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Chemistry (CH)

The UTC Master’s degree major “Che­mis­try” is com­mon to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy, Com­piègne (UTC) and to the Uni­ver­si­ty Picar­die Jules Verne, Amiens (UPJV). Lec­tures are given on both sites, depen­ding on the semes­ter and on the elec­tive spe­cial­ty paths cho­sen. This UTC- Master’s degree major in che­mis­try offers spe­cial­ty trai­ning for stu­dents who will com­bine cross-dis­ci­pli­na­ry com­pe­ten­cies from more than one aca­de­mic dis­ci­plines, and also to ful­ly unders­tand pro­blems faced by pro­fes­sio­nals in spe­ci­fic pro­blems that relate to trans­for­ma­tion of natu­ral resources, the key-stone to a sus­tai­nable eco­no­my and a source of sus­tai­nable solutions.


The Master's degree CH course contents rely on input from seve­ral UTC research teams, nota­bly the com­pe­ti­ti­vi­ty clus­ter (IAR) Indus­tries & Agro-Resources as well as the (ITE) PIVERT Ins­ti­tut pour la Tran­si­tion Ener­gé­tique. The UTC-CH major brings toge­ther contri­bu­tions by scien­ti­fic experts wor­king in various labo­ra­to­ries and plat­forms, on the fol­lo­wing themes:

  • che­mis­try: LG2A – UMR CNRS 7378 and LRCS – UMR CNRS 7314;
  • bio­tech­no­lo­gy: UTC-GEC – UMR CNRS 7025 UTC-UPJV;
  • plant bio­lo­gy: BIOPI – EA 3900 – UPJV;
  • pro­cess engi­nee­ring and for­mu­la­tion: UTC-TIMR – EA 4297 UTC – ESCOM;
  • "water sciences ": B2R (Basins-Reser­voirs-Resources), UPJV-Uni­Las­salle Beauvais ;
  • ana­ly­sis: the ana­ly­tics plat­form, the elec­tron micro­sco­py pla­te­form, the mole­cu­lar bio­lo­gy plat­form, the phy­si­co-che­mi­cal ana­lyses unit.

A pre­vious Master's degree pro­gramme, cal­led TVRN (trans­for­ma­tion and valo­ri­sa­tion of natu­ral resources), which was at the ground of the major "Che­mis­try", was cer­ti­fied by the world class com­pe­ti­ti­vi­ty clus­ter IAR '(Agro-resources and Indus­tries). The objec­tive of the clus­ter is to ade­quate needs for spe­ci­fic skills in rele­vant indus­trial sec­tors and trai­ning courses that exist in the two Regions (Picar­die (now inte­gra­ted in the new region Hauts-de-France) and Cham­pagne-Ardenne (inte­gra­ted to the new Grand Est region), cor­res­pon­ding to a desire to iden­ti­fy a use­ful inter­face and bridge bet­ween aca­de­mic research and the indus­trial world, ensu­red by the ITE-PIVERT (see above).

This part­ner­ship with the pro­fes­sio­nal world sees pro­fes­sio­nal experts par­ti­ci­pa­ting and lec­tu­ring in the various courses. This part­ner­ship also wel­comes M1 and M2 level stu­dents during their internships.

Also, depen­ding on the spe­ci­fics of the desi­red future pro­fes­sio­nal pro­file, each student will be allo­wed to choose the the­ma­tic courses that best pre­pare him/her for a direct recruit­ment into the entre­pre­neu­rial world or with the pros­pect of pur­suing to gain a PhD.

The UTC-CH Master's degree opens the way for its gra­duates to a wide range of job pro­files invol­ving and/or com­bi­ning aca­de­mic and indus­trial R&D, pro­ject mana­ge­ment, pro­duc­tion as well as to ana­ly­ti­cal, control and ins­pec­tion func­tions that relate to these trans­for­ma­tions. Gra­duates may be employed ups­tream, for example, in pro­duc­tion or downs­tream in applying stan­dards or inspection/control applying indus­trial 'reject' protocols.


CH offers 8 specialties:

  • Sus­tai­nable Orga­nic Che­mis­try – (CDOrg) (UPJV)
  • Sus­tai­nable Mate­rials Che­mis­try (CDMat) (UPJV)
  • Mate­rials for Ener­gy Sto­rage and Conver­sion (MESC) (this Mas­ter spe­cial­ty is com­mon to seve­ral uni­ver­si­ties in France, Poland, Slo­ve­nia and Spain)
  • Ana­ly­sis, Qua­li­ty Control and Assess­ment (ACQ) (UPJV)
  • Water Mana­ge­ment and Treat­ments (GTE) (UPJV)

The 8 CH spe­cial­ties are orga­ni­zed on the basis of 4 semes­ters, 3 of which are theo­re­ti­cal (S1 to S3) devo­ted to acqui­ring aca­de­mic skills through various elec­tive courses as pro­po­sed, and one (S4) exclu­si­ve­ly devo­ted to a long inter­n­ship (6 months) to prac­tice and imple­ment these skills. There is a short, man­da­to­ry inter­n­ship (1 to 2 months), during S2 for all 7 spe­ci­la­ties except MESC (see below)

The MESC Master specialty (Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion)

This is a spe­cial­ty com­mon to seve­ral uni­ver­si­ties, viz., WUT War­saw (Poland); UL-Lju­bl­ja­na (Slo­ve­nia); UVH-Bil­bao (Spain); UPS-Tou­louse; AMU-Mar­seilles; UPJV-Amiens. It is taught on seve­ral dis­tinct sits as a func­tion of the semes­ter orga­ni­za­tion and the lec­tures cho­sen by the stu­dents. Each student stays at the same uni­ver­si­ty for a full semes­ter. Only S3 is deli­ve­red by UPJV-Amiens, which is the coor­di­na­ting uni­ver­si­ty in the Eras­mus Mun­dus Joint Mas­ter Degree (EMJMD). The inter­n­ship in S4 can be car­ried out in France or elsew­here in labo­ra­to­ries asso­cia­ted with ALISTORE or RS2E net­works or in an entre­pre­neu­rial setting.

The 7 other academic Master specialties

As a func­tion of the semes­ter and aca­de­mic Mas­ter spe­cial­ty cho­sen by the stu­dents, tea­ching is deli­ve­red either on the UPJC-Amiens site or at UTC-Com­piegne. Each semes­ter com­prises a core pro­gramme (TC) to acquire a block of spe­ci­fic skills com­mon to all spe­cial­ties, and some elec­tive the­ma­tic course (UET) spe­ci­fic to each specialty.

In semes­ter S1, the TC core (amoun­ting to 50 % of time allot­ted) is com­po­sed with "Tool­box" courses and more gene­ra­list, elec­tive CCs com­pa­tible with the dif­ferent pro­fes­sio­nal tar­gets of the 7 Mas­ter spe­cial­ties. The semes­ter has 3 class-course blocks (1 spe­ci­fic to the Bio­tech Mas­ter spe­cial­ty, 1 to ACQ-GTE-GPF-PV2R and one spe­ci­fic, grou­ping the CDOrg and CDMat Mas­ter specialties).

In semes­ter S2, we see gra­dual spe­cia­li­za­tion set­ting in, round a core pro­gramme (TC) spe­ci­fic to each aca­de­mic site (approx. 40% of time allot­ted) and elec­tive CCs for each spe­cial­ty (a sha­red set of CCs is taught in the CDOrg-CDM at Mas­ter spe­cial­ties). The inter­n­ship of S2 is car­ried out at the end of semes­ter for UPJV-Amiens, at begin­ning or end of semes­ter at UTC-Compiegne.

Semes­ter S3 revolves round a core pro­gramme (approx. 20% of time allot­ted) spe­ci­fic to each site and some CCs spe­ci­fic to each Mas­ter spe­cial­ty as cho­sen by the students.

Semes­ter 4. The inter­n­ship in S4 can be car­ried out in France or elsew­here in either aca­de­mic or pri­vate sec­tor host laboratories.

Skills in English – as taught in the fra­me­work of the Mas­ter pro­grammes – are a prio­ri­ty. At UPJV-Amiens, stu­dents regis­te­red in M1 can bene­fit, during Semes­ter 2 from English lan­guage trai­ning that inte­grates a pre­pa­ra­tion for the TOEIC (Test of English for Inter­na­tio­nal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion). At UTC, over and above the English lan­guage class­work, there is a pos­si­bi­li­ty for stu­dents to regis­ter for "on line" TOEIC pre­pa­ra­tion, via the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ties clus­ter Inter­net site. Stu­dents are indeed encou­ra­ged to aim for the B2 level cer­ti­fi­ca­tion (i.e., beyond the B1 level requi­re­ment for the Master's degree). It is note­wor­thy that seve­ral lec­tu­rers deli­ver their courses in English.

Stu­dents regis­te­red for a Master's degree are invite to attend confe­rences and spe­cial lec­tures given by both French and forei­gn guest spea­kers in the fra­me­work of usual research labo­ra­to­ry dynamics.

Twin-site organization for the master degree paths

Trai­ning is deli­ve­red on the UPJV-Amiens site ad on the UTC-Com­piegne site accor­ding to semes­ter and to the Mas­ter spe­cial­ty chosen

  • Semes­ter 1 (in M1) takes place at UPJV-Amiens;
  • Semes­ter 2 (in M1) takes place at UTC-Com­piegne for the Mas­ter spe­cial­ties GPF and PV2R and at UPJV-Amiens for the other 5 specialties;
  • Semes­ter 3 (in M2) takes place at UTC-Com­piegne for the Mas­ter spe­cial­ties BIOTECH, GPF and PV2R and at UPJV-Amiens for the 5 other specialties;
  • Semes­ter 4 (in M2) is devo­ted enti­re­ly to an end-of-stu­dies pro­ject las­ting 5 ½ months.

Fol­lo­wing suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the trai­ning pro­gramme requi­re­ments, all stu­dents are awar­ded the same natio­nal diplo­ma, viz., the UTC-UPJV Master's degree.

Contact and documentation

Res­pon­sable master
San­drine Morandat
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
Res­pon­sable de la mention
Eli­sa­beth Van Hecke
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 43
Sco­la­ri­té Master
Mor­gane Boufflers
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 23
Sco­la­ri­té Master
Chloé Lefevre
 +33 (0)3 44 23 79 53
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