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  • Applying for the UTC engineering diploma course

    At UTC, rated top post-bac engi­nee­ring school in France, each course is unique and per­so­na­li­zed. Inno­va­tive peda­go­gi­cal prin­ciples, an inter­na­tio­nal ope­ning and rela­tions with the com­pa­ny make UTC a pri­vi­le­ged place where each student builds his pro­fes­sio­nal project.

    Admis­sion requirements

    Admission requirements

    Registering an application

    The orga­ni­za­tion of UTC trai­ning on a  semes­ter basis allows for two pos­sible admis­sion dates, one in Februa­ry and one in September.

    Appli­ca­tions for the spe­cial­ties can be sub­mit­ted on the web­site

    Appli­ca­tions for the com­mon engi­nee­ring core pro­gramme are to be sub­mit­ted :

    - via the web­site for the Sep­tem­ber admis­sion;
    - via the web­site for the begin­ning of the aca­de­mic year in February.

    Recruitment procedure at the UTC

    Stu­dents are admit­ted on the basis of their aca­de­mic record and a moti­va­tion interview.

    The pro­ce­dure is com­mon to all three uni­ver­si­ties of tech­no­lo­gy: the appli­ca­tion is filled out online only, for both French and forei­gn candidates.

    Depen­ding on your pro­file, you will be cal­led in for a group inter­view or an indi­vi­dual inter­view to assess your moti­va­tion. In both cases, you will be invi­ted for a half-day inter­view (8.45 a.m./12 p.m. or 1.45 p.m./5 p.m., depen­ding on the can­di­date order list ).

    • If you are a forei­gn can­di­date (Bac+2 and above), you must regis­ter on the web­site to obtain your file num­ber before sub­mit­ting your application.
    • If you are alrea­dy stu­dying abroad, you will be exemp­ted from the inter­view. A good know­ledge of the French lan­guage is necessary.

    Contact the French Embas­sy for infor­ma­tion on stu­dying in France. The UTC does not give scho­lar­ships, so you will have to prove to the French Embas­sy that you have suf­fi­cient income to stay in France.

    University fees

    The appli­ca­tion fee rate for the admis­sion of stu­dents for the pre­pa­ra­tion of the engi­nee­ring degree is set at 105 euros (in accor­dance with the French Govern­ment decree dated Februa­ry 26, 2021 set­ting appli­ca­tion fees).

    Pay­ment is secure and can be made online, by cheque, money order, inter­na­tio­nal money order or bank trans­fer (exclu­ding Wes­tern Union money orders).

    Can­di­dates with French govern­ment scho­lar­ships do not pay these fees, after sen­ding a proof to the fol­lo­wing address:

    › UTC – Admis­sions – Rue Roger Cout­to­lenc – CS 60319 – 60203 Com­piègne Cedex

    Compulsory university fees

    • tui­tion fees: 618 € for the year or 309 € for the semester.

    Stu­dents with French higher edu­ca­tion grants are exempt from regis­tra­tion fees and student social secu­ri­ty contributions.

    Optional fees

    • mai­ling of the diplo­ma: 15.30 € ;
    • mem­ber­ship of the Stu­dents' Union (BDE): 30 €.
    Ser­vice des admis­sions
     +33 (0)3 44 23 43 55
    Core cur­ri­cu­lum

    Applying for the core curriculum

    For its engi­nee­ring degree, UTC-Com­piegne recruits at various levels, from the Bac S to Bac + 4. The pre­vious years of stu­dy can be vali­da­ted via ECTS credits.

    Appli­ca­tions are made via the Govern­ment HE web­site

    Admission requirements for the common core at UTC

    • to hold a French Bac
    • dura­tion of stu­dies: 5 years
    • admis­sion is based on an appli­ca­tion file and a group interview


    • to hold a French Bac + one year of scien­ti­fic and tech­ni­cal stu­dies vali­da­ted and reco­gni­zed by UTC (L1, math sup, PCEM1)
    • Dura­tion of stu­dies: Depen­ding on the course, equi­va­lences may be gran­ted, under cer­tain conditions

    Registration calendar for the common core programme at UTC

    Autumn entry

    The appli­ca­tion is made via the web­site

    • from Janua­ry to mid-March: crea­tion of the appli­ca­tion file and for­mu­la­tion of ins­ti­tu­tio­nal preferences
    • ear­ly April: last day to fina­lize the appli­ca­tion file
    • April / May: inter­views
    • from the begin­ning of June: results

    Spring term admission

    Appli­ca­tions can be sub­mit­ted via

    • Octo­ber 1st to Novem­ber 15: application
    • mid-Novem­ber to mid-Decem­ber: interviews
    • 3rd week in Decem­ber: results
    Ser­vice des admis­sions
     +33 (0)3 44 23 43 55

    Applying for the Hutech programme

    Appli­ca­tions are made via Par­cour­sup.

    The UTC Huma­ni­ties and Tech­no­lo­gy pro­gramme is open to bac­ca­lau­reate holders.

    Can­di­dates who also apply for the com­mon core do not pay any addi­tio­nal regis­tra­tion fees.

    The results are publi­shed on the Par­cour­sup website.

    Selection on the basis of applications and interviews

    An admis­si­bi­li­ty phase is orga­ni­zed: an ad hoc com­mit­tee iden­ti­fies a cer­tain num­ber of rele­vant appli­ca­tions from the aca­de­mic (school/lycée) file, the let­ter of moti­va­tion and the appli­cants’ CVs. They are then cal­led in for 2 inter­views (in groups and indi­vi­dual­ly with a lec­tu­rer of the HuTech course).

    Admis­sion invi­ta­tions will be issued in April for the UTC Hu-Tech programme.

    For the HuTech inter­view in par­ti­cu­lar, some pre­pa­ra­tion is requi­red, so that the inter­view can relate part­ly to know­ledge content, and part­ly to appli­cants personalities.

    The pre­pa­ra­to­ry work, explai­ned in this docu­ment, consists of

    • Rea­ding a text repre­sen­ta­tive of the key contents of HuTech – in epis­te­mo­lo­gy / his­to­ry of tech­niques concer­ning one of the tar­ge­ted engi­nee­ring fields: bio­lo­gy, com­pu­ter science or urban planning;
    • Iden­ti­fy in the news (via an article or extract from a book) a tech­no­lo­gi­cal topic which, on the one hand, illus­trates the chal­lenges of asso­cia­ting human sciences and engi­nee­ring, and, on the other hand, concerns the can­di­date, inter­ests him/her and could consti­tute a field of action at a later stage (at this stage: a mere pro­jec­tion). This article must be brought to the inter­view and its com­men­ta­ry will be a main ele­ment of the interview.
    Res­pon­sable du cur­sus
    Nico­las Salz­mann
     +33 (0)3 44 23 52 09
    Ser­vice des admis­sions
    Valé­rie Kopins­ki
     +33 (0)3 44 23 43 15

    Applying for an engineering specialty

    The conditions for admission to the specialty courses

    • Hold a Bac +2 (BUT, BTS, Licence, L2 (scien­ti­fic) vali­da­ted, CPGE)
    • dura­tion of stu­dies: 3 years
    • Admis­sion is based on appli­ca­tions and indi­vi­dual inter­views (except for can­di­dates from CPGE classes: group interview).


    • hold a vali­da­ted degree L3 in the field of the cho­sen engi­nee­ring course, i.e., with up to 30 ECTS possible
    • dura­tion of stu­dies: 2.5 years (sub­ject to obtai­ning cre­dits com­pa­tible with our curriculum)
    • admis­sion is based on the aca­de­mic file (lycée …) and an indi­vi­dual interview


    • Hold a vali­da­ted Master’s degree level M1 or higher in the field of the cho­sen engi­nee­ring course, and the vali­da­tion of an inter­n­ship in the indus­trial field of at least 20 weeks, i.e., with up to 60 ECTS possible
    • dura­tion of stu­dies: 2 years
    • admis­sion is based on the aca­de­mic file (lycée …) and an indi­vi­dual interview.

    Grid of accep­table diplo­mas – French UT Network

    Calendar for registration in one of the specialty courses

    Appli­ca­tions for branches can be sub­mit­ted on the web­site

    Autumn admission

    • Janua­ry 20 to March 20: appli­ca­tion regis­tra­tion period
    • end of Februa­ry to end of May: interviews
    • end of May: results

    Spring admission

    • Octo­ber 1st to  Novem­ber 15: appli­ca­tion regis­tra­tion period
    • mid-Novem­ber to mid-Decem­ber: interviews
    • 3rd week of Decem­ber: results
    Ser­vice des admis­sions
     +33 (0)3 44 23 43 55
    UTC Sport élite
    Arnaud Van­ni­catte
     +33 (0)3 44 23 43 49

    Applying foe a UTC apprenticeship programme

    Choosing training via an apprenticeship

    The admis­sions ppli­ca­tion pro­cess is the same as for can­di­dates on a 'conven­tio­nal' course. Howe­ver, there is no Februa­ry ses­sion start date for appren­ti­ce­ship candidates.

    UTC pro­poses the trai­ning by appren­ti­ce­ship for the mecha­ni­cal and com­pu­ter science spe­cial­ties of its engi­nee­ring diploma.

    Recruitment process

    • Janua­ryApril: regis­tra­tion per­iod for appli­ca­tions on the UTC web­site (same admis­sion pro­cess as for other engi­nee­ring students)
    • Februa­ry: recep­tion of the first offers from part­ner companies
    • Mid-April: first appren­ti­ce­ship jury fol­lo­wed by trai­ning in fin­ding a contract (wri­ting a CV, cover let­ter and pre­pa­ring for interviews)
    • Mid-May: second appren­ti­ce­ship panel fol­lo­wed by contract search trai­ning (CV wri­ting, cover let­ter and inter­view preparation)
    • June – August: recruit­ment inter­views and signing of contracts (48 appren­tices per class)
    • Begin­ning of Sep­tem­ber: start of the UTC school year

    Before any contract is signed, a per­so­nal contact is esta­bli­shed in order to vali­date the ade­qua­cy bet­ween trai­ning and the expec­ta­tions of the com­pa­ny (HR and future appren­ti­ce­ship supervisor).

    Res­pon­sable admi­nis­tra­tive appren­tis­sage
    Karine Sli­wak
     +33 (0)3 44 23 49 56
    Ser­vice de l’apprentissage
    Jen­ni­fer Leroy
     +33 (0)3 44 23 52 77

    Prac­ti­cal information

    Practical information

    You can consult the fol­lo­wing sites to obtain infor­ma­tion concerning

    You can also consult the pages of the student life sec­tion for more infor­ma­tion on UTC buil­dings, the asso­cia­tive life, sports acri­vi­ties at UTC, the libra­ries, the CROUS and the Region grants, loans…

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