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UTC associations

Find all the student asso­cia­tions and their acti­vi­ties in the UTC.

The UTC students' union (BDE)

The BDE is the pivo­tal core of student asso­cia­tive life at UTC; the BDE fede­rates all the student run asso­cia­tions, and acts as a relay with the world out­side UTC and the University's Ser­vice units; it also manages the Stu­dents' Foyer (local­ly known as the Mai­son des Etu­diants or MDE).

Asso­cia­tions are vital to the dai­ly life of stu­dents, offe­ring many ser­vices and acti­vi­ties and is indeed a real added value for per­so­nal or even pro­fes­sio­nal projects. 

The nume­rous asso­cia­tions tied to ‑the BDE are grou­ped into the­ma­tic poles. The poles them­selves act as asso­cia­tions and play a role simi­lar to that of the BDE: 

Pla­quette des associations

All such ini­tia­tives imple­men­ted by the BDE and by stu­dents, like the Ima­gi­na­rium, the Fes­tu­pic Fes­ti­val, the Son & Lumière show, all contri­bute to impro­ving the enjoy­ment of student life at UTC and in Com­piegne and demons­trate amply just how rich the reser­voir of talents is at the uni­ver­si­ty. Lear­ning how to live toge­ther, to par­ti­ci­pate in a col­la­bo­ra­tive pro­ject, to get invol­ved in a cultu­ral event … UTC's stu­dents pos­sess all the qua­li­ties it takes to enable them to inte­grate the local uni­ver­si­ty and city envi­ron­ment and to expe­rience a real per­so­nal deve­lop­ment during their stay at UTC.

  • Contact au Mali (deve­lo­ping edu­ca­tio­nal aid pro­jects for Mali children)
  • Ingé­nieurs sans fron­tières (who par­ti­ci­pate in various pro­jects (Sud in Benin, Cam­pus vert…))
  • Eco­lo d'ingénieur (pro­mo­tion of sift trans­fert modes, recy­cling wastes, pre­ser­va­tion of the envi­ron­ment and control of ener­gy consumption…) 
  • USEC (UTC's junior consul­tan­cy company) 
  • Comu­tec (orga­ni­za­tion of a forum where stu­dents can meet entre­prise representatives)
  • UTCoupe (who take part in the French Robo­tics League (with an ani­mal cup at stake)…) 
  • Pic'asso (the UTC foyer-bar mana­ged by volun­teer students)
  • Fil (the UTC stu­dents' in-house magazine)
  • Integ UTC (a group that aims to help new stu­dents get them­selves inte­gra­ted to the uni­ver­si­ty, local life, the asso­cia­tions and other possibilities…) 

Each year, the UTC student-engi­neers orga­nize their Gala Night, with a god­fa­ther/­god-mother cele­bri­ty. The year's gra­duates spend an unfor­get­table "night out", to cele­brate their suc­cess­ful gra­dua­tion with their friends and fami­ly and also with UTC staff members. 

Bureau des étudiants
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23

Together for the town (TUC)

'Together for the town' (TUC), a new way to become a committed citizen

« A spe­cial day devo­ted to various eco­lo­gi­cal, socie­tal, cultu­ral and huma­ni­ta­rian workshops »

The ini­tia­tive code-named "Toge­ther, for the Town" is a pro­ject that is an inte­gral part of the dyna­mic approach to seeing stu­dents become com­mit­ted citi­zens. It is an inno­va­tive ven­ture that value-adds to the 'town and gown' concept of a uni­ver­si­ty in a city, encou­ra­ging and enhan­cing exchanges among stu­dents and Compiegne's inha­bi­tants. Concre­te­ly, the pro­ject consists of mobi­li­zing all new stu­dents coming to UTC, to ESCOM to the Mireille Gre­net Lycée … all told, some 1 500 stu­dents, with 500 gra­duate men­tors wor­king on eco­lo­gi­cal, peda­go­gi­cal, sports, cultu­ral and socie­tal work­shops to bene­fit the Town, for one full day when the aca­de­mic year commences.

This is an ini­tia­tive laun­ched by UTC stu­dents in a part­ner­ship with the town­hall autho­ri­ties of 'Grea­ter' Com­piegne, i.e., inclu­ding Mar­gny-lès-Com­piègne and Venette. It is open to all Higher Edu­ca­tion esta­blish­ments and bene­fits from the ope­ra­tio­nal sup­port of other social and eco­no­mic part­ners the­re­by illus­tra­ting their own socie­tal and envi­ron­men­tal res­pon­si­bi­li­ty in line with the initiative. 

UTC Alumni

UTC Alumni, the dynamic alumni network

UTC Alum­ni is the alum­ni net­work of IUTC's gra­duates, aka 'UTCeans'. Trem­plin UTC repre­sents 18 000 gra­duates, 10 000 regis­te­red enter­prises, 20 regio­nal, inter­na­tio­nal the­ma­tic groups, and 30 to 40 mee­tings orga­ni­zed eve­ry year.

A pro­fes­sio­nal net­work is made avai­lable to the UTC stu­dents who are loo­king for, pla­ce­ments, end of stu­dies pro­jects, or advice as to pro­fes­sio­nal option or orien­ta­tions, or pre­pa­ring for a stay abroad, or get­ting invol­ved in asso­cia­tive projects.

Seve­ral actions are cur­rent­ly under­ta­ken by Trem­plin UTC:

  • 2 annual semi­nars on job hun­ting tech­niques and simu­la­ted recruit­ment inter­views :Prepa@'COM
  • a CV edi­ting advi­so­ry semi­nar held conco­mi­tant­ly to the COMUTEC event
  • 'Pro­fes­sio­na­li­za­tion' lec­tures each semes­ter on "How to write a CV and a let­ter of motivation"
  • Regu­lar atten­dance at the Pla­ce­ments Office to ans­wer student enquiries
  • A student/graduate godfather/mother sys­tem for fur­ther advice and extra infor­ma­tion about the pro­fes­sio­nal world beyond UTC. 
UTC Alum­ni
 +33 (0)3 44 23 52 42
À lire dans Interactions

« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

Desi­gn sonore made in UTC sur Radio France

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