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Practical information

UTC sup­ports its stu­dents throu­ghout their trai­ning and helps them with their day-to-day ques­tions and problems.

Student aid services

The BUTC is open to all. In order to help you with research assi­gn­ments and inves­ti­ga­tions during your stu­dies, the Libra­ry is there with its col­lec­tions and ser­vices. To find out more or how it works, please don't hesi­tate to talk with the librarians. 

The rea­ding rooms are spread over three levels in Buil­ding F. 

Access – level 2

  • latest issues of French and forei­gn press
  • len­ding ser­vice and book returns
  • the UTC co-op shop (sale of courses, objects and other labe­led UTC items)
  • the tra­vel col­lec­tion and non-French literature
  • the inter-Libra­ry ser­vice (to order and pro­vide docu­ments not held by the BUTC

Level 4

  • col­lec­tions of scien­ti­fic and tech­ni­cal works
  • the biblio­gra­phic data service

Level 5

  • Gene­ral culture and press collections
  • the biblio­gra­phic data service
  • Rea­ding unit for blind and impai­red vision readers

There are acces­sible, connec­ted com­pu­ters at each level. 

› Ope­ning hours: Mon­day-Fri­day 8:30 am to 7 pm and to 8 pm during pre-exam per­iods. Satur­days 8:30 am to 12 am (except during the inter-semes­ter break and uni­ver­si­ty holi­day periods). 

The rea­ding room is on level one in Buil­ding B. 

› Ope­ning hours: Mon­day to Fri­day 8:30 am to 7 pm.

The reading room is on level one in Building B.

  • Col­lec­tions of scien­ti­fic and tech­ni­cal works
  • Press
  • Col­lec­tion of UTC PhD theses (paper editions)
  • Len­ding ser­vice and book return
  • the inter-Libra­ry ser­vice (to order and pro­vide docu­ments not held by the BUTC
  • Docu­men­ta­ry research and 'watch­to­wer' service
  • Connec­ted, acces­sible computers

Eliot is a single por­tal access to consult all UTC paper and elec­tro­nic col­lec­tion data. The research engine is affi­lia­ted to Google® and enables simul­ta­neous search pro­cesses on paper, elec­tro­nic sources and on part of the data bases. 

Moreo­ver, per­so­na­li­zed ser­vices are offe­red: a per­so­nal 'bas­ket' of selec­ted items and the his­to­ry log of research work, indi­vi­dua­li­zed alerts, on line ser­vices (requests for docu­ments in the data or paper stores, requests that UTC acquire items, to the inter-libra­ry len­ding sys­tem (PEB).

The "Leave your ques­tion with us" ser­vice enables remote ques­tio­ning of the libra­rians, to start a research process.

UTC makes avai­lable – for lec­tu­rers and stu­dents alike – a set of peda­go­gi­cal tools and resources. The Peda­go­gi­cal Aid Unit, which receives its remit from the UTC Trai­ning and Peda­go­gy Direc­to­rate, serves inno­va­tion in teaching/learning, offe­ring ser­vices such as:

  • Peda­go­gi­cal Resources: crea­tion and sha­ring of peda­go­gi­cal resources
  • Audio­vi­sual aids: loans of equip­ment for AV-based peda­go­gi­cal projects
  • For tea­ching pur­poses at UTC: par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the mana­ge­ment of the peda­go­gi­cal plat­form code-named Moodle;
  • Lec­tu­rer sup­port: aids to use of digi­tal tools, crea­ting peda­go­gi­cal sce­na­rios and guides, trai­ning in use of tools (Moo­dle, Sce­na­rios, AV solutions);
  • Digi­ti­zing the Uni­ver­si­ty: par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the scheme to digi­tize all HE esta­blish­ments in the Picar­die Region. 

CROUS and Region

French state grants managed by the CROUS services

These state grants enable finan­cial sup­port or access to student accom­mo­da­tion, allo­ca­tions being made on the basis of social cri­te­ria for:

  • Stu­dents who are French nationals
  • Non-French stu­dents, either with parents who have lived in France for over 2 years or who bene­fit from poli­ti­cal asy­lum measures

The grant or accom­mo­da­tion attri­bu­tion are deci­ded (with a points-scale, upda­ted each year) as a func­tion of fami­ly or per­so­nal resources (rele­vant infor­ma­tion can be had at the CROUS office in Amiens or at the 'wel­come' desk of the local Uni­ver­si­ty Resi­dence). The deci­sions are noti­fied direct­ly to the appli­cants by the CROUS.

› Please note that if you are in final year of the engi­nee­ring course and are pre­pa­ring a Master's degree in paral­lel, you are not allo­wed to apply for the Master's grant. You can, howe­ver, be consi­de­red under French Higher Edu­ca­tion grants, like­wise based on social criteria. 

Aids offered by the Hauts-de-France Region

Picardie Pass'Études

The Picar­die 'Pass'Etudes' aid allows you to obtain a 50 to 100% reduc­tion of an SNCF rail­way sub­scrip­tion: home-UTC or home to pla­ce­ment address (pro­vi­ded the pla­ce­ment is unpaid). Rele­vant infor­ma­tion and condi­tions can be obtai­ned at any SNCF sta­tion or by cal­ling the "green-free" phone N°: 0 800 099 565.

The accommodation deposit warranty fund applies to students staying at the CROUS residences

It allow stu­dents to bene­fit from a soli­da­ri­ty war­ran­ty from the Picar­die Region should they not have been able to secure the requi­red depo­sit amount (from friends, fami­ly, Loca­pass …). Each request is asses­sed by the CROUS.

Free meals at the CROUS restaurants

If you are aged less than 30, have qua­li­fied for a level 6 or 5 grant (social index less than 2 200 points) and also have some finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties, you can also qua­li­fy for free meals at the CROUS res­tau­rants, with a max.100 meals per aca­de­mic year. This food aid is pro­po­sed by a deci­sion of the CROUS service. 

Aids for health-related matters

If you have qua­li­fied for a grant, the Picar­die Region can also offer 90€ to off­set a com­ple­men­ta­ry health insu­rance scheme. An appli­ca­tion form can be found at

Conseil Régio­nal de Picar­die
Direc­tion de l'Enseignement Supé­rieur et de la Recherche
 +33 (0)3 22 97 37 31 


Loans (on honour)

If you are a French natio­nal student (or non-French but bene­fit­ting from poli­ti­cal asy­lum), you may make an appli­ca­tion for a loan (on honour) for one aca­de­mic year. Loans can­not come in addi­tion to any other Higher Edu­ca­tion Grant and finan­cial funds for them are very limi­ted; conse­quent­ly, only a few appli­cants are selec­ted to receive the loan. The loan com­mit­tee convenes ear­ly Decem­ber each year.

The loans must contrac­tual­ly be refun­ded, at latest in the 10th year after graduation.

Personal loans

Should you expe­rience finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties, you can contact the social ser­vice of the Crous (see below) at phone num­bers, either +33 3 44 86 59 63 or +33 3 44 20 36 28.

Bank loans

Cer­tain banks in France can per­so­nal loans at attrac­tive inter­est rates, espe­cial­ly if you are like­ly to spend some of your student per­iod abroad. The various bank out­lets in Com­piegne have all the infor­ma­tion nee­ded for pos­sible student loan schemes.


If you are see­king accommodation/housing in/near Com­piegne, here are some pos­sible sources of infor­ma­tion and assistance. 


ALESC is an asso­cia­tion spe­cial­ly set up to help stu­dents find accommodation. 


In France, the regio­nal uni­ver­si­ty and school ser­vices (code-named Crous) are public offices there to help social­ly, to wel­come stu­dents from abroad, to help find student accom­mo­da­tion, mana­ging uni­ver­si­ty level res­tau­rants and stu­dents' cultu­ral time-out. They are part of a natio­nal net­work: the CNOUS.


This Centre (natio­nal level " Crous ") is desi­gned to help stu­dents throu­ghout their trai­ning years. The CNOUS is nota­bly present in mobi­li­ty-inten­sive cursus. 

The “Visale” mechanism (formerly known as “Clé”, i.e., caution locative étudiante or “Lokaviz” – French acronym for student rental guarantee)

The for­mer CROUS “CLÉ”, or « cau­tion loca­tive étu­diante » is now known as the Visale garantee.

This new grant mecha­nism is an alter­na­tive to the paren­tal gua­ran­tee in agree­ment with the land­lord to be put in place before the signing of the inven­to­ry of accom­mo­da­tion fix­tures. In prin­ciple, nothing changes: it is a gua­ran­tee that makes it pos­sible to reim­burse unpaid rent and set charges in the event of finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties. After the land­lord has been paid off, the student tenant will also have to repay his or her debt to Visale irres­pec­tive of having taken out insu­rance for his/her ren­tal. Thus ‘Action Loge­ment’ assumes the res­pon­si­bi­li­ty of a gua­ran­tor for stu­dents, free of charge, for the entire dura­tion of the occu­pa­tion of the accom­mo­da­tion. For the public, the gua­ran­tee is inten­ded for young people under the age of 30. In addi­tion, young tenants are eli­gible for ‘APL’, and also for the ener­gy vou­cher to faci­li­tate and sim­pli­fy the for­ma­li­ties of moving in, such as the pro­ce­dures for ope­ning the elec­tri­ci­ty meter.


This is an asso­cia­tion that helps pro­vide for free accom­mo­da­tion for stu­dents and a way to break the soli­tude of senior citi­zens, who agree to live toge­ther and pro­vide inter-gene­ra­tion, mutual services.

À lire dans Interactions

Par­ti­ci­per à la chaîne des valeurs

Sou­te­nir la dyna­mique étudiante

Le cercle ver­tueux et syner­gique des partenariats

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