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The master's degree

By regis­te­ring for a Master’s degree at UTC, you will approach – with inter­na­tio­nal­ly renow­ned pro­fes­sors-resear­chers – some of the major scien­ti­fic pro­blems and issues that impact our dai­ly lives.


UTC’s Master’s degree courses pre­pare stu­dents to become experts and to take up the chal­lenges of research and advan­ced indus­try in the fields of auto­ma­tion, bio­lo­gy, bio­tech­no­lo­gy, che­mis­try, desi­gn, com­pu­ter science, inno­va­tion, mecha­nics, mecha­tro­nics, robo­tics, health, data science and bio­me­di­cal tech­no­lo­gies. Some courses are inte­gra­ted in the pro­jects of the Govern­ment Incen­tive pro­gramme "Inves­tis­se­ments d'avenir" in which the research labo­ra­to­ries of the UTC par­ti­ci­pate (ins­ti­tutes of excel­lence, Labex, Robo­tex, Équi­pex, IRT…).

  • 380 Master's degree students
  • 5 months pla­ce­ment in France or abroad
  • 75% of the stu­dents find a job within 3 months
  • 20% of the Master's degree gra­duate pur­sue their stu­dies to PhD level
  • 40% of the Master's degree stu­dents are non-French nationals
  • 8 UTC research labo­ra­to­ries act as hosts
  • 8 sec­tions of the Invest­ments for the Future Programme.

Organisation of the master's degree programmes

In the first year, you fol­low the joint courses and some pre-spe­cia­li­sa­tion courses, then you choose the more spe­ci­fic courses of one of these spe­cial­ties in the second year.

The two years pro­gramme is divi­ded into four semes­ters of 17 weeks each. During each semes­ter, you will have the choice bet­ween seve­ral Cre­dit Courses (CCs) and Tea­ching Units (UE) cor­res­pon­ding to your level and your stu­dy pro­file. The total num­ber of ECTS cre­dits cor­res­pon­ding to the courses you have enrol­led in must not exceed 36 credits/semester.

These are grou­ped into categories:

  • Scien­ti­fic knowledge ;
  • Tech­niques and methods ;
  • Tech­no­lo­gy and Human Sciences;
  • Pro­jects and labo­ra­to­ry work plus exter­nal assignments.

To qua­li­fy for the Master’s degree, you must have acqui­red a cer­tain mini­mum num­ber of cre­dits in each of these cate­go­ries accor­ding to a pro­file defi­ned for each field and spe­cial­ty of the course cho­sen. The stu­dies at UTC lead to award of the natio­nal Master's degree.

En savoir plus sur les UE

First year M1

The courses offe­red in the first year M1 enable students:

  • to rein­force their ear­lier edu­ca­tio­nal base
  • to have an intro­duc­tion to new sub­ject-mat­ters in the spe­cial­ty chosen 
  • to have an intro­duc­tion to com­men­ta­ry, add-on trai­ning subjects 
  • to bene­fit from fur­ther trai­ning in at least one other forei­gn language

Validation of the 1st year and access to the 2nd year

To be able to conti­nue your stu­dies in the second year of the Master's pro­gramme, you must vali­date at least 60 cre­dits in the courses offe­red in the first year, split bet­ween the cate­go­ries accor­ding to the pro­file defi­ned for each field.

Admis­sion to the second year lea­ding to the natio­nal master's degree is not auto­ma­tic. The deci­sion lies with admis­sions jury after exa­mi­ning your per­so­nal file track-record.

Second year M2

The Mas­ter M2 spe­cial­ty cho­sen enables students:

  • to rein­force and learn more in-depth the core pro­gramme contents of the specialty
  • to acquire a high level exper­tise in a spe­ci­fic applied field
  • to pre­pare for a pro­fes­sio­nal post­ing, in indus­try, research or to pur­sue for a PhD

The first semes­ter of M2 is devo­ted to class­work and the second semes­ter to a pla­ce­ment either in a research lab or in enter­prise, ending with a dis­ser­ta­tion and a pre­sen­ta­tion before a Jury.

Validation of the course

To vali­date your trai­ning in the second year of the Master's pro­gramme, you must have acqui­red at least 30 cre­dits in the courses offe­red in the spe­cial­ty of your choice, split into cate­go­ries accor­ding to the pro­file defi­ned for each spe­cial­ty. You must also vali­date the 30 cre­dits cor­res­pon­ding to the long-term internship.

Technology, social sciences and humanities

The Depart­ment of  Tech­no­lo­gy and Social Scieces (UTC-TSH)  pro­poses courses rela­ted to human sciences, lying at and explo­ring the heart of the situa­tions you will meet in your pro­fes­sio­nal life on a dai­ly basis.

The peda­go­gi­cal pro­jects of the course contents and spe­cial­ties all devote a more or less impor­tant por­tion of time and assets to TSH tea­chings in their trai­ning. These courses always include at least the lear­ning of a modern lan­guage and for as long as the level requi­red for gra­dua­tion has not been reached.

Other courses are offe­red to learn about the world of busi­ness, orga­ni­za­tions and mana­ge­ment, to com­mu­ni­cate not only in a forei­gn lan­guage, but also in dif­ferent pro­fes­sio­nal situa­tions and, final­ly, to do desi­gn work, through the mas­te­ry of know­ledge rela­ting to the way tech­no­lo­gy affects human acti­vi­ties. These courses are more wide­ly deve­lo­ped and dee­pe­ned in the spe­cia­li­za­tions and fields which are cen­tred on human sciences.

Foreign languages (and French as a foreign language) at UTC

Lan­guage tea­ching aims not only to improve stu­dents' lin­guis­tic skills, but also to make them aware of issues and pro­blems rela­ted to com­mu­ni­ca­tion and culture.

The lan­guages main­ly taught in the Master's pro­gramme are English and French as a Forei­gn Lan­guage (FLE). Other lan­guages are taught at the UTC, but these courses will only be acces­sed to stu­dents having vali­da­ted the requi­red level in the two main languages.

The UTC Master's degree is awar­ded to stu­dents whose mother tongue is French and who have rea­ched the level B1 in English of the Com­mon Euro­pean Fra­me­work of Refe­rence for Lan­guages of the Coun­cil of Europe or who have rea­ched level B1 in French as a forei­gn lan­guage for others. This level is vali­da­ted by obtai­ning a level 2 CC in the cho­sen lan­guage.

You may com­plete this level in English by obtai­ning a mini­mum score of 550 in the TOEIC (Lis­te­ning and Rea­ding Test), or any other test cer­ti­fying level B1.

Job opportunities

All the courses in the Master's pro­gramme lead to careers in engi­nee­ring and research, or to a PhD thesis.

During the course of your stu­dies, you can, from the first year, car­ry out a short inter­n­ship in a research laboratory.

You can car­ry out your end-of-stu­dies pro­ject (5 months) in one of the research labo­ra­to­ries of UTC or of ano­ther uni­ver­si­ty, or in a part­ner com­pa­ny, by applying to the inter­n­ship offers direct­ly recei­ved by the Ser­vice Étu­diants Entre­prise Emploi (3E), which bene­fits from having more than 5 000 contacts in France and abroad.

Continuing education and VAE

Master's degree through continuing education

UTC-Com­piegne is autho­ri­zed to deli­ver the natio­nal diplo­ma of the Master’s degree via its conti­nuing edu­ca­tion pro­gramme. This trai­ning is open to people having a level Bac+3, a diplo­ma equi­va­lent Bac+3 or even 5 years of expe­rience accor­ding to the men­tion reco­gni­zed by the jury of admis­sion.

The orga­ni­za­tion of the courses into modu­lar units makes it pos­sible to adjust and indi­vi­dua­lize the course of stu­dy accor­ding to the pro­fes­sio­nal objec­tives of the can­di­dates and their achie­ve­ments, for example: to gain admis­sion to the  M2 year of the Master's programme.

Master's degree by assessment of prior education/experience

The vali­da­tion of acqui­red expe­rience (VAE) concerns people with a mini­mum of one year's expe­rience as a tech­ni­cal mana­ger or simi­lar, direct­ly rela­ted to the Master's degree envi­sa­ged. The vali­da­tion is pro­noun­ced by a jury on the basis of an acti­vi­ty report and an interview.

The can­di­date must prove that he/she has the same know­ledge and apti­tudes as a student who has fol­lo­wed a com­plete course. The VAE jury decides on the extent of the vali­da­tion gran­ted and, if neces­sa­ry, on the nature of the know­ledge and skills that must be the sub­ject of a com­ple­men­ta­ry test.

Master's degree in parallel

UTC pro­poses to the stu­dents at the end of their branch to fol­low one of the second year courses of the UTC Master’s degree, in paral­lel with their final year of engi­nee­ring studies.

The stu­dents com­plete their engi­nee­ring cur­ri­cu­lum and fol­low in paral­lel the courses of a Master's pro­gramme in the autumn semes­ter. They then car­ry out an end-of-stu­dies pro­ject in the spring semes­ter in a labo­ra­to­ry or part­ner com­pa­ny, which can be vali­da­ted simul­ta­neous­ly by their engi­nee­ring and master's courses. Stu­dents who plan to do the Master's degree in paral­lel with their final year of engi­nee­ring stu­dies are encou­ra­ged to take some of the first year Master's courses during the spring semes­ter before they enter the second year Master's programme. 

At the end of these courses, the stu­dents obtain their UTC engi­nee­ring diplo­ma and their natio­nal Mas­ter’ degree.

All the infor­ma­tion on the Master’s degree courses, the admis­sion requi­re­ments, the appli­ca­tions are avai­lable in the down­loa­dable docu­ment below.

Contact and documentation

Res­pon­sable mas­ter
San­drine Moran­dat
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
Sco­la­ri­té Master
Mor­gane Boufflers
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 23
Sco­la­ri­té Master
Chloé Lefevre
 +33 (0)3 44 23 79 53
For­ma­tion conti­nue
 +33 (0)3 44 23 46 29
À lire dans Interactions

« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

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