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Humanities and creative industries (HIC)

The UTC-Master's degree HIC offers spe­cial­ty trai­ning for stu­dents who will be able to com­bine cross-dis­ci­pli­na­ry com­pe­ten­cies from more than one aca­de­mic dis­ci­plines and who handle pro­blem areas that relate to inno­va­tion and com­plexi­ty. The objec­tive assi­gned to the course is to pro­vide new skills focu­sing on human expe­rience cen­tred desi­gn, that will enable them to mas­ter desi­gn pro­cesses, inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gy-inten­sive pro­ducts and ser­vices implementation.


The Master's degree HIC course contents rely on input from seve­ral UTC research teams, nota­bly the COSTECH Lab in the UTC Depart­ment Tech­no­lo­gy and Social Sciences (TSH) but also from the UTC Heu­dia­syc, BMBI and Rober­val Labs in the depart­ments Com­pu­ter sciences and appli­ca­tions, Bio-engi­nee­ring and Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring. The scien­ti­fic exper­tise pro­vi­ded by these research labo­ra­to­ries and asso­ciate plat­forms focus main­ly on the fol­lo­wing fields:

  • inter­ac­tion desi­gn, phi­lo­so­phy of tech­no­lo­gies and cog­ni­tive sciences : COSTECH (EA2223);
  • com­pu­ter sciences, infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion sciences and tech­no­lo­gies (ICST), deci­sion-taking, and ima­ging (UMR CNRS Heu­dia­syc – 7253);
  • health care tech­no­lo­gies, under the connec­ted bio­me­di­cal tools E‑Biomed Chair, and the bio-mecha­ni­cal and bio-engi­nee­ring labo­ra­to­ry (BMBI UMR CNRS 7338);
  • deve­lop­ments in expe­ri­men­tal, pro­to­cols and inno­va­tive digi­tal tech­niques used to ana­lyse mecha­ni­cal and mecha­tro­nic sys­tems model­ling and design.

Depen­ding on the nature of their trai­ning courses, the new UTC-HIC Master's degree gra­duates will be able to apply for pro­fes­sio­nal posi­tions as expe­rience-desi­gners, inter­ac­tion desi­gners, UX (user expe­rience) desi­gners in desi­gn and ergo­no­mic agen­cies, desi­gner team or pro­ject mana­gers, desi­gn stra­te­gists gra­phic desi­gners, ergo­no­mists, RD&I research offi­cers in aca­de­mics or in the pri­vate indus­trial sector.

Also, depen­ding on the spe­ci­fics of the desi­red future pro­fes­sio­nal pro­file, each student will be allo­wed to choose the the­ma­tic courses that best pre­pare him/her for a direct recruit­ment into the entre­pre­neu­rial world or with the pros­pect of pur­suing to gain a PhD.

The UTC Master's degree major in HIC involves actors from the socio-eco­no­mic world and hosts pro­fes­sio­nal experts from the digi­tal sec­tor indus­tries in some of its courses as well as in pro­ject-orien­ted work­shops. Through this part­ner­ship M1 and M2 stu­dents can work out their inter­n­ships, as well as post-gra­duates who can inter­vene in the pro­gramme after a three years' pro­fes­sio­nal experience.


HIC offers 2 specialties:

Please note: the Desi­gn and Expe­rience Crea­tion spe­cial­ty is part­ly out­sour­ced to the École supé­rieure d'art et de desi­gn (ÉSAD) of Amiens.

Contact and documentation

Res­pon­sable mas­ter
San­drine Moran­dat
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
Res­pon­sable de la men­tion
Charles Lenay
 +33 (0)3 44 23 43 68
Sco­la­ri­té Master
Mor­gane Boufflers
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 23
Sco­la­ri­té Master
Chloé Lefevre
 +33 (0)3 44 23 79 53
À lire dans Interactions

« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

Desi­gn sonore made in UTC sur Radio France

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