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La chaire hydraulique : de la recherche aux applications
Une nouvelle filière en génie des procédés
At UTC, rated top post-bac engineering school in France, each course is unique and personalized. Innovative pedagogical principles, an international opening and relations with the company make UTC a privileged place where each student builds his professional project.
The organization of UTC training on a semester basis allows for two possible admission dates, one in February and one in September.
Applications for the specialties can be submitted on the website https://www.groupe-ut.fr/
Applications for the common engineering core programme are to be submitted :
- via the website https://www.parcoursup.fr for the September admission;
- via the website https://www.groupe-ut.fr/ for the beginning of the academic year in February.
Students are admitted on the basis of their academic record and a motivation interview.
The procedure is common to all three universities of technology: the application is filled out online only, for both French and foreign candidates.
Depending on your profile, you will be called in for a group interview or an individual interview to assess your motivation. In both cases, you will be invited for a half-day interview (8.45 a.m./12 p.m. or 1.45 p.m./5 p.m., depending on the candidate order list ).
Contact the French Embassy for information on studying in France. The UTC does not give scholarships, so you will have to prove to the French Embassy that you have sufficient income to stay in France.
The application fee rate for the admission of students for the preparation of the engineering degree is set at 105 euros (in accordance with the French Government decree dated February 26, 2021 setting application fees).
Payment is secure and can be made online, by cheque, money order, international money order or bank transfer (excluding Western Union money orders).
Candidates with French government scholarships do not pay these fees, after sending a proof to the following address:
› UTC – Admissions – Rue Roger Couttolenc – CS 60319 – 60203 Compiègne Cedex
Students with French higher education grants are exempt from registration fees and student social security contributions.
For its engineering degree, UTC-Compiegne recruits at various levels, from the Bac S to Bac + 4. The previous years of study can be validated via ECTS credits.
Applications are made via the Government HE website https://www.parcoursup.fr.
The application is made via the website https://www.parcoursup.fr.
Applications can be submitted via https://www.groupe-ut.fr/.
Applications are made via Parcoursup.
The UTC Humanities and Technology programme is open to baccalaureate holders.
Candidates who also apply for the common core do not pay any additional registration fees.
The results are published on the Parcoursup website.
An admissibility phase is organized: an ad hoc committee identifies a certain number of relevant applications from the academic (school/lycée) file, the letter of motivation and the applicants’ CVs. They are then called in for 2 interviews (in groups and individually with a lecturer of the HuTech course).
Admission invitations will be issued in April for the UTC Hu-Tech programme.
For the HuTech interview in particular, some preparation is required, so that the interview can relate partly to knowledge content, and partly to applicants personalities.
The preparatory work, explained in this document, consists of
Grid of acceptable diplomas – French UT Network
Applications for branches can be submitted on the website https://www.groupe-ut.fr/.
The admissions pplication process is the same as for candidates on a 'conventional' course. However, there is no February session start date for apprenticeship candidates.
UTC proposes the training by apprenticeship for the mechanical and computer science specialties of its engineering diploma.
Before any contract is signed, a personal contact is established in order to validate the adequacy between training and the expectations of the company (HR and future apprenticeship supervisor).
You can consult the following sites to obtain information concerning
You can also consult the pages of the student life section for more information on UTC buildings, the associative life, sports acrivities at UTC, the libraries, the CROUS and the Region grants, loans…