Specialty – Design and Experience Creation (DCX)
The Design and Experience creation specialty (DCX) is a dual course, combining as it does the UXD contents provided at UTC with the Digital Design Course offered by ESAD (Ecole supérieure d’art et de design d’Amiens). DCX underscores the role of designers and graphic artist creators when it comes to designing digitized objects that incorporate user experience and feedback. Understanding correctly symbolic systems and the conceptual capacity to process visual information enables the graphic artist ‘author’ to address the question of interfaces from an object creator’s point of view, focusing on real-life user experience and feedback. Graphic designers – as creators of a digital experience – in essence orchestrating a “visual fact”, implementing the technological possibilities found in the Digital Design course at ESAD, while deploying a foresight prospective line of thought as to the uses specific to UXD as taught at UTC. This presupposes that thought be given to the way we perceive images and interactions. It also implies that we have the capacity to rethink static, animated or interactive data organization and relies on gesture know-how that derives from the way we learn to write, making full use of the 2D or 3D possibilities of the digital world.
Lectures and class work are done half at ESAD, Amiens, half at UTC, Compiegne. Pedagogy here calls for pluridisciplinary project team work and training ensures the students find themselves in close contact with the key actors in associate professional and research sectors. The 'contacts' take the form of:
- guest lecturers, both academics and industrialists,
- projects focusing on human Interactions with the outside world via technology
- workshops conducive to seeing ideas emerge, starting with concept proving to functional demonstrators,
- acquiring the skills of graphic arts, creation of visuals, interaction design and video games,
- acquisition of knowledge relevant to the technical aspects (people-systems dialogues,cognition intensive technologies, multimodal actions, straight/mixed/enhanced virtual reality (VR), nomad, ubiquitous and tangible interfaces, human factors (analysis of processes, user feedback and experience, cognitive ergonomics, usability, use® sociology, data analysis, enactive approach, enhanced, situation and/or distribution cognition,
- mastery of knowledge to correctly analyse, formalize and predict the forms as of instrumented interactive experience, especially in collective contexts, as well as conducting a design process up to and including the functional demonstrator which implies also a mastery of computer science, IT and mechatronics to design and assemble a prototype.
Professional objectives
Designer graduates, viz., those who successfully complete the DCX course, can become independent designers, working alone or with a digital design agency, or as salaried design engineers with a company or a major groups specialised in the field (interfaces, connected objects, IoT, telecoms, video games …).
Contact and documentation
Plaquette master