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Specialty – User Experience Design (UXD)

The User eXpe­rience Desi­gn spe­cial­ty (UxD) com­bines skills from various desi­gn-inten­sive fields, from com­pu­ter sciences and IT and from cog­ni­tion sciences to train spe­cia­lists in the desi­gn of pro­ducts and ser­vices, plus inter­face devices, focu­sed on humans and on their expe­rience. The tar­get popu­la­tion com­prises stu­dents with desi­gn, com­pu­ter sciences, applied science and huma­ni­ties back­grounds who wish to take an active role in anti­ci­pa­to­ry pro­ject work that addresses human/outside world inter­ac­tions and imple­ments tech­no­lo­gi­cal tools and techniques.


Peda­go­gy here calls for plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ry pro­ject team work, trai­ning ensures the stu­dents find them­selves in close contact with the key actors in asso­ciate pro­fes­sio­nal and research sec­tors. The contacts take the form of:

  • guest lec­tu­rers, both aca­de­mics and industrialists,
  • pro­jects focu­sing on human Inter­ac­tions with the out­side world via technology
  • work­shops condu­cive to seeing ideas emerge, star­ting with concept pro­ving to func­tio­nal demonstrators,
  • acqui­ring the skills of gra­phic arts, crea­tion of visuals, inter­ac­tion desi­gn and video games,
  • acqui­si­tion of know­ledge rele­vant to the tech­ni­cal aspects (people-sys­tems dia­logues, cog­ni­tion inten­sive tech­no­lo­gies, mul­ti­mo­dal actions, straight/mixed/enhanced vir­tual rea­li­ty (VR), nomad, ubi­qui­tous and tan­gible inter­faces, human fac­tors (ana­ly­sis of pro­cesses, user feed­back and expe­rience, cog­ni­tive ergo­no­mics, usa­bi­li­ty, use® socio­lo­gy, data ana­ly­sis, enac­tive approach, enhan­ced, situa­tion and/or dis­tri­bu­tion cognition,
  • mas­te­ry of know­ledge to cor­rect­ly ana­lyse, for­ma­lize and pre­dict the forms as of ins­tru­men­ted inter­ac­tive expe­rience, espe­cial­ly in col­lec­tive contexts, as well as conduc­ting a desi­gn pro­cess up to and inclu­ding the func­tio­nal demons­tra­tor which implies also a mas­te­ry of com­pu­ter science, IT and mecha­tro­nics to desi­gn and assemble a prototype.

Professional objectives

Gra­duates, viz., those who suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete the UxD course will become scien­ti­fic offi­cers and/or engi­neers in charge of R&D that relate to human/system inter­ac­tions (aka man-machine rela­tions), to manage desi­gn-inten­sive acti­vi­ties in the R&D divi­sions of major groups (indus­trial and/or ser­vice orien­ted), public ser­vices, SSIIs, com­pu­ter equip­ment manu­fac­tu­rers, start-ups, consul­tan­cy agen­cies, or can also with this Mas­ter pur­sue to obtain a PhD in UX desi­gn.

Contact and documentation

Res­pon­sable mas­ter
San­drine Moran­dat
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
Res­pon­sable du par­cours
Florent Levil­lain
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
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