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  • UTC's strategic partners

    In line with its values and cre­do, UTC has the capa­ci­ty to trans­form its aca­de­mic added values into riches bene­fit­ting the Region, defi­ning stra­te­gic orien­ta­tions sha­red by ins­ti­tu­tio­nal, eco­no­mic and social partners.

    The French UT network

    The French UT network, a historic joint model

    UTC was esta­bli­shed in 1972, UTBM in 1985 and UTT in 1994. Toge­ther they have deci­ded to form a Group (as of 2013). UTC here com­plies with a struc­tu­ral poli­cy logic based on sha­ring views on the training/research model and its rein­for­ce­ment. The stu­dents are the first bene­fi­cia­ries, with a com­mon admis­sion pro­cess and a high­ly dyna­mic alum­ni net­work. Moreo­ver, to the extent that the engi­nee­ring diplo­ma has become increa­sin­gly attrac­tive out­side France, the UT Group has mul­ti­plied its deter­mi­na­tion to convince new inter­na­tio­nal part­ners and to conso­li­date its pre­sence and visi­bi­li­ty to forei­gn entrepreneurs/partners.

    The joint strength of the UT Group led to the esta­blish­ment of a joint cam­pus at Shan­ghai: the Sino-Euro­pean Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Shan­ghai (UTSeuS). The 4 French Uni­ver­si­ties of Tech­no­lo­gy share the same set of assi­gned mis­sions: tea­ching and trai­ning, research and tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer. Toge­ther they have more than 7 000 matri­cu­la­ted stu­dents and have awar­ded more than 20 000 engi­nee­ring diplomas.

    Sorbonne University Alliance

    In 2012, UTC became a mem­ber of the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty Alliance, with 6 other French Higher Edu­ca­tion establishments:

    as well as 4 natio­nal research establishments:

    It is an alliance signed bet­ween pres­ti­gious HE esta­blish­ments qua­li­fying as 'excellent' each pro­vi­ding its best skills and talents a wide range of aca­de­mic spe­cial­ties (eco­no­mics, huma­ni­ties, busi­ness, science, medi­cine and tech­no­lo­gy). The inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ri­ty joint actions of the actors and the com­mu­ni­ty impli­ca­tion in Socie­ty consti­tute a strong dri­ving force. The resources sha­red (start-up nur­se­ries, tech­no­lo­gy matu­ra­tion struc­tures …) the­re­fore plays an impor­tant role in regio­nal and natio­nal eco­no­mic development.

    As a mem­ber of this part­ner­ship, UTC com­plies with a stra­te­gic logic of the­ma­tic com­ple­men­ta­ri­ty and inter­na­tio­nal visi­bi­li­ty via nume­rous, world-wide co-ope­ra­tion agree­ments. In short, the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ties clus­ter is reco­gni­zed as one of the world's prime research centres.

    This par­ti­cu­lar pro­ject was one of the lau­reates of the second wave of the 'excellent' ini­tia­tives (Idex) selec­ted in the French Government's Invest­ments for the Future incen­tive plan. With the acro­nym SUPER (Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ties in Paris for HE and Research), this Idex – with a spi­rit of inno­va­tion – will pro­vide strong leve­rage for eco­no­mic, envi­ron­men­tal, social, cultu­ral, intel­lec­tual and inter­na­tio­nal deve­lop­ments through the know­ledge base, the skills and talents avai­lable, dis­co­ve­ries and new tech­no­lo­gies that will be pro­du­ced, as well as by the qua­li­ty of the mana­gers, research scien­tists and lea­ders that will be trained. 

    The Hauts-de-France Region

    The Hauts-de-France, focal point for the deployment of UTC's local innovation and creativity ecosystem

    The Hauts-de-France Region plays a spe­cial role with res­pect to day-to-day lives of the 'Picards' and the student popu­la­tions in par­ti­cu­lar. The Regio­nal autho­ri­ties have adop­ted a smart spe­cia­li­za­tion stra­te­gy (S3) which pro­vides finan­cial sup­port to the local HE esta­blish­ments, accom­pa­nying their deve­lop­ment, in such a way that Research will become a vec­tor for local growth. Scien­ti­fic research acti­vi­ties receive spe­cial sup­port through a regio­nal poli­cy with 3 main priorities:

    • to encou­rage dyna­mic research plans and mobi­li­ty of high level research scientists
    • to encou­rage and enhance open approaches to research, where the regio­nal poles fede­rate acti­vi­ties of the local labo­ra­to­ries. Bet­ter recog­ni­tion of scien­ti­fic and tech­no­lo­gi­cal know­ledge and know-how also helps make these acces­sible to enterprise
    • to encou­rage local com­pa­nies to hire regio­nal man­po­wer spe­cia­li­zed in science and tech­no­lo­gies. Three levels of rela­tion­ship have been crea­ted bet­ween the part­ners: universities/enterprise; resource centres /enterprise; secon­da­ry schools /enterprise.

    The Hauts-de-France Region also sup­ports stu­dents hel­ping them to car­ry out their stu­dies in the best pos­sible condi­tions. There are aid packages for health, for trans­port, for inter­na­tio­nal mobi­li­ty and cultu­ral events.

    Moreo­ver, UTC, UPJV-Amiens Jules Verne)the Ecole d'Ingénieurs en Génie Elec­trique, Infor­ma­tique, Télé­com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Réseaux, Pro­duc­tique et Déve­lop­pe­ment Durable (ESIEE – Amiens)the Ins­ti­tut Poly­tech­nique La Salle Beau­vais (IPLB)the Ecole Supé­rieure de Chi­mie Orga­nique et Miné­rale (ESCOM – Com­piègne)the Ecole Supé­rieure d'Art et de Desi­gn (ESAD – Amiens)… and all the other HE esta­blish­ments in Hauts-de-France have set up an asso­cia­tion (French 1901 law).

    UTC the­re­fore com­plies with a regio­nal logic of contents and ter­ri­to­rial impli­ca­tions. The asso­cia­tion has ini­tia­ted a Regio­nal Confe­rence for HE and Research esta­blish­ments. It also aims at deve­lo­ping and exten­ding the imple­men­ta­tion of the local Inno­va­tion and Crea­ti­vi­ty Eco-sys­tem in what is known as Picar­die Tech­no­pole.


    ESCOM: a european 'green chemistry' focal point

    One of the major chal­lenges facing UTC is to be able to attract means and skills nee­ded for any viable future deve­lop­ment. With this poli­cy issue in mind, UTC approa­ched ESCOM (Ecole Supé­rieure de Chi­mie Orga­nique et Miné­rale) and the Ins­ti­tut Poly­tech­nique Lasalle Beau­vais (IPLB) to set up the first Euro­pean 'green che­mis­try' pole in the Picar­die Region.

    One of the ear­ly pro­jects under­ta­ken in this part­ner­ship fra­me­work was the crea­tion of a R&D plat­form in Che­mis­try and Ther­mo-Che­mis­try, the first joint scien­ti­fic tool ser­ving the needs of the pole of comp­te­ti­vi­ty Indus­try & Agro-Resources (IAR), in which both IPLB and UTC are actors and part­ners. The R&D plat­form is part of the natio­nal deve­lop­ment plans for increa­sed use of rene­wable resources, fol­lo­wing the gene­ral poli­cy aim of attai­ning sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment. It is a part­ner­ship that will also seek to deve­lop scien­ti­fic com­ple­men­ta­ri­ties bet­ween UTC and IPLB, nota­bly in the areas of envi­ron­ment, geos­ciences and agro-food sectors.

    Conver­gence of views bet­ween UTC, ESCOM, IPLB and the Picar­die Region led UTC to pro­pose this geo­gra­phic and the­ma­tic col­la­bo­ra­tion, ser­ving the Region's land-deve­lop­ment plans.

    À lire dans Interactions

    Par­ti­ci­per à la chaîne des valeurs

    Sou­te­nir la dyna­mique étudiante

    Le cercle ver­tueux et syner­gique des partenariats

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