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UTC governance

In accor­dance with the natio­nal Code of Edu­ca­tion, bye-laws and sta­tutes, UTC-Com­piegne has seve­ral bodies allo­wing to asso­ciate various UTC actors and their part­ners from indus­trial sec­tors and the ter­ri­to­rial com­mu­ni­ties to the stra­te­gic deci­sions of the esta­blish­ment: an Aca­de­mic Board, the Scien­ti­fic Advi­so­ry Coun­cil, the Com­mit­tee of Stu­dies and Cam­pus life, the UTC Mana­ge­ment Com­mit­tee, the Com­mit­tee for Health and Safe­ty and Wor­king condi­tions, the Tech­ni­cal Com­mit­tee, the Advi­so­ry Coun­cil of the doc­to­ral school, the Aca­de­mic Coun­cil for the UTC Uni­ver­si­ty Departments…

The Director

The Govern­ment-appoin­ted Direc­tor (via the French Minis­try for HE & Research) is assis­ted by a Depu­ty Direc­tor and Uni­ver­si­ty Stee­ring Com­mit­tee.

NDLT – UTC enjoys a hybrid sta­tus, on one hand, it is an Engi­nee­ring School (like the other French engi­nee­ring ‘Grandes Ecoles’) but it also has a dero­ga­to­ry sta­tus as a Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy. In kee­ping with past prac­tice and docu­ments, the “Direc­teur” can also be desi­gna­ted by the Anglo-Saxon equi­va­lents, viz., Prin­ci­pal & Vice- Chan­cel­lor (the Chan­cel­lor is the Minister).

The UTC Academic Board

The UTC Academic Board is currently chaired by Jean-Louis Chaussade

The UTC Aca­de­mic Board:

  • sets out the gene­ral poli­cy of the institution
  • decides, sub­ject to natio­nal regu­la­tions, the gene­ral orga­ni­za­tion of studies
  • pro­poses mea­sures to pro­mote the life of the uni­ver­si­ty community.
  • it votes on the bud­get and approves the accounts; it deter­mines the dis­tri­bu­tion of posi­tions allo­ca­ted by the rele­vant minis­ters. It autho­rizes the Direc­tor to engage any legal pro­cee­dings. It approves the agree­ments and conven­tions signed by the Direc­tor and, sub­ject to the spe­ci­fic condi­tions laid down by decree, loans, the acqui­si­tion of hol­dings, the crea­tion of sub­si­dia­ries, the accep­tance of dona­tions and lega­cies, and the acqui­si­tion of pro­per­ty. It shall exer­cise dis­ci­pli­na­ry power under the condi­tions defi­ned in Articles 712−6−2, L811 5, L811 6, L952 7 to L952 9 of the French Edu­ca­tion Code;
  • deter­mines the dis­tri­bu­tion of the bud­get of the means set aside for training;
  • deter­mines the rules rela­ted to examinations
  • defines the rules for the eva­lua­tion of teaching;
  • adopts mea­sures to ensure the suc­cess of the grea­test num­ber of students;
  • adopts mea­sures to enable the imple­men­ta­tion of student gui­dance and the vali­da­tion of pre­vious lear­ning achie­ve­ments, to faci­li­tate their entry into wor­king life and to encou­rage cultu­ral, spor­ting, social or asso­cia­tive acti­vi­ties offe­red to stu­dents, as well as mea­sures to improve living and wor­king condi­tions, in par­ti­cu­lar mea­sures rela­ting to sup­port acti­vi­ties, uni­ver­si­ty and school works, medi­cal and social ser­vices, libra­ries and docu­men­ta­tion centres and access to digi­tal resources;
  • adopts mea­sures aiming at pro­mo­ting and deve­lo­ping inter­ac­tions bet­ween sciences and Socie­ty, ini­tia­ted and ani­ma­ted by stu­dents or lec­tu­rer-cum-research scien­tists, within UTC but also on the ‘ter­ri­to­ry of influence’ of UTC;
  • adopts the neces­sa­ry mea­sures for the recep­tion and the suc­cess of the stu­dents with a han­di­cap or an inva­li­da­ting health disor­der, in accor­dance with the obli­ga­tions incumbent on the higher edu­ca­tion esta­blish­ments under the terms of article L. 123−4−2 of the Code of Education;
  • allo­cates the bud­get for research;
  • sets the ove­rar­ching research poli­cy as well as the ope­ra­ting rules of the laboratories;
  • adopts mea­sures to enable stu­dents to deve­lop acti­vi­ties for the dis­se­mi­na­tion of scien­ti­fic, tech­ni­cal and indus­trial culture;
  • appoints the func­tio­nal Directors;
  • may dele­gate, for a spe­ci­fic per­iod and in a field express­ly laid down by deli­be­ra­tion, some of its powers to the Direc­tor, with the excep­tion of appro­val of the esta­blish­ment contract and the accounts, as well as the bud­get and the inter­nal rules. The Direc­tor shall report to the Board as soon as pos­sible on deci­sions taken under this delegation.

The Board com­prises 28 Governors:

  • 14 exter­nal per­so­na­li­ties (inclu­ding 3 repre­sen­ta­tives of local autho­ri­ties: Com­piègne agglo­me­ra­tion, the Oise Depart­men­tal Coun­cil, the Hauts-de-France Regio­nal Council);
  • 3 student representatives
  • 8 repre­sen­ta­tives of the tea­ching staff
  • 3 repre­sen­ta­tives of the libra­ry, engi­nee­ring, admi­nis­tra­tive, tech­ni­cal, social and health staff (BIATSS).

The Board meets at least three times a year, conve­ned by its President.

At the request of the Direc­tor or at the request of two-thirds of the mem­bers of the Board to its chair­per­son with a spe­ci­fic agen­da, the Boartd must also be conve­ned by its chair­per­son or, fai­ling that, by its vice-chairperson.

The Scientific Advisory Council

The Scien­ti­fic Advo­si­so­ry Coun­cil is consul­ted before all deci­sions taken by the Aca­de­mic Board in the field of research. It is consul­ted or can issue wishes as to the orien­ta­tions of UTC‘s research poli­cies, the dif­fu­sion of the scien­ti­fic, tech­ni­cal and indus­trial culture and the scien­ti­fic and tech­ni­cal docu­men­ta­tion. It is chai­red by the direc­tor of UTC and by a Vice-President.

It ensures the links bet­ween aca­de­mic tea­ching and research.

It com­prises 23 members:

  • 11 repre­sen­ta­tives of the lec­tu­rer-cum-research staff and research scientists ;
  • repre­sen­ta­tives of the engi­nee­ring and admi­nis­tra­tive staff ;
  • exter­nal personalities ;
  • student repre­sen­ta­tives of PhD students.

The Committee of Studies and Campus life

The Com­mit­tee of Stu­dies and Cam­pus life pro­poses to the Board the orien­ta­tions, as well as the dis­tri­bu­tion and the orga­ni­za­tion of the tea­ching in ini­tial and conti­nuing edu­ca­tion.

It is chai­red by the UTC-Direc­tor and by two Vice-Pre­si­dents, one of whom is a UTC under­gra­duate student.

It also exa­mines the requests for accre­di­ta­tion and the pro­jects of new tea­ching spe­cial­ty courses. Final­ly, it exa­mines all ques­tions rela­ted to student life, sup­port acti­vi­ties, the libra­ry, uni­ver­si­ty and school social ser­vices

It com­prises 32 mem­bers:

  • 12 repre­sen­ta­tives of the tea­ching staff ;
  • 12 student representatives ;
  • 4 repre­sen­ta­tives of the BIATSS staff, viz., libra­ry, engi­nee­ring, admi­nis­tra­tive, tech­ni­cal, social and health staff ;
  • 4 exter­nal personalities.
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