Chemistry (CH)
The UTC Master’s degree major “Chemistry” is common to the University of Technology, Compiègne (UTC) and to the University Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens (UPJV). Lectures are given on both sites, depending on the semester and on the elective specialty paths chosen. This UTC- Master’s degree major in chemistry offers specialty training for students who will combine cross-disciplinary competencies from more than one academic disciplines, and also to fully understand problems faced by professionals in specific problems that relate to transformation of natural resources, the key-stone to a sustainable economy and a source of sustainable solutions.
The Master's degree CH course contents rely on input from several UTC research teams, notably the competitivity cluster (IAR) Industries & Agro-Resources as well as the (ITE) PIVERT Institut pour la Transition Energétique. The UTC-CH major brings together contributions by scientific experts working in various laboratories and platforms, on the following themes:
- chemistry: LG2A – UMR CNRS 7378 and LRCS – UMR CNRS 7314;
- biotechnology: UTC-GEC – UMR CNRS 7025 UTC-UPJV;
- plant biology: BIOPI – EA 3900 – UPJV;
- process engineering and formulation: UTC-TIMR – EA 4297 UTC – ESCOM;
- "water sciences ": B2R (Basins-Reservoirs-Resources), UPJV-UniLassalle Beauvais ;
- analysis: the analytics platform, the electron microscopy plateform, the molecular biology platform, the physico-chemical analyses unit.
A previous Master's degree programme, called TVRN (transformation and valorisation of natural resources), which was at the ground of the major "Chemistry", was certified by the world class competitivity cluster IAR '(Agro-resources and Industries). The objective of the cluster is to adequate needs for specific skills in relevant industrial sectors and training courses that exist in the two Regions (Picardie (now integrated in the new region Hauts-de-France) and Champagne-Ardenne (integrated to the new Grand Est region), corresponding to a desire to identify a useful interface and bridge between academic research and the industrial world, ensured by the ITE-PIVERT (see above).
This partnership with the professional world sees professional experts participating and lecturing in the various courses. This partnership also welcomes M1 and M2 level students during their internships.
Also, depending on the specifics of the desired future professional profile, each student will be allowed to choose the thematic courses that best prepare him/her for a direct recruitment into the entrepreneurial world or with the prospect of pursuing to gain a PhD.
The UTC-CH Master's degree opens the way for its graduates to a wide range of job profiles involving and/or combining academic and industrial R&D, project management, production as well as to analytical, control and inspection functions that relate to these transformations. Graduates may be employed upstream, for example, in production or downstream in applying standards or inspection/control applying industrial 'reject' protocols.
CH offers 8 specialties:
- Sustainable Organic Chemistry – (CDOrg) (UPJV)
- Sustainable Materials Chemistry (CDMat) (UPJV)
- Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (MESC) (this Master specialty is common to several universities in France, Poland, Slovenia and Spain)
- Analysis, Quality Control and Assessment (ACQ) (UPJV)
- Water Management and Treatments (GTE) (UPJV)
The 8 CH specialties are organized on the basis of 4 semesters, 3 of which are theoretical (S1 to S3) devoted to acquiring academic skills through various elective courses as proposed, and one (S4) exclusively devoted to a long internship (6 months) to practice and implement these skills. There is a short, mandatory internship (1 to 2 months), during S2 for all 7 specilaties except MESC (see below)
The MESC Master specialty (Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion)
This is a specialty common to several universities, viz., WUT Warsaw (Poland); UL-Ljubljana (Slovenia); UVH-Bilbao (Spain); UPS-Toulouse; AMU-Marseilles; UPJV-Amiens. It is taught on several distinct sits as a function of the semester organization and the lectures chosen by the students. Each student stays at the same university for a full semester. Only S3 is delivered by UPJV-Amiens, which is the coordinating university in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD). The internship in S4 can be carried out in France or elsewhere in laboratories associated with ALISTORE or RS2E networks or in an entrepreneurial setting.
The 7 other academic Master specialties
As a function of the semester and academic Master specialty chosen by the students, teaching is delivered either on the UPJC-Amiens site or at UTC-Compiegne. Each semester comprises a core programme (TC) to acquire a block of specific skills common to all specialties, and some elective thematic course (UET) specific to each specialty.
In semester S1, the TC core (amounting to 50 % of time allotted) is composed with "Toolbox" courses and more generalist, elective CCs compatible with the different professional targets of the 7 Master specialties. The semester has 3 class-course blocks (1 specific to the Biotech Master specialty, 1 to ACQ-GTE-GPF-PV2R and one specific, grouping the CDOrg and CDMat Master specialties).
In semester S2, we see gradual specialization setting in, round a core programme (TC) specific to each academic site (approx. 40% of time allotted) and elective CCs for each specialty (a shared set of CCs is taught in the CDOrg-CDM at Master specialties). The internship of S2 is carried out at the end of semester for UPJV-Amiens, at beginning or end of semester at UTC-Compiegne.
Semester S3 revolves round a core programme (approx. 20% of time allotted) specific to each site and some CCs specific to each Master specialty as chosen by the students.
Semester 4. The internship in S4 can be carried out in France or elsewhere in either academic or private sector host laboratories.
Skills in English – as taught in the framework of the Master programmes – are a priority. At UPJV-Amiens, students registered in M1 can benefit, during Semester 2 from English language training that integrates a preparation for the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication). At UTC, over and above the English language classwork, there is a possibility for students to register for "on line" TOEIC preparation, via the Sorbonne Universities cluster Internet site. Students are indeed encouraged to aim for the B2 level certification (i.e., beyond the B1 level requirement for the Master's degree). It is noteworthy that several lecturers deliver their courses in English.
Students registered for a Master's degree are invite to attend conferences and special lectures given by both French and foreign guest speakers in the framework of usual research laboratory dynamics.
Twin-site organization for the master degree paths
Training is delivered on the UPJV-Amiens site ad on the UTC-Compiegne site according to semester and to the Master specialty chosen
- Semester 1 (in M1) takes place at UPJV-Amiens;
- Semester 2 (in M1) takes place at UTC-Compiegne for the Master specialties GPF and PV2R and at UPJV-Amiens for the other 5 specialties;
- Semester 3 (in M2) takes place at UTC-Compiegne for the Master specialties BIOTECH, GPF and PV2R and at UPJV-Amiens for the 5 other specialties;
- Semester 4 (in M2) is devoted entirely to an end-of-studies project lasting 5 ½ months.
Following successful completion of the training programme requirements, all students are awarded the same national diploma, viz., the UTC-UPJV Master's degree.
Contact and documentation
Plaquette master