UTC associations
Find all the student associations and their activities in the UTC.
The UTC students' union (BDE)
The BDE is the pivotal core of student associative life at UTC; the BDE federates all the student run associations, and acts as a relay with the world outside UTC and the University's Service units; it also manages the Students' Foyer (locally known as the Maison des Etudiants or MDE).
Associations are vital to the daily life of students, offering many services and activities and is indeed a real added value for personal or even professional projects.
The numerous associations tied to ‑the BDE are grouped into thematic poles. The poles themselves act as associations and play a role similar to that of the BDE:
Plaquette des associations
All such initiatives implemented by the BDE and by students, like the Imaginarium, the Festupic Festival, the Son & Lumière show, all contribute to improving the enjoyment of student life at UTC and in Compiegne and demonstrate amply just how rich the reservoir of talents is at the university. Learning how to live together, to participate in a collaborative project, to get involved in a cultural event … UTC's students possess all the qualities it takes to enable them to integrate the local university and city environment and to experience a real personal development during their stay at UTC.
Together for the town (TUC)
'Together for the town' (TUC), a new way to become a committed citizen
« A special day devoted to various ecological, societal, cultural and humanitarian workshops »
The initiative code-named "Together, for the Town" is a project that is an integral part of the dynamic approach to seeing students become committed citizens. It is an innovative venture that value-adds to the 'town and gown' concept of a university in a city, encouraging and enhancing exchanges among students and Compiegne's inhabitants. Concretely, the project consists of mobilizing all new students coming to UTC, to ESCOM to the Mireille Grenet Lycée … all told, some 1 500 students, with 500 graduate mentors working on ecological, pedagogical, sports, cultural and societal workshops to benefit the Town, for one full day when the academic year commences.
This is an initiative launched by UTC students in a partnership with the townhall authorities of 'Greater' Compiegne, i.e., including Margny-lès-Compiègne and Venette. It is open to all Higher Education establishments and benefits from the operational support of other social and economic partners thereby illustrating their own societal and environmental responsibility in line with the initiative.
UTC Alumni
UTC Alumni, the dynamic alumni network
UTC Alumni is the alumni network of IUTC's graduates, aka 'UTCeans'. Tremplin UTC represents 18 000 graduates, 10 000 registered enterprises, 20 regional, international thematic groups, and 30 to 40 meetings organized every year.
A professional network is made available to the UTC students who are looking for, placements, end of studies projects, or advice as to professional option or orientations, or preparing for a stay abroad, or getting involved in associative projects.
Several actions are currently undertaken by Tremplin UTC:
- 2 annual seminars on job hunting techniques and simulated recruitment interviews :Prepa@'COM
- a CV editing advisory seminar held concomitantly to the COMUTEC event
- 'Professionalization' lectures each semester on "How to write a CV and a letter of motivation"
- Regular attendance at the Placements Office to answer student enquiries
- A student/graduate godfather/mother system for further advice and extra information about the professional world beyond UTC.