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A university in the city

UTC today is expan­ding its ope­ra­tions and not only is a major actor in Compiegne’s Tech­no­pole but bene­fits from an excep­tio­nal natu­ral and his­to­ric envi­ron­ment. There is the Impe­rial Place (Louis XV and XVI, rear­ran­ged under Napo­léon 1st and Napo­léon III), one of Europe’s most beau­ti­ful forests, the WWI Armis­tice clea­ring, the Memo­rial to the Depor­ted Popu­la­tions, the natio­nal horse stud farms … all of which are condu­cive to per­so­nal deve­lop­ment of UTC’s students.


Compiègne, a high quality life-style 45 min from Paris

Com­piegne – only ¾ h by train from Paris – is ran­ked as one of France's best lifer-style cities; it is also only ½ h from Charles-de-Gaulle (Paris) Air­port (CDG). The Com­piegne inha­bi­tants and the 4 500 stu­dents mingle and enjoy an envi­ron­ment that wel­comes and enhances all sorts of water sports (rowing …), out­door sports in gene­ral (VTT bikes, hiking) on some 1 000 km well-mar­ked tacks and alleys criss­cros­sing the Com­piegne forest (3rd French forest in size with 15 000 ha).

UTC buildings

The UTC Foun­der Fathers wan­ted to see the uni­ver­si­ty buil­ding phy­si­cal­ly inte­gra­ted in the city. The plans for this sho­wed up clear­ly (and still do) in the City deve­lop­ment maps. Back in 1973, there were no new buil­dings rea­dy so the uni­ver­si­ty had to spread its units throu­ghout the city. This led to a patch­work of small loca­tions awai­ting the step-by-step com­mis­sio­ning of the Ben­ja­min Frank­lin Buil­ding (1975−1976) and, simi­lar­ly, those of the UTC research centre at Royal­lieu (1977−1978).

Cur­rent­ly, UTC pre­mises are to be found on various sites - prin­ci­pal­ly the Ben­ja­min Frank­lin buil­ding for its lec­ture halls and semi­nar rooms, close to the city cen­ter and the SNCF rail­way sta­tion and the Pierre Guillau­mat Centre close to the Research units at Royal­lieu and the UTC Tech­no­lo­gy Trans­fer Centre. 

The Ben­ja­min Frank­lin building

Main uses – under­gra­duate engi­nee­ring lec­tures, class-rooms and semi­nars, the uni­ver­si­ty libra­ry and the UTC peda­go­gi­cal pole 

Centre Ben­ja­min Frank­lin – BP 60319 rue Roger Cout­to­lenc – 60203 Com­piègne Cedex 

Contact accueil : 03 44 23 46 55 

The UTC Research Centre

Labo­ra­to­ries, Master's degrees, PhD courses and supervision 

Centre de Recherche – rue Per­sonne de Rober­val – 60200 Compiègne 

Contact accueil : 03 44 23 44 23 

The Pierre Guillau­mat Centre

Course and semi­nar class-rooms and various Admi­nis­tra­tion Services

Centre Pierre Guillau­mat – rue du doc­teur Schweit­zer – 60200 Compiègne 

Contact accueil : 03 44 23 49 99 

The Trans­fert Centre

Courses, semi­nars and admi­nis­tra­tive services

Centre de Trans­fert – ave­nue de Land­shut – 60200 Compiègne 

Contact accueil : 03 44 23 45 10 

The Daniel Tho­mas Inno­va­tion Centre


Centre d'Innovation – BP 60319 57 ave­nue de Land­shut – 60203 Compiègne 

Contact accueil : 03 44 23 45 91 

UTC Paris

Conti­nuing education

UTC Paris – 62 Bou­le­vard de Sébas­to­pol, 75003 Paris

Contact accueil : 03 44 23 88 91 


First Sino-French uni­ver­si­ty cooperation

UTSEUS – NO. 6 Buil­ding, 333 Nan­chen Road, Bao­shan Dis­trict, Shan­ghai, 200444

Contact accueil : +86–21 66136118 

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