lucent Entre­prise Chi­na, ENGIE Chi­na, Lear­ning Tribes Chi­na, Ser­ri­nov, Fau­re­cia (Chi­na) Hol­ding Ltd., resul­ting in various forms of enhan­ced col­la­bo­ra­tion for courses, confe­rences, fac­to­ry visits, indus­trial or spon­so­red pro­jects, inter­n­ships or mobi­li­ty grants.

    Cross-student mobility

    Engineering programme for Chinese students

    UTSEUS now offers 4 Chi­nese classes of stu­dents trai­ning in com­pu­ter engi­nee­ring, mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, bio­lo­gi­cal engi­nee­ring and mate­rials science.

    After a 3‑year trai­ning in Shan­ghai, inclu­ding spe­cial­ty courses and inten­sive French courses, the best Chi­nese stu­dents can come to France for 2 years of stu­dy and inter­n­ship in one of the three French UTs uni­ver­si­ties of tech­no­lo­gy to obtain the double French engi­nee­ring degree and the Bache­lor of Engi­nee­ring degree from Shan­ghai University.

    Exchange semester "Sciences and Humanities in China"

    This pro­gramme is inten­ded for 2nd year stu­dents from French uni­ver­si­ties of tech­no­lo­gy or from part­ner uni­ver­si­ties who wish to have a first inter­na­tio­nal experience.

    For one semes­ter, stu­dents have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to conti­nue their stu­dies and acquire the first keys to unders­tan­ding Chi­nese culture by sha­ring their courses with 3rd year Chi­nese students.

    "International Engineer" exchange semester

    This pro­gramme is open to “Mas­ter 2” stu­dents from the 3 French uni­ver­si­ties of tech­no­lo­gy and other part­ner uni­ver­si­ties, from all engi­nee­ring specialties.

    For one semes­ter, stu­dents bene­fit from the dyna­mic Asian envi­ron­ment before their entry into wor­king life. Thanks to an offer of pro­fes­sio­na­li­zing courses, pro­jects within com­pa­nies or mee­tings with expa­triate engi­neers, the stu­dents open them­selves to pos­sible inter­na­tio­nam career perspectives.

    Semester on "Language, culture and innovation"

    This pro­gramme is inten­ded for stu­dents, young pro­fes­sio­nals or entre­pre­neurs from all back­grounds (engi­nee­ring sciences, human and social sciences, mana­ge­ment, arts, law) at Master's Degree level M1 or M2, who wish to give an inter­na­tio­nal dimen­sion to their studies.

    For a com­plete semes­ter, stu­dents live a real expe­rience based on the mee­ting of cultures and dis­ci­plines. With "inno­va­tion in tomorrow's smart and connec­ted cities" as the main theme, stu­dents learn through prac­ti­cal and concrete courses and pro­jects, super­vi­sed by a dyna­mic team of tea­chers, pro­fes­sio­nals and research staff.

    The ComplexCity Laboratory

    In 2012, UTSEUS also laun­ched the world's first research labo­ra­to­ry dedi­ca­ted to smart city issues – Com­plex City. Brin­ging toge­ther a range of scien­ti­fic dis­ci­plines from both uni­ver­si­ties of tech­no­lo­gy and Shan­ghai Uni­ver­si­ty, it involves resear­chers from France and Chi­na, as well as nume­rous aca­de­mic and indus­trial partners.

    Studying urban systems

    Com­plex City is a trans­dis­ci­pli­na­ry research labo­ra­to­ry that aims to stu­dy the city and, more broad­ly, urban sys­tems. Its work is based on an inno­va­tive approach com­bi­ning the ana­ly­ti­cal and com­pu­ta­tio­nal capa­bi­li­ties of the engi­nee­ring sciences with the open­ness and crea­ti­vi­ty of the huma­ni­ties and social sciences.

    Com­plex­Ci­ty is also an incu­ba­tor and a Fran­co-Chi­nese mee­ting and exchange plat­form for research pro­jects on the city. Explo­ring and ana­ly­sing the city as a com­plex sys­tem will help to bet­ter unders­tand today's cities and to desi­gn the cities of the future to face glo­bal socie­tal challenges. 

    Com­plex­Ci­ty contri­butes to the concep­tion of new ways of thin­king about cities and thus sup­ports its mana­ge­ment, desi­gn and evo­lu­tion. In order to mas­ter the gro­wing com­plexi­ty of cities and at the same time take into account the dif­ferent ways of thin­king about the city, we need intel­lec­tual models and tools

    Research axes

    The research axes of the Com­plex­Ci­ty labo­ra­to­ry are orga­ni­zed around 3 com­ple­men­ta­ry approaches:

    • the data that needs to be collected,
    • the models that can be used on the basis of the mea­ning of these data,
    • the inter­pre­ta­tion methods and tools that enable concep­tua­li­sa­tion and deci­sion-making based on the results pro­du­ced by the models.

    Areas of application

    5 appli­ca­tion areas have been identified:

    • Risk and cri­sis management,
    • Meta­bo­lism of a city,
    • Urban main­te­nance,
    • Phy­si­cal model­ling for urban com­fort and ener­gy efficiency,
    • Aging and geron­to­lo­gy in the city.

    14 Franco-Chinese projects

    The Com­plex City labo­ra­to­ry hosts 14 inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry research pro­jects, selec­ted by the research direc­tors of the group of French uni­ver­si­ties of tech­no­lo­gy and its Sino-French team during two calls for pro­jects laun­ched in France in 2013, com­ple­ted by a semi­nar in Chi­na. Four pro­jects were awar­ded French fun­ding and 4 others were sub­mit­ted to natio­nal or inter­na­tio­nal fun­ding projects.

    Most of the pro­jects include at least 2 UTs and Shan­ghai Uni­ver­si­ty and are all cha­rac­te­ri­zed by their focus on the city, both through the engi­nee­ring sciences and the huma­ni­ties approach.

    Modern cities suf­fer often from traf­fic jams. This research is direc­ted to fin­ding why these jams occur and to come up with effi­cient solu­tions via urban traf­fic model­ling protocols. 

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : Labo­ra­toire sys­tème et trans­port, UTBMIns­ti­tut de Shan­ghai de méca­nique et de mathé­ma­tiques appli­quées, SHU

    A smart public safe­ty sys­tem is an impor­tant ingre­dient nee­ded for smart cities. The pro­ject here focuses on the dual use of a smart moni­to­ring net­work of video came­ras, through col­la­bo­ra­tive image scree­ning and ana­ly­sis and detec­tion of abnor­mal sta­tions as soon as they arise.

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : Labo­ra­toire sys­tème et trans­port, UTBMIns­ti­tut de Shan­ghai de méca­nique et de mathé­ma­tiques appli­quées, SHU

    Scien­tists apply theo­ry and prac­tice of engi­nee­ring pro­jects to advance urban desi­gn that will take into account the increa­sing com­plexi­ty of modern cities. Use is made of gene­ric models to recon­si­der and enrich the urban desi­gn know­ledge base, using ICTs to detect citi­zen needs.

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : UTBMSHU

    The pro­ject pro­poses a plat­form to iden­ti­fy various prac­tices as hete­ro­ge­neous, mul­ti­di­men­sio­nal, inter­con­nec­ted enti­ties. The plat­form repre­sents users and pro­vides tools for the end-users to ana­lyse and dis­play their own prac­tices, inte­gra­ting per­so­nal modes of life­style and characteristics. 

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : Tech-CICO, UTTSchool of Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring and Auto­ma­tion, SHU

    The theme of urban logis­tics has become pri­mor­dial when it comes to pro­mo­ting sus­tai­nable urban deve­lop­ment schemes. The research made in the Smart City Logis­tics unit focus main­ly on the desi­gn and plan­ning of public urban dis­tri­bu­tion net­works. There is a plat­form that dis­plays com­mon sense prac­tice in the field of urban logis­tics as well as 'smart' sche­du­ling of the logis­tic resources of the city and dis­tri­bu­tions of goods and merchandise.

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : Dépar­te­ment ROSAS, UTTCentre de recherche en logis­tique moderne de l'université de Shan­ghai, SHU

    Deve­lop­ment of urba­ni­za­tion and ageing of popu­la­tions require stu­dies and deve­lop­ment of geron­tech­no­lo­gies, so as to help cities faced with ques­tions of glo­bal health with a spe­ci­fic focus on that of senior citizens.

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : Labo­ra­toire BMBI, UTCSchool of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Infor­ma­tion Tech­no­lo­gy, SHU

    In this pro­ject, road traf­fic is mea­su­red using micro­phone audio sen­sors. The first objec­tive assi­gned to the team is to demons­trate that moni­to­red audio signals can indeed be used to esti­mate road traf­fic and to detect cer­tain road events .

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : Labo­ra­toire de modé­li­sa­tion et sûre­té des sys­tèmes, UTTSchool of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Infor­ma­tion Tech­no­lo­gy, SHU

    The key fea­ture of this pro­ject is to desi­gn and deve­lop a free­ware-based "serious game" plat­form capable of hand­ling various urban sce­na­rios. The game will gene­rate meta­da­ta from which rele­vant variables will be iden­ti­fied and used to help main­te­nance and sus­tai­nable use of exis­ting buil­dings and asso­ciate urban equip­ment. When these research phases are com­ple­ted, the scien­tists will shift their focus to indus­trial main­te­nance issues and to ana­ly­sis of buil­ding life cycle management.

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : COSTECH, UTCCentre d'études cultu­relles contem­po­raines, uni­ver­si­té de Shan­ghai

    The aim of this pro­ject to bet­ter unders­tand public move­ments using rele­vant Web data. The scien­tists here use clas­si­fying algo­rithms to stu­dy each zone's func­tions and to ana­lyse the contents via a micro-blog to iden­ti­fy clients' needs.

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : Labo­ra­toire IRTES, UTBMSchool of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Infor­ma­tion Tech­no­lo­gy, SHU

    This pro­ject aims at stu­dying cities through an ana­ly­sis of its digi­tal print (spon­ta­neous web exchanges, free data, sen­sor data). The objec­tive is to pro­duce a com­pa­ra­tive stu­dy of two cities: on one hand Shan­ghai (reco­gni­zed by the Chi­nese for its dyna­mic, emble­ma­tic fea­tures) and Paris, emble­ma­tic among Euro­pean capitals

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : Com­plex­Ci­ty, UTCSchool of Urban Socio­lo­gy, SHU

    The aim assi­gned to our research is to sup­ply data, desi­gn, deci­sion and assess­ment tools, so as to improve on urban sys­tem deve­lop­ment, taking into account the various levels – cities, dis­tricts and asso­ciate infra­struc­tures … inter­con­nec­ted by net­works -(e.g., waste dis­po­sal, water sup­plies, ener­gy and used mate­rial and equip­ment) cha­rac­te­ri­zed in terms of social, cultu­ral, poli­ti­cal and eco­no­mic factors.

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : CREIDD, UTTSchool of Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring and Auto­ma­tion, SHU

    The research team ana­lyses digi­tal fune­ra­ry prac­tice in Shan­ghai as well as the concept of a digi­tal eter­ni­ty in Chi­na as a coun­try. They exa­mine tra­di­tio­nal fune­ral prac­tices in Shan­ghai as seen through Inter­net, on one hand, and new digi­tal fune­ra­ry trends, on the other.

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : COSTECH, UTCSciences sociales de l'urbain, SHU

    The research scien­tists invol­ved here rely on the recent deve­lop­ment of smart net­work tech­no­lo­gies, ener­gy use per­for­mance and sto­rage figures so as to stu­dy and improve on resi­den­tial area ener­gy mana­ge­ment taking into account the rich context of pro­duc­tion, trans­por­ta­tion, dis­tri­bu­tion and sto­rage of elec­tri­ci­ty as an ener­gy vector.

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : UTBM

    The aim of this pro­ject is to make use of ICTs to stu­dy the impact of culture as a major ele­ment condu­cive to crea­ting a new and signi­fi­cant social iden­ti­ty, lost to some extent by cities because of large-(scale rapid urban expan­sion and asso­ciate large-scale, mul­ti­cul­tu­ral popu­la­tion migrations. 

    › Par­te­naires impli­qués : IRTES-RECITS, UTBMSchool of Socio­lo­gy and poli­ti­cal science, SHU

    Contact and documentation

    Direc­trice des rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
    Cor­ne­lia Marin
     +33 (0)3 44 23 73 87
    Direc­teur fran­çais de l'UTSEUS
    Marc Bon­diou
    +86 21 6613 6108

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