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Missions and values

Our values

The UTC model

UTC stands as a model for its trai­ning schemes where engi­nee­ring sciences, social sciences and huma­ni­ties, eco­no­mics and poli­ti­cal science are blen­ded har­mo­nious­ly toge­ther to serve the ove­rar­ching aim of trai­ning of tomorrow's engi­neers, scien­tists, mana­gers, as inno­va­tive, huma­nist per­sons capable of control­ling and mas­te­ring com­plex situa­tions in today's infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tions inten­sive society.

UTC is an ins­ti­tu­tion that lends mea­ning to our Socie­ties, in which dif­ferent cultures and dif­ferent modes to unders­tand the world can exchange usefully. 

It is a focal point where the leit­mo­tiv 'inno­va­tion' is defi­ned and rede­fi­ned conti­nuous­ly.

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Our missions

Building the future

UTC enter­tains the ambi­tion to be reco­gni­zed as a major, world-class, Euro­pean uni­ver­si­ty of tech­no­lo­gy, focu­sed and dra­wing on crea­ti­vi­ty and innovation. 

Though our crea­tive actions, we wish to play a key role in the war of ideas that heralds in the 21st Cen­tu­ry. Deve­lo­ping stu­dents' crea­ti­vi­ty and poten­tial relies on pro­mo­ting a series of trans­verse, plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ry and inter-cultu­ral approaches, with strong sup­port from research fin­dings. This also calls for a rein­for­ce­ment of the arts base, a dri­ving force for inno­va­tion, culture and a fac­tor condu­cive to the deve­lop­ment of citi­zen­ship and eco­no­mic growth. 

Through sear­ching for inno­va­tion, we ful­ly assume our triple role of advan­cing know­ledge and know-how, trans­mit­ting and dis­se­mi­na­ting the same and also having Men trans­form them into all sorts of inno­va­tions ser­ving Man­kind and Society.

To uphold such a vision, coherent as it is with UTC's values, modern in terms of the vision it pro­vides for the role of the uni­ver­si­ty and ori­gi­nal in its ambi­tion to prove crea­tive, also implies that we ensure that a num­ber of condi­tions are ful­ly met: 

  • a vision borne by and embo­died in the UTC com­mu­ni­ty, fin­ding strength and com­mit­ment in accom­pa­nying an ove­rar­ching pro­ject that is unders­tood and sha­red by all concerned 
  • an ins­ti­tu­tio­nal orga­ni­za­tion and gover­nance that proves both reac­tive and encou­ra­ging and which draws the best from each com­ponent part and from each mem­ber of our staff 
  • per­so­nal and ins­ti­tu­tio­nal deve­lop­ment built with and for our students
  • a capa­ci­ty to attract talents, to mobi­lize, deve­lop, accom­pa­ny and value-add to the man­po­wer resources of the university 
  • an increase and diver­si­fi­ca­tion of finan­cial resources
  • a poli­cy of stra­te­gic alliances and net­works, nota­bly in the fra­me­work of a strong ter­ri­to­rial stance and positioning. 

4 assigned missions

  • To assure excellent the­ma­tic research, in a condu­cive inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry context of com­mit­ment, open to the issues of its environment 
  • To pro­duce know­ledge, skills and know-how by enga­ging in research activities
  • To trans­mit and dis­se­mi­nate know­ledge through tea­ching and trai­ning and to accom­pa­ny the under­gra­duates to deve­lop an inno­va­tive out­look and vision 
  • To intro­duce know­ledge and inno­va­tions in a trans­for­ma­tion pro­cess condu­cive to pro­du­cing inventions 

Lending meaning to 'innovation'

Ever since 1972, the year of UTC's crea­tion, inno­va­tion has been at the heart of the university's stra­te­gy and poli­cy deci­sions, nota­bly in terms of peda­go­gy. Today's modern world calls for new forms of use­ful inno­va­tion, desi­gned for and by Socie­ty. We can judge inno­va­tion as a social requi­site and no lon­ger as a simple tech­ni­cal object or arte­fact. Inas­much as inno­va­tion contri­butes to pro­gress, it is not just the result of work by those who pro­duce know­ledge, but also by future users, but is very rapid­ly dis­se­mi­na­ted via digi­tal equip­ment, pro­cesses and wide-ran­ging networks.

The lec­tu­rers, research scien­tists and engi­neers at UTC are busy len­ding mea­ning to inno­va­tion while remai­ning atten­tive to a world on the move and to the expec­ta­tions of the university's entre­pre­neu­rial part­ners. They also place lear­ning and entre­pre­neu­rial deve­lop­ment at the heart of their concerns. UTC's tech­no­lo­gy-inten­sive stance aims at pro­vi­ding inte­gra­ted ans­wers to real pro­blems and also at hel­ping Socie­ty assi­mi­late the ans­wers. The university's acti­vi­ties bene­fit from the blend of scien­ti­fic spe­cial­ties, and encou­rage the adop­tion of new inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry stances, relying for this on the scien­ti­fic excel­lence of the UTC labo­ra­to­ries and research programmes.

For these rea­sons, we see inno­va­tion as an ensemble of pro­cesses that allow you to trans­form new know­ledge into a pro­ducts or socio-tech­ni­cal objects that car­ry mea­ning for users, in a use-orien­ted logic, pro­vi­ding an added value for Socie­ty. But, over and above the inno­va­tion pro­cesses, there will be inter­per­so­nal inter­ac­tions among those who share the ideas that led to inno­va­tive creations.

Graduate engineers

From builders to creators, a change in spirit

Engi­nee­ring sciences, for­ming the core of UTC's tea­ching, trai­ning and research mis­sions, allows us to bridge the dis­tance bet­ween the advan­ce­ment of basic sciences and concrete appli­ca­tions and rea­li­ty. Beyond the requi­site "unders­tan­ding to unders­tand", the UTC engi­nee­ring spe­cial­ties aim at "unders­tan­ding to act". The fun­da­men­tal laws of phy­sics, che­mis­try, bio­lo­gy and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring … are, in essence, embo­died in what engi­neers do and, in reverse, the pro­blems that arise from prac­ti­cal engi­nee­ring appli­ca­tions often gene­rate new and basic scien­ti­fic ques­tions. It is this constant to-and-forth move­ment bet­ween know­ledge and know-how that we iden­ti­fy one of the ori­gi­nal fea­tures of engi­nee­ring today, where tech­no­lo­gies are crea­ted and develop.

Engi­nee­ring schools must train inno­va­tive gra­duates today, which alone is a major chal­lenge, cal­ling, as it does, for a deep-rea­ching change of our uni­ver­si­ty peda­go­gy. We must deve­lop inno­va­tion and gra­dual­ly move on from the intrin­sic and natu­ral buil­der out­look of engi­neers to pro­duce a more entre­pre­neu­rial, more inno­va­tive crea­tor of busi­ness, jobs and acti­vi­ties, trans­for­ming inno­va­tion into the main dri­ving force of our scien­ti­fic and tech­no­lo­gi­cal trai­ning schemes. This is indeed why Social Sciences and Huma­ni­ties must be asso­cia­ted from the out­set, to ensure the condi­tions are ripe for suc­cess. Inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ri­ty pro­vides stu­dents with the keys to suc­ceed with their per­so­nal pro­jects, in a holis­tic vision of the crea­tive pro­cess, pro­du­cing in fine tomorrow's pro­ducts and ser­vices. Over and above being know­led­geable and skilled in tech­no­lo­gies, a UTC gra­duate is also capable of thin­king social­ly, envi­ron­men­tal­ly and indeed of incor­po­ra­ting all other aspects of the chal­lenges ahead!
À lire dans Interactions

Par­ti­ci­per à la chaîne des valeurs

Sou­te­nir la dyna­mique étudiante

Le cercle ver­tueux et syner­gique des partenariats