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Biological engineering (GB)

UTC’s Dept. of Bio-Engi­nee­ring aims at com­bi­ning engi­nee­ring and life sciences via high level courses, plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ry basic and applied research, strong res­ponses to expec­ta­tions expres­sed by Socie­ty and Indus­try. The future gra­duate will acquire skills and know­ledge in bio­lo­gy, com­pu­ter science, phy­sics, mecha­ni­cal and che­mi­cal engineering … 

UTC-GB key figures

  • 35 research scien­tists – lecturers 
  • 8 CNRS research scientists 
  • 7 contract research scientists 
  • 26 sup­port engi­neers, tech­ni­cians and admin. staff
  • 400 to 450 students 
  • 30 PhD students 
  • 100 to 120 engi­neer diplo­mas war­ded each year 
  • 50 to 60 Master's degree/yr.
  • 10 to 15 PhDs/yr.
  • 3 to 5 stu­dents in the Conti­nuous Edu­ca­tion scheme 

Departmental specialty streams

There are 4 elec­tive spe­cial­ty streams: 


UTC's Bio-engi­nee­ring Dept. is asso­cia­ted with a very active research pro­gramme, thanks to: 

  • Two joint UTC / CNRS laboratories: 

Bio­me­cha­nics and Bio-Engi­nee­ring (UTC-BMBI) – UMR CNRS 7338 where plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ry research focuses on stu­dies and deve­lop­ment of arti­fi­cial organs and bio­ma­te­rials and of the mus­cu­lo-ske­le­ton system.

Enzyme and Cell Engi­nee­ring (UTC-GEC) – UMR CNRS 7025 where the research focuses on bio-cata­lysts at mole­cu­lar, supra­mo­le­cu­lar and cel­lu­lar levels.

  • lnvol­ve­ment in the Government's Invest­ments for the Future pro­gramme (ITE PIVERT, Equi­pex Figures)
  • Par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the world-class com­pe­ti­ti­vi­ty pole: Indus­tries and Agro-Resources (IAR).

Partnerships and valorisation

UTC's research is valo­ri­sed thanks to pri­vate sec­tor indus­trial part­ner­ships (Total, Decath­lon, Fre­se­nius Medi­cal Care, Novance, L'Oréal, Gam­bro, Sty­ker, Kodak, …), to public research esta­blish­ments (nume­rous tea­ching hos­pi­tals CHU, plus the INSERM, CNES, Can­cer-League, AF, …) and through appli­ca­tion of a strong poli­cy of paten­ting and enter­prise crea­tions (Bio-2M, Poly­In­tell, BioParHom, …)

Contact and documentation

Direc­trice du département
Yolande Per­rin
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 35
Res­pon­sable pédagogique
Murielle Dufresne
 +33 (0)3 44 23 46 09
Res­pon­sable des stages
Aude Cor­din
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 03
Coor­di­na­trice des stages
Mar­tine Yvinec
 +33 (0)3 44 23 43 28
Coor­di­na­trice des rela­tions internationales
Séve­rine Padiolleau
 +33 (0)3 44 23 46 21
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