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  • Specialty – Biotechnologies of Natural Resources (BIOTECH)

    Over a long per­iod, bio­lo­gy was seen as science devo­ted to dis­co­ve­ring what exists. In contra­dis­tinc­tion, bio­tech­no­lo­gy also includes the conno­ta­tion of crea­tion, inven­tion and inno­va­tion. It was with this ove­rar­ching defi­ni­tion that UTC and UPJV deci­ded over 30 year ago to open up new paths to enable imple­men­ta­tion of bio­lo­gi­cal func­tions, both to bet­ter explain the beha­viour of living orga­nisms and sys­tems and to deve­lop rele­vant tech­no­lo­gi­cal tools for these inves­ti­ga­tions. Rapid advan­ce­ment of our know­ledge base in bio­lo­gy, plus the shor­ter time lapse bet­ween any scien­ti­fic dis­co­ve­ry and its indus­trial appli­ca­tion, whe­ther it be in agri­cul­ture or medi­cine, a “bio-indus­try” sec­tor, increa­sin­gly focu­sed on cut­ting edge tech­niques and tech­no­lo­gies enhances the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for such a trai­ning course, and indeed stresses all the more the real conti­nuum bet­ween basic and applied research acti­vi­ties. This Bio­tech Master’s course has been appro­ved and cer­ti­fied by the Indus­tries and Agro-Resources cluster.


    The UTC Bio­tech Master's course comes in a context rapid­ly pro­gres­sing bio­tech­no­lo­gies and the use of rene­wable car­bon-based mole­cules as a repla­ce­ment for fos­sil fuel sources. The plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ry course will pro­vide stu­dents with the neces­sa­ry bases in struc­tu­ral bio­lo­gy, gene expres­sion, for making use of pro­tein diver­si­ty, plant meta­bo­lism and know­ledge apper­tai­ning to plant trans­for­ma­tion pro­cesses, to mole­cu­lar recog­ni­tion, indus­trial meta­bo­lic engi­nee­ring, bio-sen­sors, micro­bio­tics and meta­ge­no­mics, bio-control as well as mole­cu­lar model­ling and dyna­mics.

    The peda­go­gi­cal team com­prises lec­tu­rer research scien­tists from the two regio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions, UPJV at Beau­vais and UTC at Com­piegne but also with col­leagues from other natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal uni­ver­si­ties, plus adjunct guest lec­tu­rers from the bio­tech indus­trial sectors.

    Professional objectives

    The Bio­tech Master's degree course will train future mana­gers with the capacity:

    • to cor­rect­ly imple­ment metho­do­lo­gies rele­vant to the trans­for­ma­tion of bio­lo­gi­cal func­tions, adap­ting them to bio­tech sec­tors, to bio-refi­ning, to bio­fuels, to phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, to para-phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, cos­me­tics and to agro­food and agro­che­mi­cal sec­tors taking into account prac­ti­cal and regu­la­to­ry constraints to ensure safe­ty and protection/preservation of the environment;
    • to define means, methods and tech­niques to imple­ment and value-add to results obtai­ned from rele­vant research activities;
    • to super­vise and manage pro­ject work and team subordinates.

    Contact and documentation

    Res­pon­sable mas­ter
    San­drine Moran­dat
     +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
    Res­pon­sable du par­cours
    Aude Cor­din
     +33 (0)3 44 23 44 03
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