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  • Applying for a UTC professional degree course

    Public concerned

    Stu­dents, employees and job-see­kers can apply.

    To apply, you must have a Bac +2 in the tech­ni­cal sector:

    • BTS in Indus­trial Main­te­nance, Mecha­nics, Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion, Elec­tri­cal Engi­nee­ring or a tech­no­lo­gy-based degree
    • DUT in Indus­trial Main­te­nance, Elec­tri­cal Engi­nee­ring and Indus­trial Com­pu­ting, Mecha­ni­cal and Pro­duc­tion Engi­nee­ring, etc.
    • A degree (Licence 2) in the fields of Science and Tech­no­lo­gy and Engi­nee­ring Sciences.


    The recruit­ment pro­ce­dure is in two stages:

    • Request the appli­ca­tion file from Xavier Fal­lard and Cathe­rine Bali­gand.
    • Depo­si­ting the appli­ca­tion file.

    Continuing education

    You are eli­gible for Conti­nuing Edu­ca­tion if you are in one of the fol­lo­wing categories

    • you have inter­rup­ted HE stu­dies for at least 2 years
    • you are wor­king as an employee, no mat­ter the length of time
    • you are a job-see­ker (whe­ther or not on Asse­dic, paid for by the Hauts de France region for job-see­kers living in the region, sub­ject to the deci­sion of the region's com­mis­sion jury).
    For­ma­tion ini­tiale
    Cathe­rine Bali­gand
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 99
    For­ma­tion ini­tiale
    Xavier Fal­lard
     +33 (0)3 44 23 49 40
    For­ma­tion conti­nue
    Ysa­belle Mon­glon 
     +33 (0)3 44 23 43 96
    À lire dans Interactions

    « Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

    Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

    Desi­gn sonore made in UTC sur Radio France

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